Marshall County, West Virginia
"Moundsville Journal" - 11 Sep 1918
Another Moundsville Boy Sacrifices His Life Upon Altar of Freedom and Justice
Enlisted in Regular Army at Wheeling Soon After U. S. Entered the War.
Corporal Ralph Alexander, son of James W. Alexander, 306 Eighth street was killed in action on July 24. - This sad intelligence was received in Moundsville last night in the conventional telegram from the war department at Washington, addressed to the father of the dead soldier boy. - Corporal Alexander enlisted in the regular army at Wheeling on June 30, 1917, immediately following the announcement of the war department that the regular army recruits would be the first to see service abroad. - He received his preliminary training at Gettysburg, Charlotte, N. C. and Newport News, Va., and landed in France about the middle of last April. - He was a member of company I, Fourth Infantry, which it is believed was attached to the Rainbow Division. While nothing is said in the advices from Washington concerning the action in which he lost his life, it is presumed that he fell during the battle that ensued when the Rainbow division was thrown against the Germans on the eastern end of the Marne salient, in the district southwest of Rheims and east of Ville en Tardennois. It was here, according to press dispatches from France, where the Rainbow division rendered valiant service. - Alexander was probably the tallest man sent into the service from Marshall county, standing six feet and four inches in his barefeet. He was well built and made a splendid appearance as a soldier. - The dead soldier boy was born in Bridgeport, O., and would have been 21 years old this month. Before entering the service he was employed with the contracting firm of Stringer and Springer. - Alexander is the fourth Moundsville boy to lose his life in payment of our debt to France, the others having been Arthur Van Dyne, Corporal Earl Francis and Forest Lee Delaney. - The division to which Alexander was attached has on more than one occasion won the praise of General Pershing and French and British officers. - Alexander is survived only by his father and one sister, Miss Mabel both at home.
(Submitted by Naomi Lowe Hupp; typed by Linda Fluharty)
"Moundsville Weekly Echo" - 13 Sep 1918
Death Occurred July 24th at End of First of Great Allied Offensive.
J. W. Alexander and daughter Miss Mabel of Eighth street, received a telegram Tuesday evening stating that their son and brother Corporal Ralph Alexander was killed in action in France on July 24th. - Ralph would have been 21 years old on Sept. 22nd. He enlisted the first of June 1917 and was first sent to Gettysburg. Later he was transferred to a southern camp and sailed for France about the middle of April. He had a two-day furlough at home last October. - he last letter received from him was written on July 19th, five days before he was killed. He did not say anything about being on the firing line, altho his father had thot for some time that he was in the actual fighting. - Ralph leaves his father ans sister Miss Mabel. His mother died about four years ago and a sister died in childhood.
(Submitted by Joseph D. Parriott; typed by Linda Fluharty)
"Moundsville Journal" - 19 Sep 1918
A memorial service will be held in the First Presbyterian church Sunday morning at 10:30 for Corporal Ralph L. Alexander who was killed in action in France, July 24th. Addresses will be made by Hon. C. E. Carrigan and the pastor, Rev. H. G. Gaunt. Special music will be rendered by the choir and the whole service will be of an appropriate nature.
(Submitted by Joseph D. Parriott; typed by Linda Fluharty)
"Moundsville Weekly Echo" - 30 Sep 1921
J. W. Alexander, of western Eighth street, has received information that his son, Ralph, was killed July 24, 1918, at 5 a.m. in the fighting early in the Second Battle of the Marne, was a member of the Fourth infantry, and that the Fourth and the Seventh composed the Eighth machine gun battallion.
In Ralph's letters home the censor would cut out any reference to where he was and what organization he was attached to. Therefore it required much time and perseverance for Mr. Alexander to ascertain some apparent simple data. Ralph enlisted at Wheeling in June 1917, became of age while in camp at Gettysburg, and was among the first Americans to be used by Gen. Pershing under his own general command. He was 6 feet 6 inches tall, the tallest to enlist at Wheeling up to that time, and weighed 180 pounds stripped. His father did not know until yesterday that he was in a machine gun battallion.
(Submitted by Joseph D. Parriott; typed by Linda Fluharty)
Unknown Moundsville paper - Nov 1918
(Note: Not killed.]
Mrs. Thomas Owens, of Second street, has received word that John Baker of this city was killed in action in France, November 3. He enlisted at Massillon, Ohio, the 18th of April, 1917, and was sent to Camp Sheridan, Ala., where he was in training for one year before going to the front. - True to the impulses of his manhood, he fought for the rights of all humanity. It was there on the fields of battle that he made the supreme sacrifice, and now sleeps with the other brave boys of Marshall county beneath the lilies and poppies in the fields of far off France. - These boys paid the last full measure of devotion to civilization and humanity. While we mourn their loss, we are proud that these boys of ours were willing to fight and die, if necessary for the flag that has never suffered defeat. These boys of ours and this flag brought the unconditional surrender of Germany, and its bright stars and stripes now proudly float above the grave of autocracy.
(Submitted by Joseph D. Parriott; typed by Linda Fluharty)
"Moundsville Journal" - 18 Oct 1918
News was reached here today from Washington to the effect that Lieutenant C. W. Benedum, son of M. L. Benedum, formerly of Cameron and New Martinsville, died yesterday at Washington, D. C. following an attack of Spanish influenza. - The deceased was the only son of M. L. Benedum and had been in the service for some time. He was in his twenty-first year and was born in Cameron. The remains will be shipped to Pittsburg for interment.
For more information, see Claude W. Benedum.
(Submitted by Joseph D. Parriott; typed by Linda Fluharty)
"Moundsville Weekly Echo" - 2 Jan 1919
EDWARD & THOMAS BLAKE - See Blake Brothers American Legion Post #46.
That their second son had died for his country was the sad message broken to Mr. and Mrs. William J. Blake of 1316 Marshall street, Benwood, by Father Schoenen of the St. Mary's Catholic church of Benwood, yesterday. The message bearing the news was received the day before Christmas but was not given to the heart-broken parents until yesterday that they might enjoy their Christmas as much as possible under the circumstances. - The following is a part of the letter that was received by Mrs. Robert Shepherd, from her son Private Walter Shepherd, who is now serving in France as an ambulance driver, and which bore the news of the death of Thomas Blake. - "I am sorry to say that Tom Blake met his finish here last month. He was dead when I received your letter stating his mother had said he lines. (?) William Sculley and Dave was being moved from the front Tyson are also well, safe and O.K." - Private Thomas Blake was among the first draftees that left Marshall county and sailed for overseas on Easter Sunday, 1918. He was serving with the seventh machine-gun battalion, third divison. - His brother was Seaman Edward Leo Blake, who was a mechanic on the cruiser "Cyclops" which has been given as lost, after being missing for more than six months. - As yet, Mr. and Mrs. Blake have received no official word from the war department announcing the death of their son. - Besides his parents, Private Blake is survived by four sisters, Mary, Rose, Helen and Laura, and six brothers Joseph, John, George, Walter, Bobbie and Frank.
"Moundsville Journal" - 27 Dec 1918
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Blake, 1316 Marshall Street, Benwood, have just received word of the death of their second son in the cause of the war for ---. - Confirmation of Blake's death comes after lifelong chum of the deceased ---- Shepherd, of Benwood, in the lines of a letter to his mother, Mrs. --bert Shepherd. - The news was received the day before Christmas and turned over to Father Schoenen, pastor of St. Mary's (?) Catholic church at Benwood to be carried to the parents. The news was purposely withheld until after Christmas so as not to mar the pleasures of that day. - Private Thomas Blake was one of the first draftees to leave Marshall county and he sailed for overseas duty on Easter Sunday this year. - His brother, Edward Leo Blake, was a mechanic on the lost naval collier Cyclops, which has long been given up for lost.
(Submitted by Naomi Lowe Hupp; typed by Linda Fluharty)
"Moundsville Daily Echo" - 11 Dec 1962
Mrs. Katherine Kessler Blake, former resident of Benwood and Moundsville, died Tuesday at the Wetzel Nursing home at New Martinsville. She had been in failing health for several years. - She was born at Wheeling, Christmas Day, December 25, 1873, the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Kessler. She was a member of St. John's Catholic church in Benwood, the Ladies Auxiliary of Blake Brothers Post No. 46. Her husband, William J. Blake, died in 1940. - Surviving are six sons: Jack, Robert, and George, all of Moundsville and Joseph, Walter and Frank, all of Benwood; three daughters, Mrs. Emil Stahl, Glendale, Mrs. A. A. Mercer of [blurred on my copy] and Mrs. Rose Emloch of [blurred] Crux, California; fourteen grandchildren; a number of great-grandchildren; and two brothers, William and Charles Kessler, both of Wheeling. - Two sons were killed in World War I; Edward L. and William T.; Blake Brothers Legion Post at Benwood was named in their memory. - Friends will be received at the Altmeyer funeral home, 214 Marshall Street, McMechen. High Mass of Requiem will be held at St. John's Church on Thursday at 9:00 a.m. Internment will be held in Mt. Calvary cemetery in Wheeling. - Rosary devotions will be held Wednesday evening at eight o'clock.
(Mrs. Blake's obit submitted by Tom Welch.)
Unknown Moundsville Newspaper - Date unknown.
George Grayson Calvert, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. L. V. Calvert, of Center street, this city has been killed in action in France. The parents received a telegram from the War Department at Washington, Saturday conveying to them the sad intelligence of their son's death, which occurred between September 26 and 30, nearly two months ago. - George was the oldest son of the Calverts, and the second one to leave for the training camp, going last spring, when a number of other Moundsville boys left. He arrived in France in July. A letter from a younger brother, Warden J. Calvert, told of their meeting in France on the 27th of September, when Warden was on his way back from the firing line to a place of rest and George was on his way to the front. His death must have occurred not more than two days later.
"Moundsville Journal" - 25 Nov 1918
Calvert was a son of Mr. and Mrs. C. L. V. Calvert of Center street and entered the service through the Marshall county Draft board on April 26, last, when he was sent to Camp Meade, Admiral, Md. - In addition to his parents he is survived by a younger brother, also in the service, and several sisters. - He was killed in action some time between September 26 and 30, according to the telegram received yesterday from the office of the adjutant general at Washington. - Calvert's death adds another gold star to the service flag of the Fostoria Glass company, he having been employed there as a gatherer before entering the service.
(Submitted by Joseph D. Parriott; typed by Linda Fluharty)
"Daily Intelligencer" - Nov 26, 1918
News was received here yesterday of the death of George Grayson Calvert, who was killed in action in France during the latter part of September. He was the son of Mr. and Mrs. C. L. V. Calvert of Center street, Moundsville, and was very well liked. Besides his parents several brothers and sisters survive, a younger brother being in France.
(Submitted by Linda Fluharty)
"The Daily Notes" (Canonsburg, Penna.), September 12, 1918
Son of George W. Carter, Morganza, Reported in Casualty List - Brother Also is in the Service.
The name of Morgan L. Carter, Canonsburg, is carried in the overseas casualty list given out last night by the War Department, as missing in action. Young Carter is a son of George W. Carter, an officer at the Pennsylvania Training School, Morganza. He worked for some years, when a boy, for W. I. Simpson, Cecil township, and later was employed in Canonsburg. He then went to West Virginia, from which state he enlisted in the army. - A brother, Frank Marion Carter, also is in the army. - According to a telegram received by a sister of the missing man a day or two ago, he has been missing since June 25. Word was received on the 30th of May telling of his arrival overseas. He trained at Camp Shelby, Miss., after enlisting in the regular army. - Francis Carter, a brother has been in France for some time. In a letter dated June 6 he stated that he had been in the trenches five times and expected soon to go again. He is in Company A., Thirtieth Infantry.
