Tim Clarke, Tim_Clarke@URSCorp.com, submitted this sketch about the life of Henry Clarke, a Revolutionary Patriot, and early settler in the area of Ohio and Marshall Counties in West Virginia.
The specific author of this history is not known. Tim said: "I have a document that has been passed down through our family for many years. The copy that I have was transcribed and typewritten by my grandfather, I think. I don't know the author, but I suspect that it was a grandchild of Henry Clark's son Patrick Sarsfield. I would be interested in any feedback as to the events and people described."
Tim's lineage is:
Henry Clarke-Nancy Sinnocks
William Clarke-Ruth McMechen
William Henry Clarke-Susan Sarah Williamson
Herman Ashley Clarke-Jessie Fremont Morris
Harry William Clarke-Pearle Louise Edler
William Randolph Clarke-Maxiene Gray Baker
Timothy Robert Clarke
A Short Sketch of the Life of Henry Clarke
The will of Henry Clark is also found on this site: