Revolutionary War Soldiers' Graves, Ohio County, WV |
Ohio & Marshall County Revolutionary Patriots |
A Short Sketch of the Life of Henry Clarke |
Christopher Parriott Pension Application |
Captain John Baker |
WAR OF 1812 |
Rosters |
Pension File of Jacob Sivert |
Civil War: West Virginia - Adj. Gen. Records & Hundreds of Biographies |
History of Marshall County Book, 1925 - Civil War - MANY ERRORS CORRECTED! |
History of Marshall County, West Virginia, 1925 - See COMPLETE BOOK (ERRORS!) |
1st West Virginia Cavalry Regiment - Biographies, Records & More - |
First West Virginia Infantry - Book, Biographies & More |
The Civil War Medals of WV... Where Are They? |
12th West Virginia Infantry - Book, Biographies & More |
Battery "D" 1st W. Va. Light Artillery |
Militia & Home Guards, Marshall County |
1883 Pensioners' Roll, Marshall County (Most are Civil War)
| 1890 Marshall County "Special" Census of Veterans & Widows |
Soldiers' Biographies - Presidents, Soldiers, Statesmen, 1898
| Soldiers' Obituaries |
Civil War Union Veterans Buried In Sand Hill Cemetery |
History of the Panhandle, West Virginia |
Civil War Ancestors of T. Vernon Anderson |
9th W.Va. Infantry - Adjutant General's Report, (1864 Memorandum) |
11th W.Va. Infantry - Adjutant General's Report, 1864 |
Company "B" 7th West Virginia Infantry - Records & Biographies |
Sarah Barker Brandon Sweeney - Civil War Mother |
First Confederate Casualty |
Letter - 6th W.Va. Infantry Soldiers |
13 Veterans of Civil War Survive in Marshall County |
Tree Planting Song |
When General Taylor Ate His Dinner Here |
First Marshall Soldier to Fall In Battle |
Reminiscences of a Moundsville Man |
Woman Shouted at Whig Meeting |
Miscellaneous Civil War Articles - Marshall County |
The Era When Our Veterans Received Adoration and Respect |
Survivors, Company "I" 6th W.Va. Cavalry |
Civil War Soldier Descendants, 1961 |
Civil War Soldiers Buried at West Alexander, Pa. Cemetery |
The names of 148 Civil War dead are missing from the 2019 Service Dead Memorial. ALL of the missing names are found among the soldiers in this list below OR on my Civil War sites. |
George Standiford, Citizen, Died While a P.O.W. |
Charles A. Hoge, Co. "F" 2nd Md. Infantry, C.S.A. - Died of Wounds |
John Wilmoth Lewis & Sons, C.S.A. - John Jr., Walter & Thomas Died |
Samuel A. Smith, Confederate Soldier, Civil War |
Robert H. Adams, Co. "E" 9th W.Va. Infantry - Died While P.O.W. |
Uriah T. "Duck" Alley - Last Civil War Survivor in Marshall County |
James Anderson, Co. "F" 39th Iowa Infantry - Died of Disease |
John C. Anderson, Co. "L" 6th W.Va. Infantry - P.O.W.; Died of Disease |
Lee Anshutz, Capt., Co. "C" 155th Penna. Infantry - K.I.A. |
Jacob Antill, Co. "I" 61st Penna. Infantry - K.I.A., Wilderness |
William Ashby, Co. "B" 7th W.Va. Infantry - Died of Disease |
Capt. John P. Baggs, Co. "A" 11th Infantry - Snake Hunters |
John Thomas Baird, Co. "H" 7th W.Va. Infantry - K.I.A., Antietam |
James Madison Baker, 17th W.Va. Infantry |
James M. Baker, 77th Ohio Infantry - Died of Wounds |
Lt. Col. Francis W. H. Baldwin, 7th W.Va. Infantry |
Richard Ball, Co. "L" 6th W.Va. Infantry - Died of Disease |
William Morgan Bane, Co. "A" 86th Illinois Infantry - K.I.A., Cheatham Hill |
Jonathan Barcus, 6 W. Va. Cavalry - Died of Disease 1870 |
William Barkes, Co. "B" 6th Kansas Cavalry - Died of Disease |
Ide Manfred Bartlett, Co. "I" 6th W.Va. Cavalry - Died of Disease |
(Theodore) Perry Biddle, Co. "I" 77th Ohio Infantry - Died of Disease |
George W. Blake, Co. "H" 11th W.Va. Infantry - Died of Disease |
Joseph C. Bloyd, Co. "H" 11th W.Va. Infantry - Died of Disease |
The James Bonar Family |
John Nelson Bonnett - 13th Ohio Infantry - K.I.A., Stone's River |
James David Bonar - Co. "L" 4th W.Va. Cavalry - Died at Andersonville |
Thomas Snodgrass Bonar, Co. "D" 1st W.Va. Infantry |
James M. Boyd - Co. "A" 6th W.Va. Infantry - Hanged |
Eli Brant, Co. "F" 7th W.Va. Infantry - Died of Disease |
John B. Briggs, Co. "C" 15th W.Va. Infantry - Died of Disease |
Frederick Bruhn - Accidental Death In Co. "K" 6 W.Va. Infantry |
Andrew J. Burge, Co. "L" 6th W.Va. Infantry - Died of Disease |
Harvey M. Burge, Co. "L" 6th W.Va. Infantry - Died of Disease |
John Wesley Bush, 17th W.Va. Infantry |
Edward F. Bynon, Co. "H" 195th Ohio Infantry - Died in 1865 |
Joseph Cain, Co. "L" 4th W.Va. Cavalry - Died at Andersonville |
Philip Caldabaugh, 189th Ohio Regiment |
Stephen Carfer, Co. "K" 15th W.Va. Infantry - Died of Wounds |
Caleb & Mary Ellen (Welling) Chambers |
Eli Chambers, Co. "A" 17th W.Va. Infantry - Died of Disease |
Josiah Chambers, 7th W.Va. Infantry - Died of Wounds |
John Chedester, Co. "I" 15th W.Va. Infantry - Died of Wounds |
James Clark, Co. "K" 17th W. Va. Infantry - Died of Disease |
Robert Clouston, Co. "C" 6th Iowa Infantry - Died of Disease |
George & Thomas Coffield, 7th W.Va. Infantry - Both Died |
Elijah Coulter, Co. "D" 7th W.Va. Cavalry - Died of Disease |
Andrew Coulter, Co. "I" 4th W.Va. Infantry - Died of Disease |
Dr. Samuel F. Craig, 7 W.Va. Infantry - Died of Disease |
Samuel Criswell, Co. "B" 126th Ohio Volunteer Infantry |
William G. Crow, Co. "G" 85th Pennsylvania Infantry |
Josiah Cunningham, 6th W.Va. Infantry - Died of Disease |
Martin Davidson, Batt'y "H" 1st W.Va. Lt. Artillery - Died While P.O.W. |
Samuel P. Davis, Co. "A" 11th W.Va. Infantry - Died in 1861 |
James Delaney, Co. "B" 7th W.Va. Infantry - Died of Disease |
John Hixenbaugh Denny, Co. "B" 7th W.Va. Infantry - Died of Disease |
Isaac Newton Doman, Co. "B" 79th Illinois Infantry - Died in Tenn. |
John P. Dougherty - Co. "H" 11th W.Va. Infantry - Died of Disease |
Isaac E. Dowler, Batt'y "H" 1st W.Va. Lt. Artillery - Died of Disease |
Jacob Dowler, Co. "C" 5th W.Va. Cavalry - Died of Apoplexy |
Michael Dunn, Co. "I" 6th W.Va. Infantry - Died of Disease |
Frederick Eimer, Co. "H" 15th W.Va. Infantry - Died of Disease |
Joseph Elliott, Co. "I" 15th W.Va. Infantry - Died of Disease |
Hiram Emory, 7th W.Va. Infantry - K.I.A., Hatcher's Run |
Samuel Evans, Co. "I" 6th W.Va. Infantry - Died of Disease |
David Founds, Co. "A" 17th W.Va. Infantry |
Franklin Founds, Co. "C" 7th W.Va. Infantry - K.I.A. Antietam |
William Harrison Frey, 92nd Ohio Volunteer Infantry |
Nicholas Fry, Co. "A" 11th Penna. Infantry - Died of Disease |
Dr. George C. Gans, Surgeon 10th W.Va. Infantry - Died of Disease |
Samuel C. Garlow, Co. "E" 6th Iowa Cavalry - Died of Disease |
Elijah "L.G." Geho & Samuel Geho - Both Died |
Emanuel Geho, Co. "C" 11th W.Va. Infantry - Died at Andersonville |
Joseph Geho, Co. "K" 6th W.Va. Cavalry - Died of Disease |
James Giles, Co. "B" 7th W.Va. Infantry - K.I.A., Hatcher's Run |
Oliver & Son, William O. Gorrell, Iowa Infantry - Both Died |
Pension Application of Edward Grandon |
Elias Wayman Gray, Co. "B" 7th W.Va. Infantry - K.I.A., Wilderness |
Maxwell Gray, Co. "D" 61st Penna. Infantry - K.I.A., Spotsylvania |
Edward S. Gregg, Co. "L" 4th W.Va. Cavalry - Died 1864 |
Isaac Grimes, Co. "I" 3rd W.Va. Inf. & Co. "C" 7th W.Va. Infantry |
Joseph Grimes, Co. "C" 7th W.Va. Infantry - Died of Disease |
Samuel Groves, 2nd New York Cavalry - Died at Andersonville |
George H. Gunn, Co. "I" 15th W.Va. Infantry - Died of Disease |
Samuel Gunn, 11th Penna. Infantry |
Leonidas Harris, Co. "F" 15th Ohio Infantry - W.I.A.; Died 1864 |
Reuben Harris, Co. "E" 12th Illinois Infantry - Died of Disease |
William G. Hartley, Co. "F" 7th W.Va. Infantry - Died of Disease |
Alpheus Heartley, Co. "H" 7th W.Va. Infantry - Died of Disease |
Richard M. Heatherington, Co. "E" 1st Iowa Cavalry - Died of Disease |
Adam Helms, 6th W.Va. Cavalry & 1st W.Va. Light Artillery |
Cornelius Higgs, Co. "H" 7th W.Va. Infantry - Died, Date Unknown |
Benjamin F. Hill, Co. "C" 83rd Illinois Infantry - Died of Disease |
Thomas Warren Hill, 15th W.Va. Infantry |
Francis Hoge, Confederate Soldier |
James M. & Jacob Howard, 1st W.Va. Infantry |
William H. Hoyt, Batt'y "H" 1st W.Va. Lt. Artillery - Died of Disease |
Joseph Hubbs, Co. "E" 77th Ohio Infantry - Died of Wounds |
Eli Benson Huggins, Co. "H" 17th W.Va. Infantry |
George Johnson, Batt'y "H" 1st W.Va. Lt. Artillery - Died of Disease |
Franklin Johnston, Co. "A" 17th W.Va. Infantry - Died of Disease |
William B. Johnston, Co. "I" 6th W.Va. Cavalry - K.I.A., Rocky Gap |
Jacob Kantriner, Co. "I" 15th W.Va. Infantry - P.O.W. Died of Wounds |
George Kemple, Co. "F" 3rd W.Va. Cavalry - Died of Disease |
Kiger Family In The Civil War |
John Lancaster, Co. "L" 6th W.Va. Infantry - Died in 1863 |
Benjamin F. Large, Co. "D" 126th Ohio Infantry - Died of Disease |
Thomas Lemasters, Co. "H" 11th W.Va. Infantry - Died of Disease |
Zadock Lewellen, Co. "A" W.Va. Exempts Infantry - Died of Disease |
Jackson Lewis, Co. "B" 7th W.Va. Infantry - Died of Disease |
James A. Lightner, Co. "G" 5th W.Va. Cavalry - K.I.A., Moorefield |
Denton Lock, A Moundsville Black Soldier - K.I.A., Fort Wagner |
Lt. Col. Jonathan H. Lockwood |
James W. Logsdon, Co. "H" 17th W.Va. Infantry - Died of Disease |
Joseph Lowe, Emancipated Slave - Died of Disease |
Malsed Brothers, William & Andrew, Died in War |
Samuel B. Manning, Batt'y "H" 1st W.Va. Lt. Artillery - Died of Disease |
George Marsh, Co. "I" 15th W.Va. Infantry - Died of Disease |
Jesse Masters, Co. "B" 7th W.Va. Infantry - Died 1865 |
Mathew Masters, Co. "B" 7th W.Va. Infantry - K.I.A. Spotsylvania |
Elias Matheny, Co. "B" 7th W.Va. Infantry - Died of Disease |
The 3 Andrew Mathews/Matthews |
James McCluskey, Co. "L" 6th W.Va. Infantry - K.I.A. at New Creek |
Court Martial of Lt. James H. McGill |
Samuel McGill, Co. "A" 11th W.Va. Infantry - Died of Disease |
Jacob McMasters, Co. "H" 11th W.Va. Infantry - Died of Wounds |
William Mellon, Co. "L" 6th W.Va. Infantry - Died While P.O.W. |
Elijah Miller - 6th W.Va. Cavalry - Died in Accident |
Thomas Mobley, Co. "A" 3rd W.Va. Cavalry - Died 1865 |
John Montgomery, 1st W.Va. Infantry, A Biography |
Francis/Franklin Moore, Co. "I" 15th W.Va. Infantry - Died of Disease |
Daniel Morris, Co. "P" 6th W.Va. Infantry - Died of Disease |
Ebenezer Morris, Co. "P" 6th W.Va. Infantry - Died of Disease |
Lt. Col. Thomas Morris, KIA Snicker's Ferry |
Judson Mozingo, Batt'y "H" 1st W.Va. Lt. Artillery - Died of Disease |
Muldrew Brothers in the Civil War |
Samuel C. Murphy, Co. "D" 11th Penna Infantry |
David S. Musgrave, Co. "L" 6th W.Va. Infantry - Died From Asphyxia |
George W. Nelson, Co. "B" 79th Illinois Infantry - Died in 1862 |
Lafayette Nelson, Co. "A" 3rd West Virginia Cavalry - Died of Disease |
Lt. Samuel A. Parriott, 4 W.Va. Cav. & 17 W.Va. Inf. |
William Delaney Patton, 77th Ohio Infantry |
John W. Price, Co. "A" 11 W.Va. Infantry - Died of Disease |
Andrew Jackson Pride, Co. "I" 6th W.Va. Cavalry - Died of Disease |
Louis Pugh, Co. "I" 6th W.Va. Cavalry - Died at Andersonville |
Robert Purdy, 6th W.Va. Cavalry & Potomac (Md.) Home Brigade |
Joseph Pyle - Veteran Given Belated Honor |
Grave & Obit of Jacob B. Pyles, 4th W.Va. Cavalry |
William H. Pyles, Co. "H" 11 W.Va. Infantry - Died of Wounds |
Thomas A. G. Ray, "H" 15th W.Va. Infantry |
Henry Reynolds, Co. "I" 6th W.Va. Cavalry - Died of Disease |
Moses Richey, Co. "E" 14th W.Va. Infantry - Died of Disease |
William M. Richmond, 4th W.Va. Cavalry |
Isaac Riggs, 8th Penna. Reserves - Died of Wounds |
Robert Riggs, Co. "A" 118th Illinois Infantry - Died in 1863 |
Jesse Roach, Co. "L" 6th W.Va. Infantry - Died of Disease |
Smith Risinger, 9th Penna. Reserves |
Francis Marion Roberts, Co. "H" 7th W.Va. Infantry - K.I.A., Chancellorsville |
James Nixon Roberts, Sgt, Co. "E" 15th Iowa Infantry - Died of Wounds |
Johnsey & Walter Roberts, Co. "A" 9th W.Va. Infantry - Both Died |
John Roome, Co. "A" 11th W.Va. Infantry, Died of Disease |
Alexander P. Rulong, Co. "G" 4th W.Va. Cavalry - Died of Disease |
Schneider/Snyder Brothers Died in the Civil War |
Robert Sherman, Co. "B" 7th W.Va. Infantry - K.I.A., Antietam |
Daniel Shoup, Co. "E" 77th Ohio Infantry, KIA |
David Shilling, Co. "L" 6th W.Va. Infantry - K.I.A., New Creek |
Newton Gilbert Sims (From Calhoun County WVGenWeb site) |
David Alexander Sivert, Co. "A" 3rd W.Va. Cavalry |
Joseph B. Sivert, Co. "A" 3rd W.Va. Cavalry - Died in 1863 |
William Sloan, Co. "E" 7th W.Va. Infantry - Died of Wounds |
John Ashbury Smith, Co. "H" 4th Iowa Infantry - K.I.A. |
Lewis H. Smith's Letters Home - Died of Wounds |
Thomas Fletcher Smith, Co. "A" 11th W.Va. Infantry - Died 1861 |
James W. Snedeker, Co. "A" 30th Iowa Infantry - Died of Disease |
Standiford Family In The Civil War |
Daniel Stephens, Co. "H" 11th W.Va. Infantry - Died of Disease |
Joseph Stewart, Co. "L" 6th W. Va. Infantry - Died of Disease |
Jaramiah Stipes, Unknown Regiment - Died in 1863 |
Henry Summers, Co. "I" 15th W.Va. Infantry - Died in 1863 |
