Ohio County, West Virginia
Graves, Etc.
Submitted by Gary Timmons.
JOHN BAIRD (BEARD), 1749 - Oct. 22, 1832. Served as a Private in Captain William Leet's 3rd Battalion, 2nd Class of the Washington County Pennsylvania Militia. Marker location - Stone Church Cemetery, Ohio County, W. Va.
DAVID BALDWIN, Jan. 25, 1758 - ----. Served as a Private in the New Jersey Militia. Pension S16620. Marker location - Unknown.
JOHN BECK, 1746 - Aug. 29, 1816. Served at various ranks in Colonel John Gibson's Virginia Regiment. Commanded Fort Henry for a nine month period. Also served in Dunmore's War. Pension W3755. Marker location - Beck Family (now Sonda) Farm on Ohio-Brooke County, W. Va. line.
CORNELIUS BELVILLE, c1760-c1835. Served as a Private in Captain Hugh McCracken's Company, Delaware Regiment Militia. Marker location - Unknown.
BENJAMIN BIGGS, Jan. 31, 1753 - Dec. 2, 1822. Served in the 13th Regiment of Virginia Continental Line and was transfered to the 7th Virginia Regiment with the rank of Captain. Marker location - West Liberty Cemetery, Ohio County, W. Va.
FRANCIS BOGGS, 1758 - July 11, 1825. Served as a Private 5th Class in the 3rd Battalion, Washington County, Pennsylvania Militia. Marker location - Stone Church Cemetery, Ohio County, W. Va.
LYDIA BOGGS (Shepherd, Cruger) - PHOTO 2, Feb. 26, 1766 - Sept. 26, 1867. One of the defenders of Fort Henry during the siege of Sept. 11, 1782. During the siege, Lydia assisted in melting bullets. Marker location - Stone Church Cemetery, Ohio County, W. Va. - [MORE about Lydia Boggs Shepherd Cruger and Monument Place.]
WILLIAM BONAR, 1751 - July 23, 1830. Served as a Private in Captain Benjamin Stits Company, Washington County, Pennsylvania Militia. Signed Oath of Allegiance Oct. 7, 1777. Marker location - West Liberty Cemetery, Ohio County, W. Va. PHOTO 2
JOHN BOYD. Served in the Ohio County Militia and was killed in the first siege of Fort Henry on Sept 1, 1777. Marker location - Unknown.
SAMUEL BRADY, 1756 - 1795-96. Served in the 6th & 8th Pennsylvania Regiments. Death date discrepancy - Old stone says January 1, 1796, new marker says 1795. Marker location - West Liberty Cemetery, Ohio County, W. Va.
JOHN BROWN, 1761 - April 22, 1812. Served as a Private in Captain George Sharp's 3rd Battalion Washington County, Pennsylvania Militia, and also served under Captain James Munn. Marker location - West Liberty Cemetery, Ohio County, W. Va.
JOSIAS BROWN, March 17, 1744 - March 27, 1821. Served as a Private in the Cumberland County Pennsylvania Militia. Marker location - Old Tent Cemetery, Ohio County, W. Va.
WILLIAM BROWN, Oct. 11, 1752 - July 3, 1832. Served as a Private in the Delaware Regiment of Foot Soldiers. Marker location - West Liberty Cemetery, Ohio County, W. Va.
JOHN BUKEY, c 1730 - Feb 1778. Listed in Ohio County Court Order Book as a Revolutionary War soldier. Buried at Short Creek Cemetery, Ohio County, W. Va. (marker not found).
JOHN BUTLER. Listed in Ohio County Court Order Book as a soldier in the Revolutionary War. Marker location - Unknown.
JAMES CALDWELL, 1724 - April 22, 1804. Appointed Justice of the Peace for the First Court of Ohio County, Virginia. Was a defender of Fort Henry during the siege of Sept. 11, 1782. Marker location - Greenwood Cemetery, Ohio Co., W. Va.
JAMES CALDWELL, JR., 1750 - Aug 1826. Listed in David Shepherd's papers as being a member of an Ohio County, Virginia Military District. Marker location - West Liberty Cemetery, Ohio County, W. Va.
JOHN CALDWELL, Jan 22, 1753 - 1842. Served as a Private in the Virginia Militia and took part in the first siege of Fort Henry on Sept. 1, 1777. Pension S9146. Marker location - Unknown.
