

Revolutionary War Pensions - Ohio & Marshall Counties
Revolutionary War Soldiers of Ohio County, WV
Ohio & Marshall County Revolutionary Patriots
Revolutionary War Soldiers' Graves, Etc., Ohio County, WV
Fort Henry Defenders - (Gary Timmons - g.timmons@comcast.net)
A Short Sketch of the Life of Henry Clarke
Molly Scott, A Defender of Fort Henry
Alexander Burns, Revolutionary War Patriot
War Locations of John Milligan - [See Bio of John, II]
WAR OF 1812
Ohio County in the War of 1812
John McFerran, War of 1812
Fielder Berry, War of 1812
Civil War: West Virginia - Hundreds of Biographies & Records
Two Ohio County Soldiers Named WILLIAM FEAY
First West Virginia Cavalry
First West Virginia Infantry
Maj. George C. Trimble, Wheeling, West Virginia
12th West Virginia Infantry
Carlin's Battery - Company D, 1st Lt Artillery
Augustus Fischer, Company H, 6th W.Va. Infantry
John W. Bowman, Company H, 1st W.Va. Light Artillery
Captain John Carlin
Noah Zane Chapline
Ohio County Militia
Joseph Trax & The Custer Cannon
George Lyman Atkinson, Company "G" 145th Ohio Infantry
Tri-State Reunion, Wheeling - 1886
Confederate Soldiers of the Wheeling Area
Traitors in Wheeling
The Fallen Brave
The Fallen Soldiers
Grave of Col. Daniel Frost
Pryor Boyd, 27th Va. Infantry, C.S.A.
Pensioners On The Roll, 1883
1890 Special Census, Ohio County, WV
The Civil War Medals of WV... Where Are They?
Civil War Battles In West Virginia
Joseph McCauslin, Medal of Honor Recipient
Sons of Veterans Reception, 1888
Biography & Pension of George Peter Scheck
Gramps and the Bushwhackers
First Confederate Casualty
Conrad Rader, 6th W. Va. Infantry
Samuel Powell Davis, 50th Ohio Infantry
John Byers Reed, 8th Missouri & 14th Illinois
James L. & Jared Botsford in the Civil War
G. A. R Reunion, 1907, Wheeling - [View as .pdf file]
Lorenzo D. Ullom, 7th W. Va. Infantry
George Burch, 4th W. Va. Cavalry; 1st W. Va. Lt. Art.
Robert S. Agnew, Company "A" 4th W.Va. Cavalry
William G. Feay, Carlin's Battery "D"
George Coen, 1st W. Va. Infantry
Capt. John P. Baggs, Company "A" 11th Infantry - Snake Hunters
Octavius Bray, 4th W. Va. Cavalry
Grave of Anthony Christian, 15th W. Va. Infantry
Dr. Albert P. Wheeler, 6th W. Va. Infantry
Paul Burig's Civil War Pages
The Shriver Grays
Wheeling's Rebels
The Battle of New Market
Gen. Benjamin Kelley vs Capt. John Hanson McNeill
Major James W. Sweeney
Virginia State Fencibles, 1859
Submitted by John Patterson
The Robertsons of Wheeling in the Civil War
Company "D" - 3 Months' Service, First W. Va. Infantry
Associated Civil War Links
George Tyler Moore Civil War Center - Shepherd College
West Virginia in the Civil War
The Unclaimed Civil War Medals of WV
The Last Survivor of the Grand Army of the Republic
Ohio County Nurses in World War I
Ohio County Draft Board, 1917
Triadelphia In World War I
314th Field Artillery - WW I Book
314th Field Artillery - Our Answer To The Call - Supply Company
Wheeling High Honor Roll - (Jack Kravayna)
Clarence L. Becker
Bernard Thomas Boord, U. S. Army Military Police
John Harris Boord, U. S. Army? Perhaps Not
Henry Louis Cook, U. S. Army
Clyde Stanley Kelley, 326th Field Signal Battalion
James H. Kindelberger, World War I & Aviation Pioneer
Clifford Rust, Died in Postwar Motorcycle Accident