John W. Sutter, Co. "H" 7th W.Va. Infantry - K.I.A. at Gettysburg |
Stewart Tagg, Co. "I" 6th W.Va. Cavalry - Died of Disease |
Benjamin Taylor, Co. "H" 11th W.Va. Infantry - Died of Disease |
David C. Taylor, Co. "H" 122nd Ohio Infantry - Died of Disease |
Daniel S. Terrill, Co. "L" 4th W.Va. Cavalry - Died of Disease |
John A. Thompson, Major 7th U.S. Cavalry - Murdered in 1867 |
Western Talbot Thompson, Allegiance Unknown, Died at Battle of Shiloh |
Barney Thornberry, 15th Ohio Inf. & 3rd W.Va. Cav. - Died of Disease |
Tomlinson Brothers in the 6th W.Va. Cavalry |
Five Truman Brothers in the Civil War - 3 Died |
George Trussell, Co. "D" 6th Iowa Infantry - Died at Andersonville |
James M. Venus, 9th Missouri Cavalry - Died of Disease |
Thomas Vousden, Co. "E" 10th Penna. Infantry Res. - K.I.A. |
John W. G. Wable - Co. "C" 17th W.Va. Infantry - Died of Disease |
John S. Wallace, Batt'y "H" 1st W.Va. Lt. Artillery - Died of Disease |
Manassah Bane Wayman - Died of Disease, 1864 |
Napoleon Wayt, Co. "G" 33rd Indiana Infantry - Died 1862 |
Silas Whipkey, Co. "A" 18th Penna. Cavalry - Died of Disease |
Eli Jackson White & James White, 18th Penna Cavalry - Both Died |
Joseph C. White Finds His Children |
Thomas Williamson, Co. "I" 6th W.Va. Cavalry - Died of Disease |
Marshall County Wilson Brothers in Iowa - Civil War |
James A. Wood, Co. "H" 11th W.Va. Infantry |
Thomas B. Wood, Co. "H" 11th W.Va. Infantry - Died of Disease |
Ezra Yoho, Co. "C" 3rd W.Va. Cavalry - K.I.A., Moorefield |
Charles Younger & Sons in the Civil War - And a Postwar Murder |
Related Links: |
George Tyler Moore Civil War Center - Shepherd College |
David Kerns, 1st W.Va. Infantry |
Kerns, 1st W.Va. Infantry |
Co. K, 140th Penna. Volunteers |
The Civil War Battles In West Virginia |
1890 Special Census, Ohio County, WV |
Unclaimed W.Va. Union Civil War Medals |
West Virginia In The Civil War |
Benjamin C. Criswell - Medal of Honor Recipient |
James A. Criswell Obituary |
Elgin Bert Jones |
Co. "M" Roster, Etc. |
Spanish-American War Soldiers' Obituaries |
Co. "M" 1st West Virginia Infantry |
Co. "M" 1st Sgt. Nielson & Trumpeter Stultz |
Marshall County Rosters, World War I - 1925 Book |
Marshall County Nurses in World Wars I & II |
Marshall County World War I Deaths & Obits |
Marshall County Casualties, World War I - 1925 Book |
Decorated Soldiers of World War I |
Distinguished Service Medals, Marshall County |
Soldiers of the Great War, West Virginia - Names & Photos |
314th Field Artillery - Book |
314th Field Artillery - Supply Company |
St. Joseph's Settlement World War I Veterans |
Sherrard's Eskey Brothers in World War I |
Clyde Stanley Kelley, 326th Field Signal Battalion |
Lawrence Larry Lancaster - Survived - Awarded Bronze Star |
Edwin E. Logan, Moundsville, W.Va. - (Barbara Welling Fox) |
Denver Pearle Martin - Survived the War |
Arch Parks - Mess Sgt., Camp Lee, Va. |
Joseph Henry "Paddy" Schmid |
Clarence Willard Vandine - Survived the War |
Ross Monte Wiley |
James Ralph Wilkerson, Wounded in Action |
William H. Wirt, DEAD-NOT-DEAD |
Died in Service |
Ralph L. Alexander, K.I.A., France - Also see Obits & Articles |