NOTE: Morgan Carter's address, "Gen. Del., Moundsville," is stated in this record. He was Killed in Action 4 June 1918. He was intitially buried in France but was moved to Arlington National Cemetery in 1921.
(Submitted by Linda Fluharty)
"Wheeling News Register" - 1 May 1932
Harry Chalk, 41, Succumbs After One Week's Illness of Pneumonia.
Harry Chalk, 41, World war veteran and former Benwood policeman,
died at his home, 906 Marshall street, Benwood, Sunday morning at 1:45 o'clock, following a week's illness of pneumonia.
During two years and six months of service over seas, Mr. Chalk served with the American expeditionary forces in Company A, 4th machine gun battalion. He was a member of Blake Brothers Post No. 46, American Legion, of Benwood. Excepting four years during which he served as a police officer in Benwood, Mr. Chalk had been in the employ of the Wheeling Steel and Iron Works and its successor, the
Wheeling Steel Corporation, for 30 years. - He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Hazel Beecher Clark, and five children, Elizabeth, Lula, Virginia, Harry, Jr., and William, all at
home; one brother, Edward Chalk of McMechen and two sisters, Mrs. Garvin Jones and Mrs. William Morningstar, both of Wheeling. - Funeral arrangements have not been completed.
(Submitted by Cheryl McCombs.)
"Moundsville Weekly Echo" - 8 Nov 1918
The national bulletin of yesterday containing a list of soldiers who have recently died in camp lists Clater [Slater] Chambers at Camp Lee. Lawrence Goodman of Cameron recently died at Carnegie Technical school, Pittsburgh.
(Submitted by Joseph D. Parriott; typed by Linda Fluharty)
"Moundsville Journal" - 28 Sep 1918
Harold Chambers of Bethany, formerly of Wayman's Ridge, is dead at Camp Lee of pneumonia. - Chambers was sent to camp from Bethany early this month and contracted pneumonia soon after his arrival there. He was 21 years of age and registered for service last June. He was a son of William Chambers and a grand-son of J. A. Chambers of sixth street and Grant avenue, this city. O. S. Chambers of Second street and Elbert Chambers are uncles of the deceased. Miss Ella Chambers of this city and Miss Laura Chambers of Charleston are aunts. All of the above mentioned relatives left for Bethany this morning to await the arrival of the body. - Fred. Chambers, a surviving brother, is already in the service in France.
(Submitted by Naomi Lowe Hupp; typed by Linda Fluharty)
"Moundsville Weekly Echo" - 1 Feb 1918
Fort Screven, Ga., Jan. 24.--Walter C. Courtwright, a private in Battery A coast artillery at the Fort died today. He was 25 years of age and a native of West Virginia, having recently arrived at the fort with a party of West Virginia selectmen. Battery A turned out with a band and firing squad to show respect to the dead soldier. The funeral march was played, three volleys were fired over the casket and Chaplain Robinson read a message of scripture. - The body was taken to Savannah this afternoon, where it was prepared for burial and for shipment to Cameron, W.Va. tomorrow. - Mr. Courtwright is survived by his mother, three sisters and two brothers. One brother, Harley Courtwright, was a former superintendent of one of the factory departments at the United States Stamping works. Two cousins Mrs. J. P. Chaddock and Miss Grace Hicks reside here. - The body is expected to arrive Sunday night. No funeral arrangements have been made but interment will probably be in Big Run cemetery.
(Submitted by Joseph D. Parriott; typed by Linda Fluharty)
"Moundsville Journal" - 12 Nov 1918
Private Lewis Davis, a former Marshall County boy, recently of Elm Grove died on board a transport, enroute to France. The news was received in Elm Grove Sunday by his sister, Mrs. Grace F. Fisher. The telegram gave but meagre details of his death, saying only that he died aboard ship of influenza. His death occurred Oct. 6th. Private Davis formerly resided near Sand Hill and was a very popular young man.
(Submitted by Joseph D. Parriott; typed by Linda Fluharty)
"Daily Intelligencer" (Wheeling) - 11 Nov 1918
Body buried in England; Was in the Water Tank Service of Army
A telegram was received yesterday by Mrs. Grace F. Fisher, of Elm Grove, telling of the death of her brother, Private Lewis Davis, on board a U. S. transport, enroute to France, with a contingent of the U. S. Army, - The telegram gave meagre details of his death, only saying he had died of influenza on board the ship. His death occurred on October 6th. - Private Davis was the son of the late John S. and Anna Florence (Wilson) Davis, and was one of the most prominent young men of Elm Grove. The news of his death comes as a great shock to his many friends. He is survived by his sister, Mrs. Fisher. - About six weeks ago, Mr. Davis was drafted from Ohio county and sent to Camp Meade, Md., and from there he was placed in a water tank train, to which he was attached while being sent overseas. - Before entering the military service, Private Davis was a truck driver. He was driving a truck for R. E. Keyser, of Elm Grove for some time.
(Submitted by Linda Fluharty.)
"Moundsville Weekly Echo" - 13 Sep 1918
Mrs. Clark Doty of Linden avenue, received a telegram this morning announcing the death of her son, Forest L. Delaney. The message stated that he had been killed in action in France the 9th of August. - Delany was in the first contingent that went to camp Lee last September. He was twenty one years of age and was a member of the Glass Workers union and Calvary M. E. Sunday School. - His mother, two brothers and two sisters and step father survive him. - This is the second Moundsville boy known to have been killed in battle in France. Others have died but not on the battle field.
(Submitted by Naomi Lowe Hupp; typed by Linda Fluharty)
"Moundsville Journal" - 29 Oct 1918
Details as to the manner in which Forest E. Dulaney, Moundsville boy met his death in France, have just reached Moundsville in the form of a letter to Mrs. Doty from one of the officers of Dulaney's company. - It appears that Dulaney, with one of the Calvert boys of Center street this city, was asleep in an American dugout when a German shell caved in the dugout and he was smothered to death under the fallen earth. The Calvert boy was also covered under the fall of earth, but he lived until his comrades dug him out and was little the worse for his experience.
(Submitted by Joel M. Robinson.)
"Moundsville Weekly Echo" - 13 Sep 1918
Mrs. Abbie Doty has received a telegram that the remains of her son Forrest Delany, who was killed in battle in France in the recent World War, would arrive at New York....
(Submitted by Naomi Lowe Hupp; typed by Linda Fluharty)
"Moundsville Weekly Echo" - 10 Jun 1921
Moundsville honored two fallen heroes of the war today, when the funeral services for Forest Delaney and Joseph Wiblin were held. Most business places in the city were closed from 2 to 4.
(Submitted by Joseph D. Parriott; typed by Linda Fluharty)
"Wheeling Intelligencer" - 13 Sep 1921
Funeral services for Corporal John Dobias local hero who lost his life while fighting with the American forces in the Argonne forest, and whose body arrived here Friday night, were held yesterday morning in St. John's Catholic church, conducted by the Rev. Father J. M. Schoenen. The funeral was in charge of the A. A. Mountain Post of the American Legion, who paid their last respects to the former comrade in military style. The cathedral high school drum corps of Wheeling led the funeral for several squares and then dropped out to take part in the Evans funeral. - It will be recalled that young Dobias was one of the first Benwood youths to enlist and had the distinction of going to france on the same boat that carried General Pershing on his first trip. He saw action in most of the dreadful battles throughout the war, but was finally shot by the enemy on October 9th, 1918, in Meuse-Argonne drive. The deceased was well known here, which accounted for the large crowd that turned out to pay a last respect to the hero.
(Submitted by Linda Fluharty)
"Moundsville Weekly Echo" - 9 Aug 1918
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Durbin of Cameron received word this morning that their son Delno Durbin was killed in action July 19. Durbin was about 26 years of age and was a member of the regular army, having enlisted soon after the out break of the war.
He has a brother Walter in the army, sisters Miss Blanche, Mrs. Vance Gosney and a sister, married, in Oklahoma.
"Moundsville Weekly Echo" - 10 Mar 1922
Washington, March 4.--Senator Howard Sutherland and Congressman Benjamin L. Rosenbloom spoke last night and an impromptu memorial tribute to the late Sergeant Delno Durbin, of Cameron, W.Va., whose life was lost in the World War and who was interred in Arlington national cemetery last Thursday. Others who spoke were Dr. W. S. Fulton and Dr. Randolph Hersey, of Wheeling; Archie N. Cook, and Thomas S. Wilson of Cameron. Others present included Marshal Louis Buchwald of Wheeling; --- Lazerus, Charles Cook, Ray Joliffe, Cyril McCormick, Vere Todd, Howard Buzzard, Harry Wendt, W. L. Burton, Luke Ross, of Cameron, and Alfred C. Paull, Wheeling, Secretary to Congressman Rosenbloom. Those from Cameron came as a committee sent by the people of Cameron to attend the funeral services, and they were guests last night of Congressman Rosenbloom at dinner, where memorial speeches were made.
(Submitted by Joseph D. Parriott; typed by Linda Fluharty)
"The Wheeling Intelligencer" - 17 Aug 1918
Memorial services were held at the Christian church Monday evening in honor of DELNO DURBIN, the Cameron boy whose death occurred in France a few days ago. The services were most impressive, and were attended by the veterans of the Civil war and Odd Fellows lodge. Rev. W. E. Pierce had charge of the services and paid a glowing tribute of respect to the memory of a brave boy who gave his life for his country. He was a model young man and besides being an Odd Fellow, was a memebr of the Christian church. The large auditorium would not hold the people.
(Submitted by Linda Fluharty)
"The Wheeling Intelligencer" - 4 Mar 1922
The body of Private [Sergeant] LESTER DELNO DURBIN, a soldier [marine] boy from Cameron, W.Va. who met death in battle in France, was interred at Arlington Thursday with full military honors. The following named friends of the deceased were there to attend the funeral service: L. R. Lazarus, of Belington; Howard Buzzard, Luke Ross and Charles Cook, of Cameron.
(Submitted by Linda Fluharty)
"The Wheeling Intelligencer" - 5 Oct 1918
MISS BLANCHE DURBIN left Tuesday evening for Camp Sevier, S. C. where she will spend three months training as a Red Cross army nurse. It will be remembered that one of her brothers, Delno Durbin, was killed in France but a short time ago.
"The Waynesburg Democrat-Messenger" - 20 Aug 1948
MISS BLANCHE DURBIN - Word has been received at Wind Ridge of the death of Miss Blanche Durbin, retired registered nurse, of Cameron, W.Va., which occurred Wednesday, Aug. 18, 1948, at ten o'clock, in the Deshon Veteran's Hospital, at Butler. Death was a result of a complication of ailments. - Miss Durbin was a daughter of the late A. J. and Elizabeth Cooper Durbin, of Cameron. She was born at Wind Ridge Dec. 14, 1879. - She was a graduate of Ohio Valley School of Nursing, at Wheeling, W.Va., and nursed in many homes in Richhill Township. During World War I she was a government nurse in the United States. She had nursed at Aspinwall Hospital from the date of its opening about 1926, until she retired four years ago due to advanced age. - She was a charter member of the First Christian church at Cameron. - She is survived by two sisters, Mrs. Bernice Bower, of Sapulpa, Okla., and Mrs. Merle Gosney, of Stuebenville, Ohio, and one brother, Walter Durbin, of Sinton, Texas. She also leaves several nieces and nephews. Miss Kate Cooper, of Wind Ridge, is an aunt. - Funeral services were incomplete last evening. Burial will be made in Arlington National Cemetery at Washington, D.C. The body will be accompanied to the nation's capital by Mr. and Mrs. Merle Gosney, of Steubenville, and Miss Cooper, of Wind Ridge, and Mrs. Flo Durbin of Cameron, W.Va.
"The Pittsburgh Press" - 24 Aug 1948
BLANCHE V. DURBIN - Military honors were paid yesterday to Miss Blanche V. Durbin, retired executive of the Veterans Hospital, Aspinwall, at her burial in Arlington National Cemetery. - Miss Durbin, an Army nurse in World War I, died last Wednesday at the Deshon Veterans Administration Hospital at Butler. - Until her retirement in 1944, due to ill health, she had been supervisor of nurses nine years at the Aspinwall Hospital. - She was a charter member of Durbin Post, American Legion, in Cameron, W.Va., and belonged to the First Christian Church there. She was graduated from the Ohio Valley School of Nursing at Wheeling. - Surviving are two sisters, Mrs. Bernice Bower of Oklahoma and Mrs. Merle Gosney of Ohio, and a brother, Walter, of Oklahoma.
(Submitted by Linda Fluharty)
"Moundsville Journal" - 5 Oct 1918
Shortly after two o'clock this afternoon a telegram was received here announcing the death of William Herbert Eller, son of Mrs. and Mrs. Friend Eller, of this city. - Young Eller had been ill for several days. He first contracted pneumonia and was believed to be recovering nicely when he took a turn for the worse. A couple of days ago he developed a case of spinal meningitis, which is supposed to have caused his death. - Eller was one of the recent registrants and attained his twenty-first birthday only a short time ago. In addition to his parents he is survived by one sister, Miss Beulah Eller. - The young sailor enlisted with the navy forces some weeks ago and was sent to the Great Lakes Naval training station. He had been there only a short time until he was taken ill. - Mr. and Mrs. Eller had been at his bedside for some days. - Young Eller was born and raised at Lynn Camp, but had lived in Moundsville for several years. No information has been received, as to when the body will arrive.
(Submitted by Naomi Lowe Hupp; typed by Linda Fluharty)
"Moundsville Journal" - 7 Oct 1918
The body of William Herbert Eller, who died of pneumonia complicated with spinal meningitis at the Great Lakes Naval Training association, arrived today. - The funeral will be held tomorrow from the home of the parents, Mr. and Mrs. Friend Eller on Sixth street. Service will be conducted by Rev. J. B. Smith, pastor of the Christian church. - On account of the nature of the disease causing death the funeral will be private. Interment will be in Greenlawn cemetery.
"Moundsville Weekly Echo" - 11 Oct 1918
Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Henderson received a telegram this afternoon bearing the message that William Eller died at 8 o'clock this morning, at Great Lakes Naval Training Station. Pneumonia following Spanish influenza caused his death. - William was 21 years of age and went to the station about three weeks ago. He is one of the best known young men about the city. Further particulars have not been learned. Mr. and Mrs. Friend W. Eller, his parents, are there.
(Submitted by Joseph D. Parriott; typed by Linda Fluharty)
"Moundsville Weekly Echo" - 27 May 1921
Editor Echo:
Notice has just been received from the war department that John H. Earliwine who was the son of Wm. D. (&) Lydia Earliwine of near Sherrard, W.Va., was killed in action November 4th 1918. - The soldier had been marked on the records as having deserted his command while being transferred to the front in October 1918. The truck in which he was riding broke down and they were left when the truck was repaired and started to the front, he and a comrade having gone to canteen to get something to eat were left and he was marked absent without leave. - He rejoined his Company C, 111th Infantry about the first of November, went into action and was mortally wounded. -- S. F. EARLIWINE
NOTE: Records indicate he died in France on November 4, 1918 and he was "Lost at sea." He is named on the Tablets of the Missing at St. Mihiel Cemetery, France.
(Submitted by Joseph D. Parriott; typed by Linda Fluharty)
"Moundsville Weekly Echo" - 12 June 1919
The remains of Private William P. Fox, whose death occurred in a military hospital in New York, shortly after his arrival from overseas, were brot here from McMechen Tuesday morning and interment was made at the cemetery here. The body was accompanied by a large number of men in uniform and the services were held under military law. A number of local men, who recently returned from service turned out in uniform and met the train and accompanied the remains to the cemetery.
The deceased was well known here, he having resided in Cameron for a number of years before moving to McMechen. - He served almost a year in France and was wounded three times, his death resulting from the last wound.
(Submitted by Joseph D. Parriott; typed by Linda Fluharty)
"Daily Intelligencer," Wheeling, June 9, 1919
Local Lad Dies of Wounds - A telegram was received here Saturday from New York by the relatives of Private William P. Fox of his death Friday night in a New York hospital, his death being due to wounds received in action while with the American Forces in France. - Word of his death was forwarded to Mrs. W. H. Pool of Fourth street of this city, with whom he made his home before entering the city. He enlisted in the service a year ago this month and was sent to Camp Upton, where he spent several months in training amd then was sent overseas. He is 28 years of age, and besides his aunt, with whom he made his home, he is survived by another aunt, Mrs. John Yaun of Bellaire, and one uncle William B. Murtaugh of South Benwood. His uncle left this city Saturday evening for New York, where he will accompany the remains home.
"The Charleston Daily Mail," June 12, 1919
MILITARY FUNERAL - McMechen - The first military funeral that was ever held in this city will be conducted this morning at the home of W. H. Ped, on Fourth street, over the remains of Private William P. Fox, who passed away at a New York hospital Friday, death being due to wounds received when with the American Expeditionary Forces in France. Requiem high mass will be celebrated at the St. James church of this city, after which the remains will be shipped to Cameron for burial.
(Submitted by Linda Fluharty.)
"Moundsville Weekly Echo" - 2 Aug 1918
Word has been received that Earl Francis, a Moundsville boy, has been killed in action in France on July 15. - Francis was one of the first draftees who left last September for Camp Lee and is the second Marshall County boy to be killed in action. The other boy was Delno Durbin of Cameron. - Francis' parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Francis, live at Bainbridge, Ohio. - Francis was employed for five years at the Fostoria glass company plant. He was a glass cutter. His brother, Arthur Francis, lives there and is working at the Fostoria.
"Wheeling Intelligencer" - 9 Aug 1918
Word has been received here by relatives yesterday that Earl Francis was killed in action in France on July 15. - He is the first Moundsville boy and the second Marshall county boy to be killed in action. The parents of Francis, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Francis, now live in Bainbridge, Ohio. Francis left Moundsville September 8, 1917, having been among the first to be drafted. He left with the fourth bunch of three men. Before that time he was a glass cutter at the Fostoria Glass company, where he had been employed for five years. He has a brother, Arthur, working there now.
Unknown Newspaper - 9 Apr 1921
The body of Earl Francis, first Moundsville boy to be killed in action in France, will be returned here for burial, according to word received from the government by his father, J. B. Francis. - When the body will arrive is not known; notification will be received ten days before the body is due to reach here. Bodies of soldiers buried in France are now being received in New York, and that of Earl Francis may be among them. - The local post of the American Legion was named after Earl Francis, the first local boy killed in action. A big military funeral will be held in which not only the ex-service men but the general public will participate.
"Moundsville Weekly Echo" - 5 Aug 1921
The joint military funeral for Earl Francis and Elbert Whorton held in the First M. E. Church Sunday afternoon was largely attended, the church completely filled. - The American Legion had charge of the services and Post Commander Curtis presided at the service. - The memorial address was delivered by Rev. C. C. Lanham of Cameron, formerly pastor of Calvary M. E. church here Chaplin H. G. Gaunt of the Legion and Rev. C. G. Slater assisted in the services. There was music by the Calvary men's chorus and a solo by Howard I. Booher. - Following the services in the church, the procession moved to Greenlawn cemetery, where the legion ritual service was held by Chaplin H. G. Gaunt. The firing squad fired salutes and the buglers blew taps. - The American Legion, mostly in uniform, the Jr. U.A.M., and the glassworkers were out in body. The Eagle and Citizen band donated their services and furnished music.
(Submitted by Naomi Lowe Hupp; typed by Linda Fluharty)
"Moundsville Weekly Echo" - 7 Feb 1919
Thomas Geho of Bellton, has received the news of the death of his son Private David William Geho in France. He was in the marine corp and was killed in action November the Fifth.
"Moundsville Weekly Echo" - 21 Oct 1921
The following telegram was received today:
Washington, D. C., Oct. 13, 1921,
Thomas Geho
1407 Center street, Moundsville.
Remains of private David Wm. Geho leaves here October fifteenth twelve ten a.m. Due to arrive in Moundsville twelve thirty-five p.m. via B & O railway. Meet body. -- Bonny Castle, Quartermaster Supply Officer - The body on arrival will be taken to the home of the parents Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Geho, 1407 Center street. Arrangements for the funeral have not been made. - The deceased was killed in action in France November 5thm 1918. He enlisted in Wheeling and was in the ninety seventh company and the sixth regiment of the marines. He embarked for France August 17th, 1918 and disembarked in France August 17th, 1918. He was the only living son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Geho of Center street and his parents survive him. Four sisters also survive him. They are: Mrs. Smith of Metz, Mrs. Owens of Shadyside, Mrs. Gillingham of McMechen and Mrs. Moore of this city. - The deceased passed his 19th birthday in France. He was an exceptionally good character which made him many friends.
"Moundsville Weekly Echo" - 21 Oct 1921
Funeral services for Pvt. David William Geho, who was killed in France, will be held at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Geho of 1407 Center street Sunday afternoon at three o'clock, Rev. H. G. Gaunt, chaplain of the American Legion, officiating. - Members of the American Legion and all other ex service men will meet at the Legion hall, in uniform, Sunday afternoon not later than 2:30 to attend the services. - The deceased was killed in action in the Argonne Forest Nov. 5, 1918. He was in the 97th co. and 6th Reg. of Marines. He took part in one or more of the largest battles in the western front. - He is the only son of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Geho of Center street. He is survived by his parents and four sisters: Mrs. John Smith of Metz, W. Va., Mrs. Ed. Owens of Shadyside, Mrs. James Gillingham of McMechen, and Mrs. Albert Moore of this city.
"Moundsville Weekly Echo" - 21 Oct 1921
Funeral services for Pvt. Wm. Geho, who was killed in Argonne Forest and whose body arrived home Saturday, were held at the home of his parents on Center street Sunday afternoon. - Rev. H. G. Gaunt, chaplin of the American Legion, has charge of the services. Legion members turned out in a body and the Citizens band furnished music. - The usual ritualistic service was held at the grave with firing squad and taps blown.