John F. Weiss, Reported KIA - But Was Wounded
Anthony Peter Zaphyrelles (Zaphyr), U. S. Army Mechanic
Soldiers of the Great War, West Virginia - Names & Photos
Fay Melvin Anderson, Died of Spanish Influenza
Albert R. Bachmann, Died of Influenza
Lt. William Sidney Baer - Postwar Death (1919)
Elwood C. Bauer, Died of Pneumonia in New York
Joseph George Bauer, Died in France
John William Baumann, Died of Pneumonia
George Birlirakis, Died in France
Edward Franklin Bowman, Died in France
Everett Milton Bowman, Died in France
Francis Boyer, KIA in France
Joseph Eugene Bricker, Died of Wounds in France
Frank Ryan Browning, Died of Pneumonia in France
Howard C. Carpenter, Died of Meningitis
William Harrison Chalker, Accidental Death
Earl Bernard Chambers, Died of Spanish Influenza
William Franklin Conaway, Died of Disease in France
Harry Edward Cooper, KIA in France
John Frew Cowl, Died of Spanish Influenza at Sea
Cal E. Crouch, Died of Spanish Influenza
Franklin Orville Culbertson, KIA in France
Lt. Tingle Woods Culbertson, KIA in France
William Joseph Murty-Dakan, Died in France
Clyde Damsel, Died of Pneumonia
Harry William Davis, Died of Spanish Influenza
Louis/Lewis L. Davis, Died of Pneumonia On Way to Europe
Robert Frank Davis, Died of Pneumonia
Vincent L. Dorris, KIA in France
Mike Dummit, KIA in France
John Oren Earnest, KIA in France
John Joseph Ebbert, Died of Tuberculosis in Maryland
Henry Clemens Evans, Died in France
Leo Sylvester Feist, Died of Wounds in France
James Robert Fitzgerald, KIA in France
Albert Fox, KIA in France
William C. Franz, KIA in France
Chester Herbert Freese, KIA in France
Henry Harry Gilmore, Died of Meningitis
Sam Hamway, KIA in France
Percy Mathison Hannan, Died of Spanish Influenza
Joseph (Josiah) Mitchell Hart, Died in France
Charles Frederick Hemphill, Died of Pneumonia in France
Roy John Herrmann, Died of Illness in New Mexico
James Wilson Hitchcock, KIA in France
Charles William Howell, Died of Empyemia in Officers' Training Camp
Thurston Albert Hughes, Died of Influenza
Robert Clark Irwin, Died of Influenza in New York
Thomas Edward Fague Jamieson, Died of Heart Disease in Indiana
Arthur John Johnson, Died of Spanish Flu in London
Robert D. Johnson, Died in France
Anthony Kane, KIA in France
Charles George Kleeh, Battery "E" 314th Field Artillery
Clement Otto Kurner, Lost at Sea, U.S.S. Cyclops
William Herman Kutschmann, KIA in France
Raymond Bernard Loos, KIA in France
Joseph Andrew Marshall, Died of Pneumonia While En Route to France
Thomas Miller McMillan, KIA in France
Charles Allison Menkemeller, Draft Board Secretary, Died of Influenza
William Lester Mikels, Died of Spanish Influenza
Charles Nathan Meyers, Died of Pneumonia at Camp Lee
Alonzo Woodburn Miller, Died of Pneumonia in France
Fulton Jackson Myers, Accidentally Shot at Camp Meade, Maryland
Friend Joseph Nolte, Died in France
William P. Offterdinger, Died of Pneumonia in Belgium
Cecil Louis Petticord, KIA in France
William Oliver Phillips, Buried At Sea
Charles Hogg Quarrier, Died At Sea
William Cummings Rhodes, First Wheeling Man to Die in France
Henry Michel Robrecht, Jr., Died of Spanish Influenza
Howard Irwin Rodgers, Died of Pneumonia
Michele Rosa, KIA in France
Oscar Cornelius Sauvageot, KIA in France