EDWARD CARNEY (KEARNEY), May 10, 1753 - May 2, 1848. Served as a Private in a Delaware Line Regiment, and as a waiter for Dr. James Tilton. Pension S15495; listed as Edward Kearney. Marker location - West Liberty Cemetery, Ohio County, W. Va.
RICHARD CARTER, Sept. 6, 1759 - Oct. 1835. Served in Maryland as an orderly for the sick and also in the 4th Battalion of the Washington County, Pennsylvania Militia. Buried at Stone Church Cemetery, Ohio County, W. Va. (marker not found).
MOSES CATON CHAPLINE, Oct. 20, 1754 - Feb 10, 1812. Served as a 1st Lieutenant in the 1st Maryland Battalion Flying Camp and also the 6th Maryland Line. Marker location - Stone Church Cemetery, Ohio County, W. Va.
WILLIAM COCHRAN, 1735 - Sept. 13, 1782. Swore Allegiance to the Commonwealth of Virginia Oct. 4, 1777. Killed by Indians. Marker location - Short Creek United Methodist Church, Ohio County, West Virginia.
JACOB COLES. Served in the Ohio County Militia and was killed in the first siege of Fort Henry on Sept 1, 1777. Marker location - Unknown.
MICHAEL COX, Aug. 27, 1759 - Jan. 14, 1832. Served as a Private in the Washington County, Pennsylvania Militia. He participated in the Sandusky Expedition of 1782. Marker location - Cox Family Cemetery, Ohio County, W. Va.
MOSES CREIGHTON. Listed by various sources as a soldier of the American Revolution. Buried at Stone Church Cemetery, Ohio County, W. Va. (marker not found)
JOHN CURTIS, June 6, 1750 - July 27, 1843. Served as a Matross in the 1st Company Maryland Artillery. Pension S12645. Marker location - West Liberty Cemetery, Ohio County, W. Va.
PETER DAILEY (DALEY) died after Feb. 7, 1840. Served as a Private in Captain James Archer's 1st Battalion Washington County, Pennsylvania Militia. Marker location - Unknown.
ROBERT M. DAWSON. Listed in Ohio County Court Order Book as a soldier in the Revolutionary War. Marker location - Unknown.
BENAJH DEMENT, Aug. 17, 1738 - June 4, 1817. Served in the Ohio Co. Virginia militia. Marker location - Dement Family Cemetery, Ohio County, W. Va.
GEORGE DEMENT, Jan 10, 1742 - April 1798. Served as a Private in the 3rd Battalion of the Washington County Pennsylvania Militia. Buried at Dement Family Cemetery, Ohio County, West Virginia (no marker).
JESSE DEMENT, Oct. 10, 1740 - Jan. 17, 1781. Served in both the Pennsylvania and Virginia Militia and also listed as a Frontier Ranger. Marker location - Unknown.
EZEKIEL DEWITT, c 1741 - c 1792. Served as a Private in the 1st Company of the 4th Battalion, Washington County, Pennsylvania Militia. His home in West Liberty was also used as the first courthouse of Ohio County. Marker location - Unknown.
FRANCIS DUKE, Feb. 11, 1751 - Sept. 1, 1777. Appointed Deputy Commissary, Virginia Militia. Killed during Indian attack at Fort Henry on Sept. 1, 1777. Marker location - Stone Church Cemetery, Ohio County, W. Va.
JOHN EOFF, Feb. 14, 1752 - Feb. 13, 1831. Documented to have sold wheat to the Colonial Forces in October of 1780 while living in Berkeley County, Virginia. Also, per his will, along with William Chapline, laid out an "addition to the Town of Wheeling." Marker location - Greenwood Cemetery, Ohio County, W. Va.
WILLIAM FARIS, 1734 - Aug. 1, 1818. Served in a Virginia Line. Regiment Marker location - Stone Church Cemetery, Ohio County, W. Va.
WILLIAM FARRIS, 1748 - 1829. Served as a Private in the 10th Virginia Regiment of Augusta County. (Info from Historical Register of Virginians in the Revolution 1775-1783 pg 265) Marker location - Mt. Wood Cemetery, Ohio County, W. Va.
ELIJAH FOOTE, Oct. 29, 1740 - Oct. 15, 1813. Served as a Private in the 8th Connecticut Regiment. Marker location - West Liberty Cemetery, Ohio County, W. Va.
EDWARD GARTER (GATER, GAITER), 1745 - 1811. Served as a Private 7th Class in the 3rd Battalion of the Washington County, Pennsylvania Militia under Captain Andrew Swearingen. Marker location - Stone Church Cemetery, Ohio County, W. Va.
