Revolutionary War Pensions - Ohio & Marshall Counties |
Revolutionary War Soldiers of Ohio County, WV |
Ohio & Marshall County Revolutionary Patriots |
Revolutionary War Soldiers' Graves, Etc., Ohio County, WV |
Fort Henry Defenders - (Gary Timmons - |
A Short Sketch of the Life of Henry Clarke |
Molly Scott, A Defender of Fort Henry |
Alexander Burns, Revolutionary War Patriot |
War Locations of John Milligan - [See Bio of John, II] |
WAR OF 1812 |
Ohio County in the War of 1812 |
John McFerran, War of 1812 |
Fielder Berry, War of 1812 |
Civil War: West Virginia - Hundreds of Biographies & Records |
Two Ohio County Soldiers Named WILLIAM FEAY |
First West Virginia Cavalry |
First West Virginia Infantry |
Maj. George C. Trimble, Wheeling, West Virginia |
12th West Virginia Infantry |
Carlin's Battery - Company D, 1st Lt Artillery |
Augustus Fischer, Company H, 6th W.Va. Infantry |
John W. Bowman, Company H, 1st W.Va. Light Artillery |
Captain John Carlin |
Noah Zane Chapline |
Ohio County Militia |
Joseph Trax & The Custer Cannon |
George Lyman Atkinson, Company "G" 145th Ohio Infantry |
Tri-State Reunion, Wheeling - 1886 |
Confederate Soldiers of the Wheeling Area |
Traitors in Wheeling |
The Fallen Brave |
The Fallen Soldiers |
Grave of Col. Daniel Frost |
Pryor Boyd, 27th Va. Infantry, C.S.A. |
Pensioners On The Roll, 1883 |
1890 Special Census, Ohio County, WV |
The Civil War Medals of WV... Where Are They? |
Civil War Battles In West Virginia |
Joseph McCauslin, Medal of Honor Recipient |
Sons of Veterans Reception, 1888 |
Biography & Pension of George Peter Scheck |
Gramps and the Bushwhackers |
First Confederate Casualty |
Conrad Rader, 6th W. Va. Infantry |
Samuel Powell Davis, 50th Ohio Infantry |
John Byers Reed, 8th Missouri & 14th Illinois |
James L. & Jared Botsford in the Civil War |
G. A. R Reunion, 1907, Wheeling - [View as .pdf file] |
Lorenzo D. Ullom, 7th W. Va. Infantry |
George Burch, 4th W. Va. Cavalry; 1st W. Va. Lt. Art. |
Robert S. Agnew, Company "A" 4th W.Va. Cavalry |
William G. Feay, Carlin's Battery "D" |
George Coen, 1st W. Va. Infantry |
Capt. John P. Baggs, Company "A" 11th Infantry - Snake Hunters |
Octavius Bray, 4th W. Va. Cavalry |
Grave of Anthony Christian, 15th W. Va. Infantry |
Dr. Albert P. Wheeler, 6th W. Va. Infantry |
Paul Burig's Civil War Pages |
The Shriver Grays |
Wheeling's Rebels |
The Battle of New Market |
Gen. Benjamin Kelley vs Capt. John Hanson McNeill |
Major James W. Sweeney |
Virginia State Fencibles, 1859 |
Submitted by John Patterson |
The Robertsons of Wheeling in the Civil War |
Company "D" - 3 Months' Service, First W. Va. Infantry |
Associated Civil War Links |
George Tyler Moore Civil War Center - Shepherd College |
West Virginia in the Civil War |
The Unclaimed Civil War Medals of WV |
The Last Survivor of the Grand Army of the Republic |
Ohio County Nurses in World War I |
Ohio County Draft Board, 1917 |
Triadelphia In World War I |
314th Field Artillery - WW I Book |
314th Field Artillery - Our Answer To The Call - Supply Company |
Wheeling High Honor Roll - (Jack Kravayna) |
Clarence L. Becker |
Bernard Thomas Boord, U. S. Army Military Police |
John Harris Boord, U. S. Army? Perhaps Not |
Henry Louis Cook, U. S. Army |
Clyde Stanley Kelley, 326th Field Signal Battalion |
James H. Kindelberger, World War I & Aviation Pioneer |
Clifford Rust, Died in Postwar Motorcycle Accident |
John F. Weiss, Reported KIA - But Was Wounded |
Anthony Peter Zaphyrelles (Zaphyr), U. S. Army Mechanic |
Soldiers of the Great War, West Virginia - Names & Photos |
Fay Melvin Anderson, Died of Spanish Influenza |
Albert R. Bachmann, Died of Influenza |
Lt. William Sidney Baer - Postwar Death (1919) |
Elwood C. Bauer, Died of Pneumonia in New York |
Joseph George Bauer, Died in France |
John William Baumann, Died of Pneumonia |
George Birlirakis, Died in France |
Edward Franklin Bowman, Died in France |
Everett Milton Bowman, Died in France |
Francis Boyer, KIA in France |
Joseph Eugene Bricker, Died of Wounds in France |
Frank Ryan Browning, Died of Pneumonia in France |
Howard C. Carpenter, Died of Meningitis |
William Harrison Chalker, Accidental Death |
Earl Bernard Chambers, Died of Spanish Influenza |
William Franklin Conaway, Died of Disease in France |
Harry Edward Cooper, KIA in France |
John Frew Cowl, Died of Spanish Influenza at Sea |
Cal E. Crouch, Died of Spanish Influenza |
Franklin Orville Culbertson, KIA in France |
Lt. Tingle Woods Culbertson, KIA in France |
William Joseph Murty-Dakan, Died in France |
Clyde Damsel, Died of Pneumonia |
Harry William Davis, Died of Spanish Influenza |
Louis/Lewis L. Davis, Died of Pneumonia On Way to Europe |
Robert Frank Davis, Died of Pneumonia |
Vincent L. Dorris, KIA in France |
Mike Dummit, KIA in France |
John Oren Earnest, KIA in France |
John Joseph Ebbert, Died of Tuberculosis in Maryland |
Henry Clemens Evans, Died in France |
Leo Sylvester Feist, Died of Wounds in France |
James Robert Fitzgerald, KIA in France |
Albert Fox, KIA in France |
William C. Franz, KIA in France |
Chester Herbert Freese, KIA in France |
Henry Harry Gilmore, Died of Meningitis |
Sam Hamway, KIA in France |
Percy Mathison Hannan, Died of Spanish Influenza |
Joseph (Josiah) Mitchell Hart, Died in France |
Charles Frederick Hemphill, Died of Pneumonia in France |
Roy John Herrmann, Died of Illness in New Mexico |
James Wilson Hitchcock, KIA in France |
Charles William Howell, Died of Empyemia in Officers' Training Camp |
Thurston Albert Hughes, Died of Influenza |
Robert Clark Irwin, Died of Influenza in New York |
Thomas Edward Fague Jamieson, Died of Heart Disease in Indiana |
Arthur John Johnson, Died of Spanish Flu in London |
Robert D. Johnson, Died in France |
Anthony Kane, KIA in France |
Charles George Kleeh, Battery "E" 314th Field Artillery |
Clement Otto Kurner, Lost at Sea, U.S.S. Cyclops |
William Herman Kutschmann, KIA in France |
Raymond Bernard Loos, KIA in France |
Joseph Andrew Marshall, Died of Pneumonia While En Route to France |
Thomas Miller McMillan, KIA in France |
Charles Allison Menkemeller, Draft Board Secretary, Died of Influenza |
William Lester Mikels, Died of Spanish Influenza |
Charles Nathan Meyers, Died of Pneumonia at Camp Lee |
Alonzo Woodburn Miller, Died of Pneumonia in France |
Fulton Jackson Myers, Accidentally Shot at Camp Meade, Maryland |
Friend Joseph Nolte, Died in France |
William P. Offterdinger, Died of Pneumonia in Belgium |
Cecil Louis Petticord, KIA in France |
William Oliver Phillips, Buried At Sea |
Charles Hogg Quarrier, Died At Sea |
William Cummings Rhodes, First Wheeling Man to Die in France |
Henry Michel Robrecht, Jr., Died of Spanish Influenza |
Howard Irwin Rodgers, Died of Pneumonia |
Michele Rosa, KIA in France |
Oscar Cornelius Sauvageot, KIA in France |