Emil John Schmitt, Died in France
Lester Scott, KIA in France
Frederick William Seitz, KIA in France
Robert Ronald Shipley, Died of Spanish Influenza
George Sligar, Died of Spanish Influenza
Francis McFarland Snider, Died of Spanish Influenza
John Elson Sole, Died of Pneumonia in France
Joseph Edwin Stanton, KIA in France
Vincent Jacob Stenger, Died of Influenza in England
Charles Wendel Trabert, KIA in France
Richard Frank Tunney, Died in France
William Donald Ward, KIA in France
William Ruric Walters, Postwar Death from Influenza-Pneumonia
Charles Joseph Waterhouse, Died of Pneumonia in France
Harry Joseph Waywacker, Killed in Action in France
Cornelius Robert Westfall, Killed in Action in France
Cecil Guy Wilson, Died of Spanish Influenza
Lt. Joseph Volney Wilson, Died in Plane Crash in France
Raymond Kimball Wilson, KIA in France
William Arthur Wilson, Died of Self-Inflicted Wound
George Joseph Wintz, KIA in France
George Lewis Yockey, KIA in France
Alice M. Young, R. N., Died of Spanish Influenza
Young American Patriots - Ohio County, WW II
Some Ohio County People in WWII
Henry Miller Hupp, WWII Veteran
Gene Long, WWII Veteran
Paul W. McGinnis, Survivor, U.S.S. Indianapolis
Lt. John Joseph O'Shaughnessy, Bomber Pilot
Lt. Harry Cecil Moore, Fighter Pilot
Charles H. Myers, USMC, KIA - (Jack Kravanya)
Kenneth Roxby, Aerial Gunner, Killed in Crash
Samuel Fredericks Tretheway, Killed in Action
A Poem Written During WWII
Two Induction Groups to Huntington Today
Theodora Cooper - African-American Nurse
PFC Clarence Harold Marsh - WIA
Korean War Dead, West Virginia
Fred Baker - KIA
Franklin D. Barbe - KIA
Bernard Lee Brandfass - KIA
Alonzo W. Brown - KIA
John Dague Kimmins - Died of Wounds
Captain Harry Cecil Moore - MIA
Fred Curtis O'Neill - Died while a POW
Don Louis Philipps - KIA
Howard Rinkes - KIA
Louis Joseph Rohanna - KIA
Anthony Ray Salena - KIA
Carl P. Schmidt - KIA
Maurice Ray Sills - KIA
Clarence Virgil Slack, Jr. - MIA, Presumed Dead
Ray Waitman Smith - KIA
George B. Smudski - KIA
Richard J. Spaar - KIA
Bertram L. Stolze - KIA
MSgt. William Edmund Timmons - KIA
Harry Richard "Dickie" Wallace - KIA
Franklin W. Wetzel(l) - Unaccounted for; presumed dead
Paul Allen Wilson - KIA
Carl Benedict Wolin - KIA
Leroy Thomas Yost - KIA
Chester Zeciciskey - KIA
Eugene G. Zelkowski - KIA
Vietnam War Dead, West Virginia
Charles Edward Anderson
George Manual Chacalos
David Leland Conner
George Paul Custer
Edwin Russell Danehart
John Stanley Duplaga
Kenneth Lee Gill
Patrick Martin Grella
Robert Dave Hickman
Jack Webb Klein
Joseph Ronald Klug
Frank Michael Koerner
David Paul McCarthy
George Edward McCrobie
John Randolph McIntosh
Russell Frank McLaughlin
James Herbert Mikels, Jr.
Frank Anthony O'Brien, III
Charles Robert Olson
Patrick Joseph O'Shaughnessy
Robert Glenn Robertson
Joseph Richard Schafer
Gary Edward Schubert
William Mayo Stevenson
James Leo Thonen
George Leslie Tucker, Jr.
Victor Barry Weissman
David Wallace Wickham
Obituary of Matthew D. Hunter
Veterans Buried at Mt. Zion Cemetery, Wheeling
Brigadier General William S. Rader, USAF
West Virginia Military Research
Ohio County War Dead
WV Medal of Honor Recipients
The Medal of Honor

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