Genealogy Files


No dates will be published for living people born after 1930.

for his major contribution of genealogy files.

Meet Vernon...

Ancestors of T. Vernon Anderson

Descendants of Henry Alburn
Descendants of James Alexander
Descendants of John A. Alley, Jr.
Descendants of William Amos
Descendants of Jacob Anderson
Descendants of Robert Anderson
Descendants of Captain John Baker
Descendants of George Perilous Baker
Descendants of John Baker
Descendants of Ezekiel Barnett
Descendants of Col. George Beeler
Descendants of Francis Berisford
Descendants of Antoine Bickar
Descendants of Abner Black
James & Grace Blake Family
Descendants of Isaac #1 Blake
James Bonar - Family Group Sheet
Descendants of William Bonar
Descendants of Jacob Bounds
Descendants of Matthew Boyd
Descendants of Thomas William Brown
Descendants of John Caldwell & Sara Mulligan
Descendants of James Caldwell, 1724
Descendants of Alexander Carothers
Descendants of Cecil
Descendants of Samuel Clark
Descendants of Samuel Cockayne
Descendants of Philip Coe
          Descendants of John Coo
Descendants of Isaac Coen
Descendants of John C. Criswell
Descendants of Colonel Thomas Cresap
Descendants of Thomas Kilgore Criswell
Jacob & Damaris (Terrell) Crow - Family Group Sheet
Descendants of Joseph Darrah
Ancestors of Mona Marguerite "Peg" Delbridge
Descendants of William Henry Dobbs
Descendants of Benjamin Dolbeare
Descendants of Micajah Doty
Descendants of Job Evans
Descendants of Richard Evans
Descendants of Brice Enix/Enochs/Eneix
Descendants of Abraham Fletcher
Descendants of John Frederick Frey
Descendants of William Robert Frey
Descendants of Christopher Garlow
Descendants of Franz Gellner-Gollner
Descendants of George Gillingham
Descendants of William Goddard
Descendants of Samuel Gorby
Descendants of Adam Grandstaff
Descendants of Griffith John Griffith
Descendants of Christian Grim/Grim
Descendants of William Hart
Descendants of Edward Hadsell (Hadsall)
Descendants of James Halpin
Descendants of William Henderson
Descendants of Peter Herrick
Descendants of Daniel Hollingshead
Descendants of Rezin R. Howard
Descendants of Vachel Howard
Descendants of Rev. John Hughes
Descendants of John Jefferson
Descendants of John Jobinger
Descendants of George Clinton Johnson
Descendants of Jacob Johnson
Descendants of David Jones
Descendants of James Jones
Descendants of Michael Kelley
Descendants of David Martin Kelly
Descendants of John Kimmins
Descendants of James Abram Kirby
Descendants of Ludwig Knollinger
Descendants of David Lemley
Descendants of Elisha Lindsey
Descendants of David Long
Descendants of William Little
Descendants of Benjamin Manning
Descendants of Richard Marsh
Descendants of James Marshall
Descendants of Robert Marshall
Descendants of Samuel B. Mason
Descendants of Jesse McCardel
Descendants of Thomas McConn
Descendants of Michael McCue
Descendants of Margaret J. McCuskey
Descendants of James McHenry
Descendants of James N. McHenry
Descendants of John McHenry
Descendants of Benedict McMillan
Descendants of Hugh McMillan
Descendants of Philip Meisenhelder
Descendants of Thomas Minor
Descendants of Michael Moore
Descendants of William Morris
Descendants of Thomas Murdock
Descendants of Geoffrey Noreys
Descendants of Christopher Parriott
Descendants of John Parsons
Descendants of Aaron Porter
Descendants of Michael Pyles
Descendants of David Rawson
Descendants of Joseph Richmond
Descendants of Jesse L. Riggs
Descendants of James Riggs
Descendants of William Riggs
Descendants of Richard Robinson
Descendants of John Rodefer
Descendants of John Rosenberger
Descendants of Samuel Ruckman
Descendants of David Rush
Descendants of William Sayre
Descendants of Wilhelm Schnelle
Descendants of Jacob Sivert
Southworth-Orum Family
Descendants of Christian Steinman
          Steinman Sisters: Marie, Alice Legora, Virginia & Alma
Descendants of Joseph Tomlinson
Descendants of John Trott (Treat)
Descendants of Captain John Varley
Descendants of Lt. William Varley
Descendants of Rudolph Wellman
Descendants of Charles Wells
Descendants of Archibald James Wiley
Descendants of John Williams
Descendants of Jacob Winesburg
Descendants of Isaiah Winters
Descendants of Reason Yeater
Descendants of Jacob Yocum
Early Yoho Generations
          Descendants of Prudence Yoho
          Descendants of Jacob Yoho
                    NOTE - Jacob Yoho
          Descendants of Eve Catherine Yoho (Lemley)
          Descendants of John Lau Yoho
          Descendants of Henry Yoho
          Descendants of Peter Yoho
                    Descendants of John Yoho
                    Descendants of Margaret Yoho
                    Descendants of Mary Yoho
                    Descendants of Samuel Yoho
                    Descendants of Peter Yoho, Jr.
                    Descendants of Joseph Jacob Yoho
                    Descendants of Lewis Yoho
                    Descendants of Elizabeth Yoho
                    Descendants of Isaac Yoho
                    Descendants of William Yoho
                    Descendants of Henry Yoho
Descendants of Christopher Young (#1)
Descendants of Christopher Young (#2)
Descendants of John Youst
          Descendants of Elizabeth Peggy Youst [Who sent this?]
Descendants of Leopold Zierott
Descendants of Louis Zimmer

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