1892 - 1918

Died of Pneumonia at Camp Sherman, Chillicothe, Ohio


Researched & Written by Linda Cunningham Fluharty.

Photo on right from 1916 WVU Yearbook.
News Article, dated June 9, 1915, indicates he graduated in 1915.

From: In the Service of Their Country, Marshall County, West Virginia, ©2019 Linda Cunningham Fluharty.

GUY M. PEOPLES – U. S. Army, Second Lieutenant. State of Ohio Death Record: Guy Peoples, a Soldier and School Teacher, born 1892, died October 5, 1918 of Lobar Pneumonia at Camp Sherman, Scioto, Ross County, Ohio. His remains were removed to Cameron, W.Va. – The Sandusky Register, Sunday, Oct. 6, 1918: “Two Officers Die. Camp Sherman, Chillicothe. Oct. 5. – One hundred and forty-three deaths from the Spanish influenza pneumonia epidemic occurred at Camp Sherman between noon Friday and 2 p.m. today, bringing the total since the epidemic took hold a week ago to 277. The number of new cases being reported continues to decrease, however. Two commissioned officers, Captain Howard M. Wood of Cleveland, and Second Lieutenant Guy Peoples, of Cameron, W.Va., are among the dead.” – Guy M. Peoples graduated from WVU in 1915, per a news article. - According to his WWI Draft Registration, he was born June 15, 1892 in Little, W.Va. He was employed by the Board of Education and was a High School Teacher at Cameron. He said he had served as a private in the Cadet Corps at WVU for two years, and had an application on file for admission to Officers Reserve Corps with War Department, Central Division, Chicago. - An article in the Wheeling Intelligencer, Aug. 16, 1917, indicates that Guy Peoples, Cameron, was among the men summoned to Fort Benjamin Harrison for officers’ training camp. - He is found in the 1900 & 1910 census records of Cameron with parents, David and Amanda Peoples, and a sister, Clara. Guy and his parents are buried at Highland Cemetery, Cameron.