(Submitted by Naomi Lowe Hupp; typed by Linda Fluharty)
"Moundsville Weekly Echo" - 15 Dec 1922
David W. Geho, 97th Co. 6 Marines, son of Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Geho, reported killed in action on or about Nov. 5, 1918. No particulars of his death could ever be obtained by his parents until in July 1922, the following letter was received from David's buddy by his second cousin Raymond Harlan. - Washington, D.C., July 18, 1922. - Mr. Raymond Harlan, 905 Lafayette avenue, Moundsville, W.Va. - Dear Sir: When we landed at Brest we got one months drilling, and at (Des Champs France) Dave joined my company 49th 5 regt. - Our first battle together was there at Des Champs on the eastern front. Dave was right by my side from then until I lost him on the Marne. - We went from Des Champs to five miles west of Chateau-Theiriea where we camped for a week. Then one night we made a drive of two miles, and on the next day we took Chateau-Theiriea. While in the battle I got a bullet wound in the arm, and Dave dressed it for me. - We left Chateau-Theiriea for the Marne Sector and had a very hard stand there. We were two weeks getting there and Dave got hit in the leg with schrapnel. We dressed that for him. - The night before Dave was killed he and myself and four other fellows were out on a scouting expedition. While we were in No Man's Land we stopped in a shell hole and we talked for a while. He told me about his sisters. I think he called them Maggie or Marjorie, and Kate. Then he said I would like to see my folks again, but "I'm going to be killed in the next battle." - I tried to tell him he would come out all right but he said he knew better. - Well, we got back safe and gave our details; then turned in for the night. - The next morning early, we were awakened by bombardment. At about eight o'clock we went over the top. We kept advancing, Dave and I were side by side, and just before we crossed the river Marne, Dave and I got behind a little knoll. I was fighting with a German and Dave shot him. I just turned around was busy firing. I heard a yell and looked around and there was poor Dave in the water. He said "I'm hit." I pulled him out and he said "Fritzie got Me." I opened his shirt and saw the blood oozing out. I tore his and my kit open and bandaged him up. He said "I'm going." I picked him up and carried him nearly a hundred yards in under cover and layed him down. I looked in his face he was smiling, and murmurring something. I got down close, and all I could hear him say was, "Father and Mother." The next moment he was dead. - I can truthfully say he died a hero. His parents and all relatives have my sympathy. He was a good boy. I looked for a letter on him but there was none. I never knew where any of his people were to send them a letter. The only wounds he had were the bullet wound through his heart and the schrapnel in his leg. - Now this I can tell you. I will gladly answer all questions you care to ask if I can. - Hoping to hear from his parents, I am Yours Truly, MILTON HOWE, Naval Hospital, Ward No. 2, Washington, DC, U.S. Marine
(Submitted by Joseph D. Parriott; typed by Linda Fluharty)
"Moundsville Journal" - 18 Oct 1918
[Note: Did not die. Survived; discharged April 30, 1919]
Another Marshall county boy has made the supreme sacrifice on the battlefields of France. He is Sergeant Samuel Geogeline, son of John Geogeline of McMechen, formerly of Benwood. - Sergeant Geogeline was officially reported yesterday as among the severely wounded, but last night his father had a telegram from the war department informing him that the son had died in France. - The dead soldier boy had been in the United States Marine corps about twelve years and had won his rank through hard work and devotion to duty. - He was among the first troops from America to go into action and had been wounded once before.
(Submitted by Joseph D. Parriott; typed by Linda Fluharty)
"Moundsville Weekly Echo" - 28 Apr 1919
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Gittings of Calis received a telegram from the war department telling the sad news of the death of their son Private Silas Lee Gittings, killed instantly in an automobile accident in France on March 27th. - Private Gittings was born July 27, 1887 at Calis, W.Va., and lived there sll his life time. He left with a contingent of Marshall county draftees on May 26, 1918, and was sent to Camp lee where he became a member of the 314th Infantry 79th Division. - After spending three months in training he was sent over seas in August in 1918 and did valiant service in the Argonne Forest. - While at Camp Lee, Private Gittings dedicated his life to the service of God. His parents are heart broken for they expected him home soon. - The family has the sympathy of the entire community in their great sorrow. The deceased is survived by his father, mother and three sisters Icie, Marie, and Minnie, four brothers Jesse, who recently arrived home from France, Guy, Ereel and Glenn. Memorial services will be held but arrangements are incomplete.
(Submitted by Joseph D. Parriott; typed by Linda Fluharty)
"Moundsville Weekly Echo" - 9 Dec 1921
Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Gittings received a telegram Saturday stating that their son Private Silas Lee Gittings' body will arrive in Brooklyn, New York, about Dec. 10th. From there it will be shipped to Crider's undertaking parlors at Elm Grove and then will be taken to his home at Calis. - Private Gittings left with the Marshall county draftees May -6, 1918, for Camp Lee, where he was stationed until he was sent overseas. - Private Gittings met his death by a truck, March 27th 1919. Silas Gittings was a member of Co. M, 314th Infantry A.E.F.
(Submitted by Naomi Lowe Hupp; typed by Linda Fluharty)
"The Home Press" (Cameron, W. Va.) - 1 Nov 1918
Lawrence Goodman, aged about 20 years, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. L. Goodman, died last Sunday morning [Oct 27, 1918] at a Pittsburgh hospital of Spanish Influenza. He had gone to that city to enter the U. S. service when stricken down by the disease. - Lawrence was a great favorite among the young people of this town and his sudden death came as a blow to his many friends and relatives. - His death adds another burden to the shoulders of the father who has been carrying the responsibilities of both father and mother toward his children for several years. The mother has been with her children but little the past few years being forced to live in another climate on account of her health. She is now in very feeble health at Ashland, North Carolina. - Those surviving besides the parents are: Mildred, Sidney, Esther, Edgar, and Lala. - Funeral services were held Monday at 10 o'clock followed by interment in a Jewish cemetery at Pittsburgh, Pa. - The family have the sympathy of the community in their sad bereavement.
(Submitted by Linda Fluharty)
"Moundsville Weekly Echo" - 20 Dec 1918
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Gray, of Oak avenue, received a message Wednesday evening, announcing that their son, Corporal Austin Ellsworth Gray, was killed in France on November 1. - Corporal Gray enlisted in the Marines in July, 1917. He was about 25 years of age, and is survived by his father, mother and one sister.
(Submitted by Joseph D. Parriott; typed by Linda Fluharty)
Unknown Moundsville Newspaper - 1919
The following letter has been received by J. B. Gray telling of his son, Austin Ellsworth:
Honnigen am Rhein, Germany
Feb. 26th, 1919
My Dear Mr. Gray:
I have just received your letter written Feb. 5th, 1919 requesting information in regard to the death of your son Corporal Austin Ellsworth Gray. I am glad to be able to furnish you with this information for I am sure it will be a comfort to you to know a few of the particulars regarding his death. - On November 1st, 1918 the 6th Regiment began its final attack at about 5:30 a. m. Your son was in the front line with this company (the 95th) and had advanced about three kilometers from Sommerance, the point at which we went over the top. At about 8:30 a.m. we were held up by an enemy barrage which fell directly in the path of our advance. The first shell landed directly in front of Corporal Gray and a large fragment of the exploded casing struck him in the right hip. A hospital corpsman was the first to see him go down and he administered first aid immediately but it was too late for he was beyond all power of human aid already -- he died within about three minutes. He did not lose consciousness, although I believe the shock numbed his nerves to such extent that there was practically no suffering involved. He made no complaint, asked for 'water' once and later asked how badly he was hit - he smiled when the hospital corps man told him it was pretty bad. He never seemed to be suffering very much, the shock is so great that the suffering never comes for an hour or so after a man has been hit. He only lived about three minutes - just grew weaker and weaker and finally closed his eyes and while a couple of us were kneeling beside him, he just left us - that was all there was to his death. - It was a hell of a place there then shells dropping around so thick you couldn't count them, the men were tired and exhausted and that was only the start of the attack - he was spared the rest of it - he left all that fighting and exhaustion and went to that land of eternal Peace and rest. There is no more fighting or sadness or hardships for him, he has gained the rest and quiet happiness which he won thru his own labors here on earth. - I remember him well for he was one of the few of our original company left after a hard summer's fighting. Being the only officer left I naturally looked to my old men for support and when your son was killed I believe I felt his loss as keenly as any member of the company - he had many friends in the company his - his name is still often mentioned, and I can assure you that my sympathy, magnified by the most heartfelt sympathy of the whole company is extended to you and your family in your sorrow. You have given your son for the greatest cause of all and I am happy to be able to tell you that he lived a clean courageous life and he died bravely advancing under hopeless odds.
Very sincerely yours,
Captain U. S. Marine Corps
Commanding 95th Co. 6th Reg.
(Submitted by Joseph D. Parriott; typed by Linda Fluharty)
"Moundsville Weekly Echo" - 6 Dec 1918
Word has been received by Mrs. Margaret Gray, of Second street, that her son, John Wilford Gray, had been killed in France. He was a member of the Machine Gun Battalion, and left for overseas at the same time Ben Peabody and some others from Moundsville went. - Previous to entering the Army he worked in Akron, Ohio. Because of his desire to go with the Moundsville boys he got a transfer from Akron to Moundsville, and anxiously and enthusiastically offered himself to his country. - He was a member of the United Presbyterian church of this city, having been received into the church by the present pastor, Rev. C. O. Smith, last winter. His death places the first gold star in the Service Flag of that church.
(Submitted by Naomi Lowe Hupp; typed by Linda Fluharty)
"Moundsvile Journal" - 4 Dec 1918
Two More Moundsville Boys Make Last Supreme Sacrifice In Country's Cause.
Gray Killed in Action On November 2 -- Offterdinger Dies of Pneumonia.
News of the death of two more Moundsville boys overseas was received last night. - Private John Wilford Gray, son of Mrs. Margaret Gray, 1508 Second street, was killed in action on November 2, and William Offterdinger, son of William Offterdinger, local banker, died of pneumonia in Belgium in November 5. - The information was received here in the form of a telegrams from the war department at Washington. - Offterdinger was employed at Youngstown, O., at the time the United States entered the war and at once enlisted in the Ohio National Guard as a musician. He was a member of a regimental band at the time of his death. - He trained with the Ohio boys at Camp Sheridan, Montgomery, Ala., and went overeas last June. He was a member of the 148th Infantry, Thirty-seventh division. - Offterdinger was 32 years of age and was born at Wheeling. He spent virtually all his life in this community. The only survivor in addition to the father is Mrs. E. A. Fankhouser, a sister. - Private Gray was employed at Akron, O., at the outbreak of the war and registered there. He obtained a transfer, however, and was sent to Camp Lee with Marshall county boys, going with the second large contingent to leave here. He was in training only a short time until he was sent to France in a replacement unit. Gray was a member of a machine gun battalion at the time he met his death. - He was a member of the United Presbyterian church, of which Rev. C. O. Smith is pastor, and is the first soldier from that church to be reported killed.
(Submitted by Joseph D. Parriott; typed by Linda Fluharty)
"Moundsville Weekly Echo" - 14 Feb 1919
Mrs. Jennie Gray of 211 Tomlinson avenue received a telegram Tuesday stating that her son John Gray was killed in France on January 25 after falling from his billet.
For a long time no letter had been received from Gray, until Christmas day, and after that letters came frequently. - In addition to his mother Gray is survived by a brother, William, and two sisters, Ella and Celia. - This is the second John Gray of Moundsville to be killed in France, but the two were not related.
Unknown Moundsville Newspaper - Date unknown
Mrs. Jennie Gray of Tomlinson avenue received a telegram today that her son, Private John Gray, who was killed in France, will arrive in Hoboken about July 15.
(Submitted by Joseph D. Parriott; typed by Linda Fluharty)
"Moundsville Journal" - 16 Oct 1918
William Green of Boggs Run, near Benwood, received a telegram from the acting adjutant general at Washington last night announcing the death of his son, Matthew Green, in France. - Death occurred on September 27 and was caused by pneumonia. -Young Green was in one of the early contingents of draftees sent from Marshall county and had been in France for some time. Before entering the army he was employed in the tube department of Wheeling Steel and Iron company at Benwood. - In addition to his parents Green is survived by one brother who is also in the service. Green was 22 years of age.
(Submitted by Joseph D. Parriott; typed by Linda Fluharty)
"The Neodesha Daily" (Kansas), September 23, 1919
CAS HALE DIED OF DISEASE IN GERMANY - Casualty List Tells of the Passing of Another Neodesha Soldier - The name of Cas C. Hale, of Neodesha, appeared in the war department's casualty list yesterday, as having died of disease. - This announcement comes as a surprise to friends in Neodesha as it has not been much over a week since a letter from Hale was received here, along with some trophies he had obtained in Germany. - The Hale Gas Company, Monday, however, received a printed form from the war department, addressed to Chas. C. Hale, asking what disposition should be made of the body of Cas C. Hale, No. 198,636, sergeant first-class, 35th Service Co., Signal Corps. From the notations written with a typewriter on the top of the form it would appear that the death record in Washington gives the date of his death as Sept. 16, 1919. - As the letter was delivered to the Hale Co. by mistake, the employees, however, took up the matter of locating the parents of the soldier and ascertained that the family was now living at 823 Grand Avenue, Moundsville, W.V., to which place they had moved from Neddesha. - Hale was one of the first from Neodesha to enlist. At the time of enlistment, he was employed at Geiser & Bogue's, where he had worked a year, but had previously been employed for a year by C. E. Brown and 6 months by the Neodesha Motor Co. - Hale was a good mechanic and was assigned to the Signal Corps and it will be recalled that he was cited by the French for bravery under fire, during the early part of the war. - Hale was with the First Division in Germany the last that was heard from him, and it is presumed that he must have been sick when his division returned recently.
