Compiled by Linda Cunningham Fluharty.
Company "L"
Joseph Stewart - Resident or enrolled Cameron, W.Va.; 34; mustered in 14 Oct 1861, Cameron, W.Va. Farmer, born in Wetzel Co., W.Va. Re-enlisted as a Vet. Vol. 30 Mar 1864, at Rowlesburg, W.Va., under Gen'l Order #191, War Dept Series of 1863. Captured at New Creek, W.Va., 28 Nov 1864 and died of disease 19 Feb 1865, at Annapolis, Md.
The Class III West Virginia Civil War medal of Joseph Stewart was claimed by SHIRLEY H. FINCH, gr-gr-granddaughter, from the W. Va. State Archives, Jan 2004. [Shirley --> Earnest June Hollandsworth --> Lucy May Stewart (m. James William Hollandsworth) --> James "Taylor" Stewart (m. Melissa Angeline (Lemasters)) --> Joseph Stewart.]
1860 Census, Proctor District, Wetzel County, W.Va.
Joseph Stewart, farmer, 35, b Pa
Frances C., 34, b Pa
James T., 11, b Pa
George W., 8, b Va
Eliza Ann, 7, b Va
Sarah J., 4, b Va
1870 Census, Proctor District, Wetzel County, W.Va.
Catherine Stewart, 49(?), Widow, Keeping Hosue, $200, $100, b Pa
George W., 18, At home, b Va
Eliza A., 16, b Va
Sarah J., 14, b Va
Mary E., 9, b Va
Transcribed by Linda Fluharty
She further declares that she was married to the said JOSEPH STEWART at Squire Strosnider's in Green Co. Pa on the 4 day of July A.D., 1849, by one John Strosnider, a Justice of the Peace; that her name before her marriage was FRANCES MARSHALL, and that ever since the death of her said husband, she has remained a widow: as will more fully appear by reference to the proof annexed. viz Certificate of the Justice of the Peace who performed the marriage ceremony.
That during the existence of the aforesaid marriage there were born to her and her said husband the following named children, who are now under the age of sixteen years, viz:
She also declares that she has in no manner been engaged in, or aided or abetted, the Rebellion of the United States.
She further says that her Post Office address is BELLTON, MARSHALL CO WEST VA.
Frances (her X mark) Stewart
Also personally appeared JAMES MARSHALL and GEO W MARSHALL, residents of the the Counties of WETZEL & MONONGALIA and State of WEST VIRGINIA, persons whom I certify to be respectable and entitled to credit, and who, being by me duly sworn, say that they were present and heard the contents of the foregoing declaration read to teh said FRANCES STEWART and saw her sign her name MAKE HER MARK thereto. They further swear that they were acquainted with the said JOSEPH STEWART, deceased, in his life-time, and know that he and and the said FRANCES STEWART, lived and cohabited together as man and wife, up to the time when he entered the service, and that they were generally recognized as such by their acquaintances and neighbors, and their marriage was never questioned. That during the continuance of said marriage there were born to them the following named children, all of whom are now under the age of sixteen years, viz:
That since the death of her said husband the said FRANCIS STEWART has not married, but is still a widow; and that she is the identical person whe represents herself to be. All the foregoing statements they make from their own personal knowledge; and they have no interest in the prosecution of this claim.
James Marshall
George W. Marshall
Sworn to and subscribed before me, this 6th day of June A.D. 1865, and I thereby certify that I have no interest, direct or indirect, in the prosecution of this claim.
Witness my signature and the seal of said Court, at Wheeling, the day and year aforesaid.
Jacob Burkle
Clerk of Court of
Ohio Co WVa
Proof of Marriage
SIMON STROSNIDER, being duly affirmed deposeth and says: that he was a Justice of the Peace in and for the County of Greene and State of Pennsylvania, duly sworn and confirmed as such from the year 1845 to the year 1855. That during the time he was thus commissioned as a Justice of the Peace to wit, in the 1849. He joined in matrimony, according to the Laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, in such case made and provided, JOSEPH STEWART of Whetzel County (W) Virginia to Miss FRANCES MARSHAL of Monongalia County (W) Va. and further saith not.
Affirmed & subscribed before me this 10th day of June 1865.
Signed by Simon Strosnider
Witnessed by Sinmon Rinehart J.P.
State of Penna
County of Greene, ss
Personally appeared before me the subscriber a Justice of the Peace in and for the County and State above written Mr. THOMAS MARSHALL & JOSEPH MARSHALL whom I certify to be credible witnesses being duly Sworn declare that they are well acquainted with Joseph Stewart and his wife Frances and Present at the office of Simon Strosnider in Wayne Twp., Greene Co. Pa. and heard and saw said Joseph Stewart and Frances Marshall Married by S. Strosnider on the 5th day of July 1849 and further that they have no interest in this claim.
Thomas (his X mark) Marshall
Joseph Marshall
Attest: S. Strosnider
(J. R. Tygard, J.P. - 29 March 1867)
Record of Death and Interment - From Service Record
Name and number of person interred. Joseph Stewart 383
Number and locality of grave. 348 Annapolis Md. Ash Grove U.S. Cemetery
Hospital number of the deceased. 4846
Regiment, rank and company. 6" Va. Vols. Private, L.
Residence before enlistment. Whetsell Co, Va.
Conjugal condition, (and if married, the residence of widow). Married. Bellton, Marshall Co Va.
Cause of death. Diarrhea Chronic
Age of the deceased. 38.
Nativity. Pennsylvania
References and remarks. Paroled Prisoner.
Date of death and burial. Feb 19". Feb 21"