ROBERT GIFFEN, 1743 - August 17, 1829. Served as a Private 3rd Class in the 3rd Battalion of Washington County Pennsylvania Militia. Marker location - Old Tent Cemetery, Ohio County, W. Va.
THOMAS GLENN. Served in the Ohio County Militia and was killed in the first siege of Fort Henry on Sept 1, 1777. Marker location - Unknown.
JOHN GOOD. Received Government land grant for service of value rendered during the Revolutionary War. Served as a Major. Marker location - Unknown.
JOHN GOODING, died Sept. 11, 1818. Served as a Private 8th Class in Captain Andrew Farley's 1st Battalion, Washington County, Pennsylvania Militia. Marker location - Stone Church Cemetery, Ohio County, W. Va.
GEORGE GORDON, 1749 - Sept. 1, 1823. Served as a Corporal in the 17th Connecticut Continental Infantry. Was captured at the Battle of Long Island and held on prison ship "Montor" for several months. Pension S39399. Marker location - Unknown.
BENJAMIN HAMMITT, c 1750 - April 6, 1790. Signed Oath of Allegiance in Oct. 1877. Served under Captain William McMechen in the Ohio County, Virginia Militia. Marker location - Unknown.
ADAM HENTHORN, 1735 - 1790. Served as a Private in the 5th Battalion of the Washington County, Pennsylvania Militia. Marker location - Unknown.
WILLIAM HERVEY, c 1750 - May 22, 1815. Served as a Private in the 2nd Battalion of Washington County, Pennsylvania Militia. Signed Oath of Allegiance in Ohio County, Virginia on Sept. 24, 1777. Marker location - Stone Church Cemetery, Ohio County, W. Va. (marker not found)
ALEXANDER HILL, May 1, 1755 - ----. Served as a 2nd Lieutenant in Captain John Johnson's Company of Pennsylvania Cavalry. Took part in the Battle of Princeton. Wounded by a musket ball at Battle of Brandywine and received a saber cut at the skirmish at Crooked Billet. Was at Valley Forge. Pension R4991. Marker location - Unknown.
JOHN HOFFMAN, April 10, 1762 - After 1833. Served as a Private in the Virginia Continental Army. Pension S8735. Marker location - Unknown.
JAMES HOLLIDAY, May 3, 1753 - After 1837. Served as a Private in Captain Abraham Smith's Cumberland County, Pennsylvania Militia. Pension S7025. Marker location - Unknown.
DAVID HOSICK, c1750 - Dec. 1814. Served as a Captain in the Washington County, Pennsylvania Militia. Took part in the Sandusky Expedition. Marker location - Unknown.
GABRIEL JACOB - Photo 2, Aug. 27, 1753 - March 30, 1822. Served as an Ensign in the Maryland Militia. Marker location - Short Creek United Methodist Church Cemetery, Ohio County, W. Va.
EDWARD KEARNEY, See Edward Carney.
ISAAC KELLY, c 1746 - Mar. 2, 1825. Listed by various sources as a Revolutionary War soldier. Marker location - Buried at Stone Church Cemetery, Ohio County, W. Va. (marker not found).
JOHN LOCKMAN, See John Sockman.
DAVID LYON. Listed in Ohio County Court Order Book as a soldier in the Revolutionary War. Marker location - Unknown.
THOMAS McCLARY (McCLEARY). He served as a Private in the Berkeley County, Virginia Militia. While stationed at Fort Henry and fishing near the fort, he was attacked, scalped, and killed by Indians between 5 & 6 PM on June 7, 1777. Marker location - Unknown.
ABDIEL McLURE, June 8, 1751 - June 14, 1828. Served as a 1st Lieutenant in the Pennsylvania Regiment Flying Camp. Was taken prisoner in 1778 when Fort Washington was captured; also served in a Troop of Light Horse. Pension W7434. Marker Location - Mt. Wood Cemetery - Ohio County, W. Va.
ANDREW McCLURE, c 1722 - Aug. 2, 1800. Served as a Private in the 3rd Battalion of the Washington County, Pennsylvania Militia under Captain Samuel Shannon. Also listed as a Frontier Ranger. Marker location - Tent Cemetery, Ohio County, W. Va.