(Submitted by Linda Fluharty.)
"Moundsville Weekly Echo" - 2 Oct 1919
Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Hale of the corner of Ninth street and Grant avenue, received word Friday of the death of their son, Sergeant Cas. C. Hale, in Paris, September 16th. The family received a letter from him a few weeks ago with some trophies he had obtained in Germany, and he was well at that time. - Cas. C. Hale was born at Lewisburg, Mo., Jan. 8, 1898. He enlisted at Neodesha, Kansas, March 21, 1917, and has distinguished himself in many battles during the war. He was decorated for bravery in the battle of Soissons and cited for bravery in action at St. Mihiel and the Argonne, where he was badly gassed and was in the hospital for several weeks afterwards. - Sergeant Hale was a member of the First Division, 2nd Field Battalion, Signal Corps. He had been in Germany about nine months and had been transferred to Paris on special duty but a few weeks ago. He was in the battle of Cantigny, Soissons, Meuse, St. Mihiel and the Argonne, and was an excellent soldier and a credit to his country and flag. - The family have the heartfelt sympathy of their many family and friends.
(Submitted by Joseph D. Parriott; typed by Linda Fluharty)
"Moundsville Weekly Echo" - 11 Oct 1918
Mrs. Ada Hanna of Sixth street received a telegram today stating that her son John Hanna died at the hospital at Camp Lee Friday at 1:20 p.m. A telegram came Wednesday saying he was very ill of pneumonia, another one Friday evening that he was worse and the one today telling of his death. - Mr. Hanna was 22 years old July 3 and had been employed at the Fostoria glass factory before being called into the service. He left with the contingent September 4 for Camp Lee, being in camp just one month to the day of his death. He was a member of the Glassworkers Union. - He is survived by his mother, six sisters and two brothers, Misses Mattie and Wilma at home, Mrs. Chas. Zumbrunnen, Mrs. Walter Doty of this city, Mrs. A. L. Clovis of Mannington, Mrs. John Peters of Rosbys Rock, Ralph of Sulpulpa, Okla., and Alex Hanna.
(Submitted by Joseph D. Parriott; typed by Linda Fluharty)
"Ritchie Standard," Oct 30, 1918
[Note: This man did not live in Marshall County. McMechen was stated as the soldier's residence only because all but one of his family members were dead and his only surviving brother lived in McMechen.]
Corporal Romeo Freer Hardman was born near Fonzo, W.Va., December 17, 1890, departed this life at Ft. Riley, Kansas, October 10, 1918 age 27 years, 9 months and 23 days. - He was the son of the late F. C. and Lucinda A. Hardman and was the youngest of a family of six sons. His parents preceded him in death. Orio, Hallie and Roy died in youth. His father died April 23, 1915, and on June 6, 1915, his eldest brother, Guy, was killed in an automobile and train wreck at Benwood, W.Va. His mother died February 24, 1916. - One brother, Glenn, of McMechen, an engineer employed by the B & O railroad survives him. - In April, 1912, he enlisted in the regular army for a term of three years, and served all but one month when he received an honorable discharge at El Paso, Texas, and was sent home to see his father who was seriously ill. In March, 1916, he re-enlisted in D Troop, 8th Cavalry at El Paso, Texas, and served continuously on the Mexican border until about one month ago when he was sent to Ft. Riley, Kansas, to an officers' training school. On October 4th he was taken to the hospital where he died of pneumonia six days later. The remains were accompanied to Cairo by Squadron Sergeant Major John Hoffman of Ft. Riley, Kansas. - The comrades of Corporal Hardman sent a contribution of $16.00 with which to buy a floral tribute. These comrades were, Sergeant E. H. Edgar, Sergeant W. Cramlit, Sergeant James Tierney, Sergeant Lester, Sergeant James Shannon, Sergeant Edgar Talbert, Sergeant I. L. Johnson, Sergeant C. C. Ebert, Sergeant Walter Titler, Corporal M. W. Wright, Corporal Felix Lielas, Corporal Evan Wells, Private Charles Walker, Private Douglass, Private John Meggett, Private James Ryan, Private E. J. Coogan, Private Joseph Goldwater, Private Charles Matlock, Private John B. Jackson, Private George Minton, Private Robert moore, Private E. G. Sasek, Private Wilson. - On Tuesday afternoon a large concourse of friends and relatives assembled at Hardman Chapel where funeral services were held. Honorable Judge Homer B. Woods of Harrisville, delivered a beautiful tribute on the life of the deceased. He was ably assisted by Rev. Moore McNeill and Rev. Perry Robinson. Interment was made in the Hardman Chapel cemetery which is near his boyhood home. - The floral offerings were many and beautiful. - It will be remembered by many of the Ritchie County people that Corporal Hardman was a member of that well known "Hardman Drum Corps," which was composed of F. C. Hardman and his six sons.
(Provided by Linda Fluharty.)
"Moundsville Journal" - 12 Nov 1918
[Note: Vere Todd did not die during the war.]
Three more Marshall county boys have given their lives in the last full measure of devotion to their country. News has just been received here of the death at the front in France of Walter Hartley of Loudenville, Vera [Vere] Todd of Loudenville and Lindsay Robinson of Cameron. - Nothing is known as to the manner of their death, but it is presumed that they were killed in the advance carried out north of Verdun by the Eightieth division, composed of men from West Virginia, Pennsylvania and Virginia. - All three of the men were sent away to Camp Lee by the local draft board. - Hartley was a son of Mr. Edgar Hartley, a well known farmer of Loudenville. He was born and reared on the farm. He was in his early twenties and had been a farmer before entering the service. - Todd was a son of the late William Todd and the widow Todd. He was about 22 years of age and before being called to the colors he was an automobile salesman in Cameron. - Robinson was a son of Mr. John Robinson, a well known cattle dealer of Cameron. Before entering the service Robinson was a barber and for a time conducted a shop in Moundsville. At the time he was called for service, he was the proprietor of a barber shop in Cameron.
"Moundsville Weekly Echo" - 6 Jun 1919
Memorial services for Walter R. Hartley, who was killed in the battle of Argonne Forest, October 1, 1918, will be held in the Loudenvuille M. E. Church Sunday, June 8, at 3 p. m. Rev. W. E. Pierce of Cameron will deliver the sermon. - Walter was the son of Edgar Hartley of Loudenville. He was 23 years old and was a member of Co I, 111 Inf., 28th Div., a Pennsylvania division. He left here with the large party that went the 26th of May 1918, for Camp Lee. He worked at the U.S. Stamping Co. two years and had many friends here. - All returned soldiers, sailors and marines are especially invited.
"Moundsville Weekly Echo" - 5 Aug 1921
Edgar Hartley of Loudenville has received a telegram that the body of his son, Pvt. Walter Hartley, will arrive in the United States August 5th. Funeral arrangement will be made later.
(Submitted by Joseph D. Parriott; typed by Linda Fluharty)
"Daily Intelligencer" - 18 Jan 1919
(Excerpt - Info about Hedges)
"Joseph Hedges, son of Paul Hedges, of 620 Morton Avenue, Moundsville, was reported killed in action in in the night list, and Orange Leek, of the same city, was reported missing in action." [Orange Leek survived.]
(Submitted by Linda Fluharty.)
"Moundsville Weekly Echo" - 11 Apr 1918
The body of Private Jesse Hewett, local soldier who died in service, arrived here this afternoon and was taken by D. C. Lutes and prepared for burial. - Hewett died at sea March 19. The body was shipped back to Hoboken, N.J., when the boat on which he was aboard reached France. - Hewett's body was accompanied home by Robert L. Goddy of the army transport service. - Funeral arrangements are incomplete but they will be held from the home of his mother, Mrs. Mary Hewett of Center street. - Hewett was 22 years of age and went from here to Camp Lee.
(Submitted by Joseph D. Parriott; typed by Linda Fluharty)
"Moundsville Weekly Echo" - 19 Apr 1918
Hewett was 22 years of age at the time of his death. He left for Camp Lee among the first of the draftees to go from here. He was on his way to France when he died at sea, March 19. The body was sent back to this country, arriving at Hoboken, New Jersey, whence it was forwarded, accompanied by Robert I. Goodby of the army transport service - Hewett is survived by his mother, Mrs. Mary L. Hewett of 1713 Center St. and the following brothers and sisters: C. M. Hewett, Wind Ridge, Pa., W. G. Hewett, Cameron, James E. Hewett, Elm Grove, A. A. Hewett, Cameron; Mrs. Birdie Myers, New Martinsville; Mrs. Dessie Bane, Cameron, Mrs. Soffie Goodwin, Cameron, and Mrs. W. B. Sullivan, City.
(Submitted by Naomi Lowe Hupp; typed by Linda Fluharty)
George S. Hubbs of Glen Easton received a telegram Sunday stating that his son Roy S. Hubbs had gone down on the Ticonderoga October 6. - Roy left for Fort Screven, Ga., in July where he had been stationed before sailing. He was well known in this city and his many friends will be sorry to hear the sad news.
"Moundsville Weekly Echo" - 6 Jun 1919
George Hubbs of Glen Easton, has received word from the War department, stating that the body of his son Roy Hubbs, who was drowned off a battleship off the Ireland coast, had been found and was buried on the coast of Ireland. Mr. Hubbs is arranging to have the remains brot home for burial.
(Submitted by Joseph D. Parriott; typed by Linda Fluharty)
"Moundsville Weekly Echo" - 27 Aug 1920
Funeral services were held at Glen Easton Sunday for Roy Samuel Hubbs, who lost his life on the Otranto during the war. There was a good attendance at the funeral. The body was brought to the home in Glen Easton Sunday. He was on the same ship as Paul Norrington of this city, whose body was buried here Sunday.
(Submitted by Joseph D. Parriott; typed by Linda Fluharty)
"Moundsville Journal" - 11 Dec 1918
News was received in Moundsville last night to the effect that Albert I. Jones, son of Charles and Elizabeth M. Jones of Eastern fourth street, was killed in action in France some time between September 26 and October 16. - The Jones family resides near the Maxwell place east of the city and were understood not to be at home today when an effort was made to reach them. It is thought that Jones was in the regular army, as the local draft board has no record of having sent him to camp. - Charles Leek of Moundsville, an army cook is reported today as severely wounded. He is a son of Frank Leek and was sent to Camp Lee by the local draft board on September 20, 1917. He is thought to have been a member of the Eighteenth Division. He was wounded on October 20. - Private Albert W. Moore of Nuss, is reported as severely wounded. He is a son of Mrs. Louise Moore and was wounded October 2. He is thought to have been a member of the Twenty-eighth division from Pennsylvania, as the local draft board has no record of him.
(Submitted by Joseph D. Parriott; typed by Linda Fluharty)
"Moundsville Weekly Echo" - 21 Oct 1921
Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Jones of Grant avenue, have received the following telegram:
Washington, D.C. Oct 11
Mrs. Eliza M. Jones:
The funeral of Private Albert I. Jones, Company A. 59th Infantry, will take place at Arlington, Virginia National cemetery, October 20th at 2:30 p.m.
Travelers Aid society, Union station, Washington.
Rogers, Quartermaster General
Albert Jones went to France in June 1918 and was killed September 29th in the same year in the Argonne defensive. He was 22? years of age and was a young man of splendid character and good disposition. He was a faithful member of the Baptist Sunday School. - Mr. and Mrs. Jones will leave on Tuesday to attend the funeral.