Peter Barovic, K.I.A., France |
Claude Worthington Benedum, Died of Disease |
The Blake Brothers - American Legion Post #46, Benwood |
Harold A. Chambers, Died of Disease, Camp Lee - Also see Obits & Articles |
Slater Chambers, Died of Disease, Camp Lee - Also see Obits & Articles |
George Grayson Calvert, K.I.A., France. - Also see Obits & Articles |
Morgan L. Carter, K.I.A., France. - Also see Obits & Articles |
William F. Conaway, Died of Disease - On Memorial but NOT Marshall County |
Walter C. Courtwright, Died of Disease - Also see Obits & Articles |
Lester Crow, Died of Wounds, France |
Mike Datzko, K.I.A., France |
Lewis Lester Davis, Died of Disease, England - Also see Obits & Articles |
Forest Lee Delaney, K.I.A., France - Also see Obits & Articles |
John James Dobias, K.I.A., France - Also see Obits & Articles |
Lester Delno Durbin, K.I.A. - Also see Obits & Articles |
John Hughie Earliwine, Lost at Sea - Also see Obits & Articles |
William Herbert Eller, Died of Disease - Also see Obits & Articles |
James Evans, K.I.A., France |
Howard M. Fisher, K.I.A. - On Memorial but NOT Marshall County |
James Robert Fitzgerald, K.I.A. - On Memorial but NOT Marshall County |
William P. Fox, Died of Wounds - Also see Obits & Articles |
Oliver Earl Francis, K.I.A., France - Also see Obits & Articles |
Rufus Garrett, Died of Disease, Camp Lee, Va. - On Memorial but NOT Marshall County |
David W. Geho, K.I.A., France - Also see Obits & Articles |
Lawrence Goodman, Died of Disease, Pittsburgh - Also see Obits & Articles |
Silas Gittings, Died in Auto Accident - Also see Obits & Articles |
Austin Ellsworth Gray, K.I.A., France - Also see Obits & Articles |
John L. Gray, Accidental Death, France - Also see Obits & Articles |
Matthew Green, Died of Disease, France - Also see Obits & Articles |
Jesse Perry Grim, K.I.A., France |
Cas C. Hale, Died of Disease or Accident, France - Also see Obits & Articles |
John David Hanna, Died of Disease, Camp Lee - Also see Obits & Articles |
Walter Ray Hartley, K.I.A., France - Also see Obits & Articles |
Friend William Hawkins, Died of Wounds - On Memorial but NOT Marshall County |
Joseph Hedges, K.I.A., France - Also see Obits & Articles |
Jesse Bond Hewitt, Died of Disease - Also see Obits & Articles |
John Hoyt, Died of Wounds, France |
Roy Samuel Hubbs, Died at Sea - Also see Obits & Articles |
Albert I. Jones, K.I.A. - Also see Obits & Articles |
Dwight Lorain Keller, K.I.A., France |
Paul Lajck, Died of Disease; Buried at Sea |
Thomas Francis Logsdon, Died of Disease, Camp Meade - Also see Obits & Articles |
Alvin Wesley Logston, Died in France - Also see Obits & Articles |
Ralph Earl Lowe, Died of Disease, Fort Screven - Also see Obits & Articles |
Jacob Pressley Loy, K.I.A., France |
Alexander G. Mackay, Died of Wounds, France - Also see Obits & Articles |
Albert Anthony Mountain, K.I.A. - Also see Obits & Articles |
Paul A. Norrington, Died at Sea - Also see Obits & Articles |
William P. Offterdinger, Died of Disease, Belgium - Also see Obits & Articles |
John T. Oliver, K.I.A. |
William Nice, W.Va. National Guard - Struck by Train - Also see Obits & Articles |
Manuel Niotis, Died of Wounds, France |