DAVID McCLURE Died: September 14, 1786. Served as a Lieutenant Colonel in the Virginia Militia. Served as clerk at the Council of War held at "Catfish Camp" (now Washington, Pa.) on January 28, 1777. Marker location - West Liberty Cemetery, Ohio County, W. Va. PHOTO 2
ABRAHAM McCOLLOCH, 1760 - May 5, 1839. Served as a Private in the Virginia Militia. Served at Fort Pitt. Pension S15534. Marker location - Short Creek United Methodist Church Cemetery, Ohio County, W. Va.
GEORGE McCOLLOCH, 1763 - May 19, 1836. Served as a Private in Captain Henry Graham's Company of the 4th Battalion of Washington County, Pennsylvania Militia. Also served as a Captain in the War of 1812. Marker location - Short Creek Cemetery, Ohio County, W. Va.
JOHN McCOLLOCH, SR., 1726 - April 6, 1778. Served as a Civil Servant and the first sheriff of Ohio County, Virginia. Took the Oath of Allegiance Jan. 6, 1777. Marker location - Unknown.
JOHN McCOLLOCH, JR., 1754 - April 16, 1821. Served as a Private in the Ohio County, Virginia Miliia. Marker location - Unknown.
SAMUEL McCOLLOCH, 1752 - July 30, 1782. Served as a Major in the Ohio County, Virginia Militia. Killed by Indians in an ambush. Burial location is probably near the site of Van Meter's Fort. Marker location - on private property off Boone & Hedges Road in Ohio County, West Virginia.
ARCHIBALD McDONALD, 1760 - March 12, 1838. Served as a Fifer in the Pennsylvania 10th Regiment of Foot. Marker location - Stone Church Cemetery, Ohio County, West Virginia.
ALLEN METCALF, Aug. 22, 1753 - Feb. 7, 1796. Served as an Ensign in the Berkeley County, Virginia Militia. Marker location - Unknown.
JOHN MILLIGAN, August 1751 - February 5, 1838. Served as a private in the Virginia Militia. Marker location - Stone Church Cemetery, Ohio Co., W. Va.
JOHN MILLS, March 6, 1752 - November 23, 1833-34. Served in the 7th, 9th & 13th Regiment of the Virginia Line. Death date discrepancy: old stone says 1834 new marker says 1833. Marker location - Stone Church Cemetery, Ohio County, W. Va.
LEVI MILLS, c1740 - after May 14, 1805. Served as a Private in the Washington County, Pennsylvania Militia. Marker location - Unknown.
WILLIAM MORRISON, c1753 - c1827. Served as a Private in the 3rd Battalion, 7th Company, 8th Class of Pensylvania Militia and also served as a Sergeant in the Ohio County, Virginia Militia. Marker location - Unknown.
PROVIDENCE MOUNTS (MOUNTZ) JR., Dec. 30, 1758 - May 16, 1813. Served from Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania on the Crawford Expedition of 1782. Helped lay out the town of West Liberty. His father was Lieutenant Colonel Providence Mounts of Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania. Marker location - Foreman-Mounts Cemetery (Hubert Bond Farm, Old Dixon Farm.)
JOHN NELSON, c 1732 - June 18, 1813. Served as a Private in Captain Andrew Swearingen's 3rd Battalion Washington County, Pennsylvania Militia. Marker location - West Liberty Cemetery, Ohio County, W. Va.
ISAAC OLDHAM, c1739 - 1821. Served as a Private in the 4th Battalion of the Westmoreland County Pennsylvania Militia under Col. Benjamin Davis. Duty was "Running the line between this state and Virginia." Marker location - Unknown.
THOMAS ORR, c 1749 - Oct. 31, 1835. Served as a Private and Ensign in the 3rd Battalion of the Washington County, Pennsylvania Militia. Listed as a Frontier Ranger and was on the Coshocton, Moravian, and Sandusky Expeditions. Marker location - Unknown.
JONATHAN PURDY, Aug. 1759 - After 1832. Served as a Private in the Westchester County, New York Militia. Pension S5956. Marker location - Unknown.
ROBERT PYATT (Pyeatt), Aug. 15, 1753 - ?. Served as a Private in Captain James Chamber's Company, Battalion of Rifleman, commanded by Colonel William Thompson. Pension S8987. Marker location - Unknown.
ABRAHAM RODGERS, Oct. 17, 1760 - Oct. 1837. Served as a Private in the Brooke County, Virginia Militia. He was at the first Battle of Fort Henry on Sept. 1, 1777. Marker location - West Liberty Cemetery, Ohio County, W. Va.