(Submitted by Naomi Lowe Hupp; typed by Linda Fluharty)
"Moundsville Journal" - 9 Oct 1918
Mr. John J. Leach this morning received a telegram from A. A. Compton, commanding 32 F. A. Camp Meade announcing the death of Private Thomas Francis Logsdon. - Private Logsdon was among the contingent that left here on July 26th for Camp Meade. A report of his death was freely circulated about the city last Saturday but proved to be unfounded, the only bases for the report being the news of his serious illness. - Private Logsdon is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Logsdon, of Tom's Run, and has a brother, DeWitt Logsdon at Camp Lee. - The telegram received here announcing the death of Private Logsdon contains no information as to the cause of death, but it is supposed that he is another victim of the epidemic of Spanish Influenza that is raging throughout the country and in the encampments.
(Submitted by Naomi Lowe Hupp; typed by Linda Fluharty)
"Moundsville Weekly Echo" - 11 Oct 1918
Thomas Francis Logsdon died at Camp Meade Tuesday of pneumonia, following influenza. Mr. Logsdon left for Camp Meade on July 26th. He was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Logsdon of Big Grave creek, and besides his parents he is survived by one brother DeWitt Logsdon who is at Camp Lee. - Arrangements for the funeral will be made when the body arrives. - Mr. Logsdon was about 23? years of age. The body will be brot to the home of his uncle and aunt Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Leach.
"Moundsville Weekly Echo" - 18 Oct 1918
The body of Thomas F. Logsdon arrived from Camp Meade Sunday at 1:35 p.m. Funeral services were held at the home of J. J. Leach at 2:30 this afternoon conducted by Rev. V. A. Nanna. Interment was made in Greenlawn cemetery. - A brother, DeWitt Logsdon who is in training at Camp Lee arrived Saturday. [NOTE: "DeWitt" was Millard DeWitt Logsdon.]
(Submitted by Joseph D. Parriott; typed by Linda Fluharty)
"Moundsville Weekly Echo" - 21 Mar 1919
At the First Christian church Sunday special services were held in honor of Privates Roderick Rayburn and Westley Logston two members of the congregation who were killed in action in France. The services were very largely attended and Rev. Wilkerson, pastor of the church, preached the memorial sermon. [Spelling is RODERIC in military records.]
"Moundsville Weekly Echo" - 5 Aug 1921
The remains of Alva Logston, McMechen soldier who was killed in France were laid to rest in Greenlawn cemetery here this afternoon. - The American Legion was in charge of the funeral.
(Submitted by Joseph D. Parriott; typed by Linda Fluharty)
Note: U. S. Marine Corps Muster Rolls, 1798-1958 indicate that he enlisted on May 5, 1917, was admitted to hospital with influenza on Oct. 14, 1918 & he died of Lobar Pneumonia on Oct. 20, 1918.
Newspaper unknown.
M'MECHEN LAD DIES IN ACTION - Marine Private Wesley Logston Reported Killed in Action Oct. 30. - Had Been in the Service Two Years - Was One of the First To Go Across - At their home, on marshall street, McMechen, this morning, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Logston received a telegram from the war department announcing the sad intelligence of the death of their son, marine Private Wesley Logston, reportedly killed in action on October 30th. Private Logston was well known in the McMechen community, and the news of his death will be received with much regret by his many acquaintances. - Young Logston entered the marine corps about two years ago, enlisting in Wheeling when but 19 years of age. He served following his training at Paris Island, in the naval yards at Philadelphia, and when relations were broken off with Germany, was sent overseas, being a member of the first division to enter France. He fought in many of the big battles throughout the period of this country's preparation in the conflict. - Private Logston was 21 years of age, and besides his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Logston, is survived by four sisters: Mrs. May Beckerton, Mrs. Olive Elliott, and Bessie and Emma at home. Three brothers also survive, Charles Logston who is in service at Camp Shelby, Miss., and Ellmer and Thomas at home. Wesley was a staunch member of the First Christian Church of McMechen.
Submitted by Linda Fluharty
"Wheeling Daily Register," May 30, 1918
Private Ralph E. Lowe, son of Chalen Lowe of Glen Easton, Marshall County, W.Va., died the first of the week at Ft. Screven, Ga. During the early part of last week Mr. Chalen Lowe received word that his son was critically ill and left immediately for Ft. Screven. Through am error in routing, Mr. Lowe failed to reach his destination and returning home, made a second start for Ft. Screven. This time he was intercepted on the way by a telegram announcing the death of his son. - Particulars concerning the young man's death will come later. The remains will be brought to his home at Glen Easton under military escort for interment. - Private Lowe is the third Marshall County boy to die at Ft. Screven. The others were Private Courtwright and Private Robinson. A fourth Marshall County boy died enroute to France. - Private Lowe left with a number of other selective draft men from Marshall county on December 20th for Fort Screven. He was well and favorably known through the southern part of Marshall county and his death comes as a distinct shock to his many friends.
Submitted by Linda Fluharty
"Daily Intelligencer," Wheeling, February 20, 1919
PROMINENT McMECHEN YOUNG MAN MADE THE SUPREME SACRIFICE ON THE FIELD OF BATTLE - Multiple Wounds Cause Death of Man Who Enlisted in the South Early in Conflict. - Lieut. A. G. Mackay, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Mackay, of McMcMechen, died in France on Oct. 7th, according to word received by his parents yesterday, from Professor Crowe, principal of the Ybor City school, of Tampa, Fla., where the deceased was employed as principal of the Ballast Point school, previous to enlistment. - Enlisting immediately after the United States declared war on Germany, Lieut. Mackay went to the officers' training school at Chattanooga and was then sent abroad with the Second battalion, Fifty-ninth infantry. He went at once into the thickest of the fighting. He was later transferred to the Third battalion, Forty-seventh infantry, where he was made a scout in the intelligence department. - The last letter from Lieut. Mackay was received October 2. His letters then ceased and his parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Mackay, of McMechen, could hear nothing further from him. Very recently they were informed through the Red Cross of McMechen that Lieut. Mackay was in a hospital September 28, with multiple gunshot wounds. This information was followed by a letter from the company chaplain stating that Lieut. Mackay died October 7. - Lieut. Mackay was a member of the Port Tampa (Fla.) lodge of Masons, was 26 years of age and a man of sterling character. His death will cause regret among all who knew him. - Lieut Mackay was formerly in charge of a hospital at one of the steel mills of Martins Ferry and has many friends in Martins Ferry, Bellaire, Wheeling and McMechen.
(Submitted by by Linda Fluharty.)
"Moundsville Weekly Echo" - 16 Aug 1918
James A. Mountain of Bellaire received a telegram last evening from Washington, stating that his brother Albert Mountain was killed in action in France on July 13. - Albert Mountain was a second lieutenant and resided with his aunt Miss Mary Mountain on Logan street, McMechen. When the war broke put he was studying to be a priest, but left his studies and enlisted in the service. He has been in France for several months.
Lieut. Mountain's parents have been dead for several years, but he is survived by two brothers James A. of Bellaire and Tom, with the expeditionary forces in France, and one sister Mrs. McCullough of McMechen. - He was about twenty-seven years of age and has been a resident of McMechen all his life, where a host of friends and acquaintances will regret to learn of his death.
(Submitted by Joseph D. Parriott; typed by Linda Fluharty)
"Daily Intelligencer," Wheeling, June 2, 1917
WILLIAM NICE, National Guardsman, died this afternoon as the result of injuries received this morning at Princeton when he was struck by a freight train. He was a member of Company D, Second regiment, and was on guard at a tunnel. His body has been sent to his mother in Moundsville.
This is a detailed story of his death: DEATH OF WILLIAM NICE
(Submitted by Linda Fluharty.)
"Moundsville Journal" - 14 Nov 1918
The sad intelligence was received from the war department last evening that Paul A. Norrington, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Norrington, of Seventh street, was lost in the wreck of the steamer Otranto, off the rocky coast of Scotland on October 6, last. - Norrington was one of the 346 soldiers and 85 seaman who were lost in the Otranto disaster, which resulted from the transport colliding with the steamer Kashmier. The sea was running unusually high at the time of the accident, which made rescue work almost impossible, but in the face of these unusual conditions a British destroyer succeeded in saving a large number of men at great risk and took them safely into port.
The announcement of Norrington's death came as a sad shock to the entire community. He was a young man of exceptionally fine qualities and was well known and well liked about town. - Five weeks ago last Saturday Mrs. Norrington had a card announcing that the vessel on which her son had sailed had arrived safely overseas. It now develops that the vessel on which he sailed had arrived in England, but Norrington was lost while being transferred from England to France. - Norrington was under the draft age, but enlisted in the coast artillery service at Wheeling on July 25 last. Edward Mix of this city enlisted at the same time, and the two boys were sent to England together, after having taken training at Fort Screven, Ga. When last heard from Mr. Mix was still in England, and it is not believed that he was a passenger on the ill-fated Otranto at the time she was lost. - The deceased artilleryman would have attained his twenty-first birthday on October 27 had he lived. - Before entering the service Norrington had been employed as a clerk in the Fostoria Glass plant. For a short time he was employed as a reporter on the staff of the Journal.
"Moundsville Weekly Echo" - 15 Nov 1918
A message was received here Wednesday evening announcing the death of Paul Norrington of eastern Seventh street. The message stated that he went down with the steamer Otranto on October the 6th. - Paul was 21 years of age and enlisted in the coast artillery in July. He went to Ft. Screven, Ga., the last of July and left for over seas about the 24th of September. The news was a shock to not only his parents but to his numerous friends, who speaks in the hightest terms about him. Paul was the only child of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Norrington of eastern Seventh street. He was an interested member of the First Presbyterian church, was a member of the Jr. O.U.A.M. and the Trex club.
"Moundsville Weekly Echo" - 6 Jun 1919
The body of Paul A. Norrington, local young man who went down when the Otranto sank, is buried in a cemetery on the Isle of Islay, according to a letter received by Charles E. Carrigan, chairman of the local draft board, from the adjutant general's office. - Until the letter was received, it was not known here that his body had been recovered, it being supposed that it was lost at sea. Sometime ago, Frank Norrington of Seventh street received a letter containing blanks to be filled out concerning the personal affects of his son Paul. The letter was not explanatory, but it was filled out and forwarded. Mr. Norrington then asked Mr. Carrington to write and find out about his son, with the result as above stated. Mr. and Mrs. Norrington have received the watch and other personal belongings of Paul. - The letter received by Mr. Carrigan is as follows:
The Adjutant General's Office - May 28, 1919
Mr. Charles E. Carrigan
Chairman, Local Board
Court House
Moundsville, West Virginia
Dear Sir:
In response to your letter of the 17th instant, relative to the death of Paul A. Norrington, Serial Number 3,372,142, I beg leave to advise you that search has been made of the records of this office which show that the soldier died in the sinking of Otranto, October 6, 1918. His body is buried in Lilchoman Cemetery, Isle of Islay, in grave No. 313. - It is desired to express through you, to the parents of the deceased soldier, the deep sympathy of the Department on account of the great loss that they have sustained and to commend them for the contribution they have made to the cause for which their son gave his life.
Very respectfully,
P. C. Harris
The Adjutant General
"Moundsville Weekly Echo" - 20 Aug 1920
The body of Paul Norrington, local soldier boy who lost his life when the Otranto went down is being brought to Moundsville and is expected to arrive Tuesday. - His body has been buried on the coast of Scotland and with others was disinterred arriving in New York a few days ago. - Norrington was the only child of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Norrington of Seventh street. - Funeral arrangements have not been made but local soldiers will likely turn out in a body.