Emil John Schmitt, Died in France |
Lester Scott, KIA in France |
Frederick William Seitz, KIA in France |
Robert Ronald Shipley, Died of Spanish Influenza |
George Sligar, Died of Spanish Influenza |
Francis McFarland Snider, Died of Spanish Influenza |
John Elson Sole, Died of Pneumonia in France |
Joseph Edwin Stanton, KIA in France |
Vincent Jacob Stenger, Died of Influenza in England |
Charles Wendel Trabert, KIA in France |
Richard Frank Tunney, Died in France |
William Donald Ward, KIA in France |
William Ruric Walters, Postwar Death from Influenza-Pneumonia |
Charles Joseph Waterhouse, Died of Pneumonia in France |
Harry Joseph Waywacker, Killed in Action in France |
Cornelius Robert Westfall, Killed in Action in France |
Cecil Guy Wilson, Died of Spanish Influenza |
Lt. Joseph Volney Wilson, Died in Plane Crash in France |
Raymond Kimball Wilson, KIA in France |
William Arthur Wilson, Died of Self-Inflicted Wound |
George Joseph Wintz, KIA in France |
George Lewis Yockey, KIA in France |
Alice M. Young, R. N., Died of Spanish Influenza |
Young American Patriots - Ohio County, WW II |
Some Ohio County People in WWII |
Henry Miller Hupp, WWII Veteran |
Gene Long, WWII Veteran |
Paul W. McGinnis, Survivor, U.S.S. Indianapolis |
Lt. John Joseph O'Shaughnessy, Bomber Pilot |
Lt. Harry Cecil Moore, Fighter Pilot |
Charles H. Myers, USMC, KIA - (Jack Kravanya) |
Kenneth Roxby, Aerial Gunner, Killed in Crash |
Samuel Fredericks Tretheway, Killed in Action |
A Poem Written During WWII |
Two Induction Groups to Huntington Today |
Theodora Cooper - African-American Nurse |
PFC Clarence Harold Marsh - WIA |
Korean War Dead, West Virginia |
Fred Baker - KIA |
Franklin D. Barbe - KIA |
Bernard Lee Brandfass - KIA |
Alonzo W. Brown - KIA |
John Dague Kimmins - Died of Wounds |
Captain Harry Cecil Moore - MIA |
Fred Curtis O'Neill - Died while a POW |
Don Louis Philipps - KIA |
Howard Rinkes - KIA |
Louis Joseph Rohanna - KIA |
Anthony Ray Salena - KIA |
Carl P. Schmidt - KIA |
Maurice Ray Sills - KIA |
Clarence Virgil Slack, Jr. - MIA, Presumed Dead |
Ray Waitman Smith - KIA |
George B. Smudski - KIA |
Richard J. Spaar - KIA |
Bertram L. Stolze - KIA |
MSgt. William Edmund Timmons - KIA |
Harry Richard "Dickie" Wallace - KIA |
Franklin W. Wetzel(l) - Unaccounted for; presumed dead |
Paul Allen Wilson - KIA |
Carl Benedict Wolin - KIA |
Leroy Thomas Yost - KIA |
Chester Zeciciskey - KIA |
Eugene G. Zelkowski - KIA |
Vietnam War Dead, West Virginia |
Charles Edward Anderson |
George Manual Chacalos |
David Leland Conner |
George Paul Custer |
Edwin Russell Danehart |
John Stanley Duplaga |
Kenneth Lee Gill |
Patrick Martin Grella |
Robert Dave Hickman |
Jack Webb Klein |
Joseph Ronald Klug |
Frank Michael Koerner |
David Paul McCarthy |
George Edward McCrobie |
John Randolph McIntosh |
Russell Frank McLaughlin |
James Herbert Mikels, Jr. |
Frank Anthony O'Brien, III |
Charles Robert Olson |
Patrick Joseph O'Shaughnessy |
Robert Glenn Robertson |
Joseph Richard Schafer |
Gary Edward Schubert |
William Mayo Stevenson |
James Leo Thonen |
George Leslie Tucker, Jr. |
Victor Barry Weissman |
David Wallace Wickham |
Obituary of Matthew D. Hunter |
Veterans Buried at Mt. Zion Cemetery, Wheeling |
Brigadier General William S. Rader, USAF |
West Virginia Military Research |
Ohio County War Dead |
WV Medal of Honor Recipients |
The Medal of Honor |