NICHOLAS RODGERS, 1734 - 1810. Served in the Ohio County, Virginia Militia. Was at the first Battle of Fort Henry on September 1, 1777. Marker location - West Liberty Cemetery, Ohio County, W. Va.
JOHANNES SACKMAN - See John Sockman.
DAVID SHEPHERD, 1734 - Feb. 2, 1795. Served as Colonel of the Ohio Co. Virginia Militia. Was at the first Battle of Fort Henry on Sept. 1, 1777. Marker location - Stone Church Cemetery, Ohio Co., W. Va.
MOSES SHEPHERD, Nov. 1763 - April 9, 1832. Served as a Private in the 5th Company, 3rd Battalion, Washington County, Pennsylvania Militia. Was at the second Battle of Fort Henry on Sept. 11, 1782. Marker location - Stone Church Cemetery, Ohio County, W. Va.
WILLIAM SHEPHERD, 1737 - 1824. Served as a Private in the Virginia Continental Line. Marker location - Unknown.
WILLIAM SHEPHERD, 1758 - Sept. 1, 1777. Was one of the defenders at the first Battle of Fort Henry and was killed during the battle. Marker location - Stone Church Cemetery, Ohio County, W. Va.
JOHN SIMMONS, Oct. 24, 1761 - May 19, 1843. Served as a Private in the Orange County, New York Militia. Pension W26442. Marker location - Unknown.
LUCAS SKIMERHORN (SCHERMERHORN), c 1750 - c 1791. Swore Oath of Allegiance in Ohio County, Virginia on Oct. 6, 1777. Lucas and five others, while on their way to re-enforce the fort at Wellsburg, were attacked by Indians and he was killed. Marker location - Unknown.
JOHN SOCKMAN (Johannes Sackman)(Listed as Lockman in one source.), Feb. 2, 1754 - Dec. 12, 1827. Served as a Private under Captains Church and Farmer in the Pennsylvania Continental Line. Was wounded at the battle of White Plains. Pension W11513. Marker location - Unknown.
ZACHARIAH SPRIGG, May 12, 1751 - June 1829. Served as a Private in the Ohio County, Virginia Militia. Marker location - Greenwood Cemetery, Ohio County, W. Va.
CORNELIUS STEENROD, c1735 - 1796. Served as a Captain in the 1st New York Continental Line. Buried at Stone Church Cemetery, Ohio County, W. Va. (marker not found).
JOHN STEWART, 1745 - Sept. 25, 1829. Served as a Private in the 2nd Battalion Washington County, Pennsylvania Militia. Also served as a Frontier Ranger. Marker location - Tent Cemetery, Ohio County, W. Va.
CONRAD STROUP (Also STROOP). Served as a Lieutenant in the Virginia Militia. He was one of the defenders of Fort Henry at the second siege on Sept. 11, 1782. Marker location - Unknown.
CONRAD WHEAT, SR., 1717 - ----. Swore Oath of Allegiance to Commenwealth of Virginia. Marker location - Unknown.
SAMUEL WHITE, Dec. 25, 1756 - July 4, 1835. Served as a Private in the 13 Regiment of the Virginia Continental Line. Pension S7871. Marker location - Unknown.
MOSES WILLIAMSON, SR., 1723 - 1792. Swore Oath of Allegiance to Commonwealth of Virginia on Oct. 1, 1777. Marker location - Unknown.
JOHN WILSON, Dec. 22, 1745 - May 28, 1819. Signed Oath of Allegiance in Ohio County, Virginia on Sept. 24, 1777. Buried Wilson Family Cemetery, Ohio County, W. Va. (marker not found)
WILLIAM WILSON, May 2, 1762 - July 11, 1837. Served as a Private & Sergeant in the Maryland Continental Line. Pension W2303. Marker location - Unknown.
ARCHIBALD WOODS, Nov. 14, 1764 - Oct. 26, 1846. Served in the Virginia Militia. In 1788 he was sent as a representative to the Constitutional Convention in Richmond, Virginia. He also served in the War of 1812 and founded Woodsfield, Monroe County, Ohio. Marker location - Stone Church Cemetery, Ohio County, W. Va. New marker placed in the spring, 2009. PHOTO 2
ANDREW ZANE, 1751 - c 1809. At the first siege of Fort Henry on Sept 1, 1777. Killed sometime around or after 1809 while swimming the river to escape Indians. Marker location - Unknown.