"Moundsville Weekly Echo" - 27 Aug 1920
Funeral services were held Sunday afternoon for Paul Norrington, local boy who lost his life during the war when the transport Otranto sank. - Services were conducted at the home of the parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Norrington of Seventh street at 3:30 in charge of Rev. P. T. Leyenberger of Wheeling. There was a large attendance both at the home and at the cemetery. - Members of the American Legion marched in line. The pall bearers all in uniform, were: Walter Allen, Edward Mix, Robert E. Blankensop, Arthur Seese, Richard R. Terrell, Ralph O. Williamson, Robert M. Linch and Charles V. DuBois.
(Submitted by Joseph D. Parriott; typed by Linda Fluharty)
"Moundsville Journal" - 27 Dec 1917
A message was received to day by Hiram Orum at Sherrard saying that his son John Robert Orum was killed October 9th in France. He was in the Marine corps. - Orum is a son of Hiram and Sarah Orum of near Sherrard. He was twenty-two years of age and enlisted in the Marines last January or February. He was born and raised on the farm near Sherrard and before entering the service had been a farm boy. - In addition to his parents he is survived by one brother and two sisters.
(Submitted by Naomi Lowe Hupp; typed by Linda Fluharty)
"Wheeling News-Register" - April 1, 1983
ALICE PALMER Died Today - Alice Lillian Palmer, age 92, died early this morning at Mound View Health Care Center. - She was born in Marshall county Dec. 14, 1890, daughter of Alexander Taylor and Mary Augusta Carothers Taylor. - She was on of the youngest of 14 children, seven sons and seven daughters. The family home was on Roberts Ridge. - She was an Army nurse (RN), in World War I, both in England and france. She was a member of Simpson Methodist church, and of the American Legion. - She was preceded in death by her husband, Elzie Palmer, in 1965. He was a funeral director. - She is survived by one brother, Louis Taylor, in Kent, Ohio, and several great-nieces and nephews. - Friends received at the Lutes funeral home Saturday, 7-9, and Sunday, 7-9. Arrangements are incomplete. (Alice Lillian Taylor, WWI Nurse)
(Submitted by Linda Fluharty)
"The Sandusky Register" - Sunday, Oct. 6, 1918
“Two Officers Die. Camp Sherman, Chillicothe. Oct. 5. – One hundred and forty-three deaths from the Spanish influenza pneumonia epidemic occurred at Camp Sherman between noon Friday and 2 p.m. today, bringing the total since the epidemic took hold a week ago to 277. The number of new cases being reported continues to decrease, however. Two commissioned officers, Captain Howard M. Wood of Cleveland, and Second Lieutenant Guy Peoples, of Cameron, W.Va., are among the dead.”
(Submitted by Linda Fluharty)
"Moundsville Weekly Echo" - 11 Oct 1918
[Note: This man died at Camp Sherman, Chillicothe, Ohio.]
Lieut. Guy Peoples, son of Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Peoples of Cameron, died at Camp Oglethorpe, Ga., of influenza, and will be buried at Cameron. His parents were at camp. A sister also survives, and she is quite sick of another disease.
(Submitted by Joseph D. Parriott; typed by Linda Fluharty)
"Moundsville Weekly Echo" - 23 Aug 1918
ALLIANCE RICHMOND - [Note: Father "Z. T." Richmond is not found but there was a Elias Perry Richmond on Garfield St. in McMechen with a son of that name. Alliance Quibee Richmond died in 1964 and is buried at Greenlawn Cemetery, Moundsville. No other Alliance Richmond was found in WWI, so this man must have survived. - LCF]
Alliance Richmond, son of Mr. and Mrs. Z. T. Richmond of Garfield Street, McMechen, who several days ago was reported missing in action in France, is now reported by the war office at Washington, as being killed in action, according to a telegram received yesterday by his parents. - Last Sunday the parents of the McMechen lad received a telegram stating that their son was missing in action and this was followed by another telegram received yesterday, stating that he was killed in action on July 19. - Young Richmond enlisted in the regular army shortly after the beginning of the war and was attached to the 59th infantry. He had been in France for several months.
(Submitted by Joseph D. Parriott; typed by Linda Fluharty)
"Moundsville Weekly Echo" - 11 Oct 1918
Elsworth Richmond of -----ville, W. Va., died at Camp Lee, Monday, September --2, of Spanish influenza. He left for camp about - weeks ago and was a member of the 32nd company 9th Training Battalion, 455th Depot Brigade. - Funeral services were held at the home this afternoon at 2 o'clock. Interment was made in Dallas cemetery.
(Submitted by Joseph D. Parriott; typed by Linda Fluharty)
"Daily Intelligencer" - 2 Oct 1918
ELLSWORTH RICHMOND (spelled Richland in the article)
ANOTHER BOY DIES AT CAMP - Ellsworth Richmond of Dallas Passes Away At Camp Lee Following Brief Illness - Another Wheeling boy has given his life while training at a U. S. army training camp. Word was received late last evening that Ellsworth Richmond, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. Richmond, of Dallas, near Elm Grove, died of pneumonia at Camp Lee yesterday. - Private Richmond is the fourth Wheeling boy to die at Camp within the past week, the other three being Corporal Thursten Hughes, Clyde Damsel, abd Albert Redman Bachman. - Private Richmond, who was but twenty-one years of age about a month ago, was drafted into the army September 13, after registering August 24. He was taken ill about a week ago, and his death comes as a great shock as few of his many friends knew that he was ill. - Besides his parents, Mr. Richmond is survived by his twin brother, Elmer, who was drafted at the same time and is also at Camp Lee, and one sister, Mrs. Bessie Rickey of Hundred, W. Va. - As yet, no arrangements have been made for the funeral. The body will be brought here and interment will be in a local cemetery. An escort of honor will accompany the body home.
(Submitted by Linda Fluharty)
"Moundsville Journal" - 2 Oct 1918
Marshall County's toll is being exacted in the Spanish influenza and pneumonia epidemics now sweeping through some of our army encampments. - News was received here last night of the death of Ellsworth Richmond of Majorsville and Pearl Yates of near Sherrard, Union district. Both boys died of pneumonia at Camp Lee. - Both soldier lads were 21 years of age and were sent to Camp Lee with the contingent that left here on September 1. Richmond is the son of Mr. and Mrs. George Richmond of Majorsville. He was taken ill about a week ago and died yesterday. The news of his death was a great shock to his relatives and friends, and affected his mother so severely that she was reported as in a serious condition this morning. Besides his parents, Private Richmond is survived by one twin brother, sent to Camp Lee on September 4, and one sister, Mrs. Bessie Rickey of Hundred. The funeral arrangements are not yet complete as the body has not arrived at home. - Yates was the son of John Yates, a well known farmer of Union district and was especially noted for his physical vigor before going to camp. He was one of the class of men registered here on August 24, and had never been ill a day in his life, it is said. - His death occurred Monday night about 10:30 o'clock. The body has been shipped home but funeral arrangements will not be completed until its arrival.
(Submitted by Joseph D. Parriott; typed by Linda Fluharty)
"Moundsville Weekly Echo" - 20 Dec 1918
Word has been received here that Paul Riddel, a former Moundsville boy, has been killed in action in France. He was the son of Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Riddel, who lived in Moundsville for a number of years. Paul was with the 37th Division, an all Ohio Division. He had many friends in this city who will learn of his death with sorrow.
(Submitted by Joseph D. Parriott; typed by Linda Fluharty)
"Wheeling Intelligencer" - February 27, 1918
The bodies of Privates William Riggle and Lawrence Silvers, local soldier boys who passed away at Fort Screven, Ga. last Saturday and Sunday of pneumonia are expected to arrive here today over the Baltimore and Ohio railroad. The bodies will be accompanied by a heavy military escort according to word given out by the same authorities. The bodies will doubtless be received by a large delegation of local friends.
(Submitted by Linda Fluharty)
"Wheeling Intelligencer" - March 2, 1918
The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Riggle extend to them their sincere sympathy over the loss of their son ill. At this writing the body is hourly expected from Camp Screven, Ga., his death having been previously announced in The Intelligencer...
(Submitted by Linda Fluharty)
"Moundsville Weekly Echo" - 19 Apr 1918
The following telegram was received this morning:
Fort Screven, Ga.
April 5.
Mrs. Emma Robinson,
Star Route Delivery, Sherrard.
Private Robert W. Robinson dies this date at 3:30 p.m. from wounds received in an accident. Wire immediately whether you wish body sent home at government expense or interment in national cemetery.
CAMPBELL, Commanding.
Robert Robinson, was one of the well known young men of Sherrard, was called for service and left with the Marshall county increment which went to Fort Screven. - The last word received from home indicated that he was in the best of health, and the news of the death came as a great shock to his relatives and many friends. Particulars of the accident in which he was injured were not learned. - The body will be brought to this city and will be taken in charge by D. C. Lutes. - Robinson was 23 years of age on April 2. He is survived by his mother, Mrs. Emma Robinson; two sisters, Mrs. William Wodtly of Akron, Ohio, and Miss Georgia Dowler of this city and Miss Hilda at home. His father, the late Calvin Robinson died about six years ago. Young Robinson has no brothers, he being the only son.
(Submitted by Joseph D. Parriott; typed by Linda Fluharty)
Unknown Moundsville Newspaper - 9 Dec 1918
Mike V. Saner, brother of Joseph Saner, proprietor of the Saner barber shop on Lafayette avenue, was killed in action in France on July 19. News to this effect was received last evening by Mr. Saner, from the office of the adjutant general at Washington. - On September 19, last Mr. Saner had a telegram from the war department saying that his brother had been wounded in action on July 19, and since that time he had been unable to hear from him until last evening. - Saner was a memebr of Company C, 59th Infantry, Fourth division. He enlisted at Wheeling about the time that the first drafted men were called into camp, and took training at Gettysburg and at Camp Greene, S. C. He went to France last May and had seen considerable active service. - Before entering the service Saner was a railroader and at the time of his death he was attached to a corps of mechanicians. His brother is the only survivor. - Information was also received here last evening to the effect that Private John Sulphur of Rock Lick was wounded in action on November 5, the extent of his wounds was not stated in the telegram. The next of kin was given as Mrs. Lillie Campbell, Rock Lick.
(Submitted by Naomi Lowe Hupp; typed by Linda Fluharty)
"Wheeling Intelligencer" - Friday, 17 Mar 1969, Page 12.
SCHMID, Joseph H., (Paddy), 71, of 1342 Marshall St., Benwood, died Thursday at 3:20 a.m. at Ohio Valley General Hospital. Born at Benwood, Dec. 21, 1895, son of the late Joseph and Frances Becker Schmid. He was a retired employe of the the Benwood plant of Wheeling Steel Corp. He was married to Mary Agnes Flatley, who died in 1923; later married to Elizabeth Brant Schmid, who survives. He was a member of St. John's Church, a veteran of World War 1, and a member of American Legion Post 46; of the 40 and 8 Club of Moundsville; Bellaire Elks; Kain Club, Wheeling. Surviving in addition to his wife are three sons, Joseph L., at home; Lt. Commander William H., Rota, Spain; George R., San Diego; three daughters, Mrs. Bernard Twigg, McMechen; Mrs. Paul Schiffer, McMechen; Mrs. James J. Welsh, Glen Dale; a brother, Leonard C., of Benwood; 26 grandchildren; and an aunt, Mrs. Mary Westenhaven, Wheeling. Friends may call at the Altmeyer Funeral Home, 214 Marshall St., McMechen. High Mass of Requiem Monday at 9:30 a.m. at St. John's Church. Internment in Mt. Calvary Cemetery. Rosary devotions at the funeral home Friday at 8 p.m.
(Submitted by Tom Welsh, grandson.)
Unknown Moundsville Newspaper - Unknown Date.
ROBERT SHIPLEY DIES AT CAMP MEADE [He died at Camp Lee, Virginia.]
