McDowell County Shooting - 1900


Another horrid murder has been committed in McDowell says the McDowell Recorder. A young man lies dead and a father and mother are heartbroken because a bad-tempered young man carried a pistol and used it with deadly effect.

Last Monday Deputy Sheriff W. M. Payne, of Bradshaw, gave a warrant for the rest of Will Meyers, of Perryville, to his two sons, Sam and Sheridan. Meyers was wanted here for promiscuous shooting some time since. The two Paynes went to Meyers' house Monday night and demanded him to surrender. Meyers refused and opened fire with a pistol. Sam Payne was shot in the breast, while Meyers was slightly wounded in the side and shot through the wrist.

After several shots were exchanged, Meyers broke from the room and escaped. Sheridan Payne pursued him for some distance but was unable to capture him. Meyers went to his uncle, Donk Paynes's, secured a horse belonging to his mother and escaped to Tazewell County, Virginia. Sam Payne, who was wounded in the region of the stomach, was removed to his parents where he died Wednesday after great suffering. Payne and Meyers were each about 35 years of age.

Reprinted in the Bluefield Daily Telegraph from the McDowell Recorder, February 24, 1900

NOTE: WV State Library has on microfilm The McDowell Recorder;s editions published in Welch, WV, from Jan 6, 1915--Dec. 7, 1917;
from Jan 14, 1918--Dec1919; from Jan 21, 1921--Dec 21, 1929. The year 1920 is missing.

Submitted by June White


McDowell County