John Robert Orum, K.I.A., France - Also see Obits & Articles |
Ellsworth Richmond, Died of Disease, Camp Lee - Also see Obits & Articles |
Paul B. Riddle, K.I.A., France - Also see Obits & Articles |
Walter Bertram Riggle - On Memorial but NOT Marshall County |
William A. Riggle, Died of Disease, Ft. Screven - Also see Obits & Articles |
Walter Risor, Died of Disease, Camp Forest, Tenn. |
Robert W. Robinson, Accidental Death, Ft. Screven - Also see Obits & Articles |
Patrick Joseph Rodgers, K.I.A., France |
Mike Victor Saner, K.I.A., France - Also see Obits & Articles |
Lester W. Scott, Died of Wounds, France |
John Shimp, Died of Hemorrhage, Bellaire, Ohio |
Robert Ronald Shipley, Died of Disease - Also see Obits & Articles |
Arthur H. Siburt, Died of Disease at Home - Also see Obits & Articles |
Thomas "Earl" Staley - Died of Disease - Also see Obits & Articles |
George Creed Stewart, K.I.A., France - Also see Obits & Articles |
Samuel Tucker, Died of Wounds, France - Also see Obits & Articles |
Frank Hobart Turvey, Died of Disease, Morgantown - Also see Obits & Articles |
George Varlas, K.I.A., France - Also see Obits & Articles |
Elbert Whorton, K.I.A., France - Also see Obits & Articles |
Joe S. Wiblin, Died of Disease, France - Also see Obits & Articles |
John M. Williams, K.I.A., Belgium - Also see Obits & Articles |
Pearle Robert Yates, Died of Disease, Camp Lee - Also see Obits & Articles |
Died in Service - NOT on Memorial |
Mary Elizabeth Armstrong, R.N., A.N.C. - Died of Disease |
John Oren Earnest - K.I.A., France |
Wayland Orland Grandstaff - Died of Disease, France |
John Wilford Gray, K.I.A., France |
Guy M. Peoples - Died of Disease |
Clem Hayes Jones - Died of Disease in France |
George McClintoc - Died of Disease in France |
Charles Floyd Miller - Died of Disease En Route to France |
Charles Anthony Murtaugh - Died of Disease at Camp Taylor, KY |
Carl Pyles - Died of Disease at Camp Humphreys, VA |
Roderic Rayburn - Died of Disease in France |
Lawrence Cullen Riggs - Died of Disease |
George Skitarelich - Died of Wounds |
John Calvin Smith - Died of Disease at Camp Lee, VA |
Arthur C. Van Dyne - K.I.A. |
Harry Olin Vaughn - Died of Disease at Columbus Barracks, Ohio |
Harry J. Waywacker - K.I.A., France |
Marshall County WWII Veterans - Interior Courthouse Wall - MANY OBITS! |
Marshall County WWII Veterans - NOT on Courthouse Wall |
Some of the Veterans |
Marshall County Nurses in World Wars I & II |
Photos of Marshall County Vets - Young American Patriots |
St. Joseph's Settlement World War II Veterans |
World War II Draftees |
1569 Mail Bag, 1943 |
Lawrence R. Berardi & Son - U. S. Army |
Union High Deaths in WWII |
Charles L. Boswink, U. S. Army |
John W. "Jack" Cunningham, U. S. Navy |
Joseph D. Donato, U. S. Army, P.O.W. |
Brownie Evick, U. S. Army Air Corps - Died 1940 |
Nat Brownfield Frey, Lost in Battle of Java Sea - (NOT on Memorial) |
Jack Gould Receives Recognition |
Clarence J. Isleman, Canadian Army - Death Due to Service - (NOT on Memorial) |
Robert E. Kestner, Army Air Corps |
Jernwood Leek, Killed in Action, Italy - (NOT on Memorial) |
Remembering Bill Musilli, U. S. Army |
Wilfred I. Myers, U. S. Army |
Joseph Samuel Polsinelli, U. S. Navy Reserves |
Raymond Carl Richmond, U. S. Army, Died While Japanese POW |
James Lloyd Rose, First Marshall County Boy Killed |
Samuel Schane, U.S. Navy - Marriage |
Sgt. Melvin Porter Simms, U.S.A.A.F. - Died in Crash - (NOT on Memorial) |
George David Zearott, Jr. - U. S. Navy Reserves |
Veterans |
W.Va. Korean War Casualties - (National Archives) |
Joseph Samuel Polsinelli, U. S. Navy Reserves |
Died in Service |
Pfc. Eugene Melvin Cunningham, U. S. Army - K.I.A. |
Corporal Leslie Paul Curtis, U. S. A. F. - Died in Japan, Non-Combat |
Pfc. Daniel David Decrease, U. S. Army - K.I.A. |
Pfc. Ralph E. Kern, U. S. Air Force - Died in Auto Accident |
Maj. Gen. James M. Lewis, Died While Base Commander - (NOT on Memorial) |
Airman Melvin Lee McCombs, U. S. Air Force - Died in Auto Accident |
Pvt. Robert Lee Postlewait - Struck by Bulldozer - (NOT on Memorial) |
Vincent Provenzano, U. S. Air Force - Died in Plane Crash |
Samuel C. Robinson, U. S. Air Force - Died in Car Accident |
Maurice Ray Sills - K.I.A. - (NOT on Memorial) |
Lieut. William Skidmore, U. S. A. F. - Died in Fiery Crash |
Forrest Finley Smith - Died in Helicopter Crash - (NOT on Memorial) |
Harry Richard "Dickie" Wallace - K.I.A. - (NOT on Memorial) |
Glen L. Whitlatch, Distinguished Service Cross |
Leroy Thomas Yost, K.I.A. |
Roll Of Honor |
Veterans |
W.Va. Vietnam Casualties - (National Archives) |
Joseph Angelo Polsinelli |
Lt. Col. Samuel J. Cunningham, U. S. A. F. |
Gary Wolfe |
Died in Service |
Philip Gene Allietta, U.S.A.F., Died in Accident, 1970 - (NOT on Memorial) |
Lyle Glen Aston, U. S. Army, K.I.A., 1969 |
Col. Joseph Clair Austin, MIA Since 1967 |
David L. Conner, U.S.M.C., Died of Wounds, 1970 |
Edwin Russell Danehart, U.S.M.C., K.I.A., 1969 |
Tech. Sgt. Glenn Lee Fullerton, U.S.A.F., Died of Illness in Vietnam, 1971 |
Capt. Garland J. Isiminger, U.S.A.F., Killed in Crash, 1965 |
Frank Michael Koerner, U.S.M.C., K.I.A., 1969 |
Tedd Malcolm Lewis, U. S. Army, K.I.A., 1970 - (NOT on Memorial) |
Robert Melvin Lough, Jr., U.S.M.C., K.I.A., 1969 |
Joseph Elliott Mercer, U.S.M.C., Died in Accident, 1962 |
Robert Niedermyer, U.S.A.F., Died in Accident, 1962 |
Carl Wayne Oliver, U. S. Army, K.I.A., 1967 - (NOT on Memorial) |
Archie Andrew Porter, U. S. Army, K.I.A., 1967 - (NOT on Memorial) |
Franklin Delano Porter, U. S. Army, K.I.A., 1964 |
Willard F. Prochaska, U.S.M.C., K.I.A., 1969 - (NOT on Memorial) |
John Edward Roberts, Jr., U.S.M.C., K.I.A., 1969 - (NOT on Memorial) |
Gary Schubert, U.S.M.C., Died of Wounds, 1967 |
Paul Edward Wade, U. S. Army, Died in Accident, 1967 - (NOT on Memorial) |
Sp-4 William Kevin Wayt, U. S. Army, Died 1972 |
Sgt. John R. Weekly, U. S. Army, Died in Fire, 1967 |
Sgt. William Carl Whitlatch, Jr., U. S. Army, K.I.A., 1969 |
Kermit Yoho, U. S. Army, K.I.A., 1966 |
Leonard Joe Zelaski, Jr., U.S.M.C., K.I.A., 1968 |
Ryan Hammond Killed in Afghanistan Crash - OBITUARY |
Marshall County Men in Four Wars |
Marshall County Honors Veterans - 2001 |
Service Veterans of Marshall County |
Lt. Col. Samuel J. Cunningham, U. S. A. F. [Career] |
Marshall County Military Monument Dedication |
West Virginia Medal of Honor Recipients |