Robert Ronald Shipley, son of Mrs. Margaret B. Shipley of Eoff street, Wheeling, died Friday morning at Camp Meade, of pneumonia following influenza. Private Shipley was 21 years old and had only been in camp a little over two weeks. He formerly lived in Moundsville. - The funeral arrangements are incomplete. (Submitted by Joseph D. Parriott; typed by Linda Fluharty)
"Moundsville Weekly Echo" - 8 Aug 1919
Arthur H. Siburt, son of Frank Siburt, died at his home on Fairview Ridge, this morning at 4 o'clock, of plural pneumonia. Mr. Siburt was 23 years old and had been home from the army only five or six weeks. He was in the service twelve weeks. He was in service twelve months, nine months being sent over seas, and he was at the front when the armistice was signed. - The father, one brother, Wm. C. Siburt, and one sister Mrs. Mary Day, survive. - The funeral will be held Sunday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock, conducted by Rev. J. B. Smith. Interment in Fairview cemetery.
(Submitted by Naomi Lowe Hupp; typed by Linda Fluharty)
"Moundsville Weekly Echo" - 4 Apr 1919
Earl Staley, Marshall county draftee, was killed in France October 18, according to word received here. His parents moved to Paden City some time ago. Staley was an employe of the Fostoria glass company. This is the 7th gold star for the Fostoria service flag.
(Submitted by Naomi Lowe Hupp; typed by Linda Fluharty)
"Moundsville Weekly Echo" - 29 Dec 1922
Private George C. Stewart, reported in dispatches from the war as killed in action, was a son of Theadore Stewart of McMechen. The telegram was sent by some mistake to Moundsville and it was impossible to locate a Theadore Stewart here. - The dead boy was born at Middlebourne, Tyler county, but had spent most of his life at McMechen. He went to Camp Lee on May 26, last. - Stewart was killed in action on November 4, six days before the armistice was signed. His next of kin was given as Theadore Stewart, Fifteenth street, Moundsville, but up to a late hour today no one had been found who knew Stewart. He was not taken into the service through the local draft board.
(Submitted by Naomi Lowe Hupp; typed by Linda Fluharty.)
Unknown Moundsville newspaper - Date Unknown
Mrs. Emma Tucker of Highland avenue, received a message today announcing that her son was killed in action Oct 20th in France.
"Moundsville Weekly Echo" - 17 Jun 1921
The body of Samuel Tucker son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph [James?] Tucker of Taylors Ridge arrived at 7:19 this morning. He leaves a father and mother of Taylors Ridge, five brothers: Thomas of Oklahoma, Harvey, Bery, Clyde and David at home; one sister, Mrs. Mary Miller of this city and two half brothers, Charles Tucker of Moundsville and John Tucker of Yorkville, Ohio. - He enlisted at Massillon, Ohio, at the beginning of the war; he was wounded in France early in October 1919 and died on the 20th day of the same month. He was a member of Co. A. 156 Machine Gun Battalion. He was an employ of the Fostoria Glass Co., of this city. - The funeral will be from the Christian church this city Sunday at 2 p.m. Rev. J. B. Smith in charge. Interment at Greenlawn cemetery with Earl francis Post in charge.
"Moundsville Weekly Echo" - -- Jun 1921
The funeral of Samuel Tucker, who was killed in France, was held Sunday. Services were held at the Christian church in charge of Rev. J. B. Smith, and the Legion ritualistic service took place at the cemetery. - The Eagle band donated its services and furnished music. The funeral was not as largely attended as otherwise it would have been, owing to the number of other occurrences of the afternoon.
(Submitted by Joseph D. Parriott; typed by Linda Fluharty)
"Moundsville Weekly Echo" - 18 Oct 1918
Private Frank Hobart Turvey, son of Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Turvey, of McMechen, died Saturday, October 12, 1918, at 1:30 p.m. at the student's training camp, Morgantown, W. Va., in the twenty-second year of his age. Private Turvey was a young man of sterling character and many amicable qualities which endeared him to his host of friends and acquaintances. Word had een received by his parents the day before his death that had finished the special students' course with a high rating and would be recommended for promotion on leaving the school. - Funeral services were held this afternoon at 2 o'clock at the home of his parents on Caldwell street, McMechen. On account of the young man having died of influenza the services will be held in the open on the lawn. Friends of the family are invited.
(Submitted by Joseph D. Parriott; typed by Linda Fluharty)
Private Frank Hobart Turvey
On Saturday, October 12, at 1:30 o'clock, at Students' Army Training Camp, Morgantown, occurred the death of Private Frank Hobart Turvey. The young man was in his 22nd year and was the son of Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Turvey, of McMechen. - He was a young man of sterling qualities and had a host of friends, and was held in high esteem by all who knew him. Word had been received the day before his death from the dean of the West Viginia University stating that young Turvey had finished the course in high rating and was among the best at his work, and that he would soon be recommended for promotion upon leaving there. - Owing to death being due from influenza and pneumonia, the body will not be exposed. Shore services will be held on the lawn at the home of his parents on Caldwell street, McMechen, today at 2 o'clock.
(Submitted by Linda Fluharty)
"Moundsville Journal" - 26 Nov 1918
Nick Varlas, proprietor of the Varlas Bros. shoe shining establishment on Jefferson avenue, last evening received a message from the war department saying that his brother, George had been killed in action with the American army in France on November 3. - Varlas left here for Camp Lee with the second large contingent of Marshall county draftees to be sent to camp. He was attached to a machine gun battalion and had been in France for several months. - The dead boy was born in Greece but patriotically answered the call of his adopted country when called up in the order of the draft. He was one of the most enthusiastic of all the soldiers sent from Marshall county and was one of the first to report at draft headquarters on the day of entrainment. - He was thirty years of age.
"Moundsville Weekly Echo" - 10 Oct 1919
Nick Varlas, who conducts the Park shoe shine parlor, 232 Jefferson avenue has received the following letter concerning the death of his brother, George Varlas, which occurred in 1918. - George Varlas was killed in action near Audenarde, Belgium, November 3, 1918. He was a member of Co. B. 347th machine gun Bn.
Kansas City, Mo.
September 30, 1919
Dear Sir: Received your letter in regards to your brother's death. The report the government sent you is correct. George and I were in the same squad. I was the gunner and he was ammunition carrier. We were taking the town of Audenarde and shell fire was so bad that we moved back in some woods. On our way back George got hit with a piece of shell. About half an hour later I went out to look for some rations and I went by where George was lying to see if he was dead. He was. That is about all the information I could give you.
I remain
Very truly yours,
1201 West 18th street.
"Moundsville Weekly Echo" - 28 July 1922
Nick Varlas who conducts a shoe shine parlor at 232 Jefferson avenue Moundsville just received a letter from friends at Kees Greece Kalmot stating the burial of the body of his brother George Varlas who formerly conducted a shoe shine parlor in Moundsville. - Funeral services were held at Kees Greece Kalmot with national honors. Two thousand people attended the funeral. Services lasted from 9 o'clock a.m. to 2 o'clock p.m. An American army officer accompanied the body.
(Submitted by Joseph D. Parriott; typed by Linda Fluharty)
"Moundsville Journal" - 9 Nov 1918
The sad intelligence was received here late last night to the effect that Elbert Whorton, son of Mrs. Sarah Whorton of Waynesburg Road, was killed in action in France on October 7th. - Whorton was among the Moundsville boys sent to Camp Lee for training last May. He evidently absorbed training rapidly to go through the camp and reach the firing line by October. - While no details accompanied the official telegram from Adjutant General Harris it is presumed that Whorton met his death in the American advance north of Verdun. He was attached to the infantry. - The dead soldier boy was well known about town before entering the army. His mother is today distracted with grief.
"Moundsville Weekly Echo" - 15 Nov 1918
Mr. and Mrs. William Whorton of the Waynesburg road, received a message Friday that their son Albert Whorton, had been killed in France, October 7th. - Whorton went to camp Lee the 26th of last May and went to France the last of July. He was about twenty-two years of age. His parents and three sisters, Mrs. Cora Fink, Mrs. Rachael Smally, and Mrs. Gilmore of this city, and his brothers, John, June and Theodore of this city, Oliver of Enterprise, and Charles of Parkersburg, survive him.
(Also See Earl Francis)
(Submitted by Joseph D. Parriott; typed by Linda Fluharty)
"Moundsville Journal" - 31 Dec 1918
Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Wiblin of Washington avenue have just received word of the death in France of their son, Joe S. Wiblin. - Wiblin was sent to Camp Lee by the local draft board on October 4, 1917. He was later transferred to Camp Shelby, Miss., and went to France last summer landing there on July 14. - At the time of his death Wiblin was a member of Company F, 101st. Engineers. - Before entering the service Wiblin was employed as a dipper at the United States Stamping Works. Besides his parents he is survived by four brothers, three at home and Harley at Canton, O., and one sister. - A telegram from the war department announcing Wiblin's death was received last evening, saying that he died in December 18 of nephritis. His parents had received a letter from him dated December 12, and a Christmas card later. - The official casualty list for today carries the names of two other Moundsville boys. Austen E. Gray, son of Jasper B. Gray, of Oak avenue, was officially reported as killed in action and Edward West, son of Mrs. Dulla West, was officially reported as severely wounded. The first news of Gray's death was received about three weeks ago.
(Also see Forest Dulaney)
(Submitted by Naomi Lowe Hupp; typed by Linda Fluharty)
"Moundsville Weekly Echo" - 27 Dec 1918
Mr. and Mrs. David Williams, of Cameron Star Route, have received a telegram stating that their son Private John Maywood Williams was killed in action November the 4. He went to Camp Meade April 26, and was in training there until May the 30 when he went to Camp Lee, Va., and was there until he left for overseas service June 13, 1918. - John Maywood Williams was born Oct. 30, 1892, and departed this life Nov. 4, 1918, being 26 years and 5 days old. He lived in and near Cameron all his life until he went to war. - He leaves to mourn his death, father, mother and two brothers. One brother, Grafton Williams is in training at Camp Meade and one is at home. He also leaves a host of friends and relatives who deeply regret to hear of his death. He belonged to the Woodman of the World lodge and was a member of the Methodist church at Cameron, having been converted in that church six years ago and has lived a devoted Christian life ever since. - Wood was a good quiet boy and was loved by all who knew him. He was willing to lay down his life for his country and our loss is Wood's gain.
O' ye that are weary and hearts that are sore
Look unto Jesus and sorrow no more
The light of his countenance shineth so bright
That here as in heaven there need be no light.
"Moundsville Weekly Echo" - Sept 1922
The body of Private John M. Williams of Cameron, who was killed in Belgium November 4, 1918, has arrived home. Funeral services will be held Sunday afternoon at one o'clock, Rev. C. Fred Anderson of Wheeling officiating. Interment will be made in the Big Run cemetery.
(Submitted by Naomi Lowe Hupp; typed by Linda Fluharty)
"The Tampa Tribune" - 20 Aug 1963
MRS. MYRTLE M. BOWMAN - Seminole - Mrs. Myrtle M. Bowman, 71, of 10808 60th Ave. N., died yesterday at Bay Pines Hospital. A native of Board-Tree, W.Va., Mrs. Bowman came here nine years ago from Jacksonville. She was a retired registered nurse, a member of Seminole Methodist Church and WSCS of that church. Survivors include her husband, Julius, Seminole; a son, David Bowman, Huntsville, Ala.; two daughters, Mrs. Willa Black, Greenville, S.C.; Mrs. Miriam Wilson, Huntsville; seven grandchildren; a brother, John Winter, Andover, Ohio; three sisters, Mrs. Amanda Little, Littletown [sic], W.Va.; Mrs. Etta Neehouse, Cameron, W.Va., and Mrs. Nell Moore, Woodruff, W.Va." (Myrtle Martha Winter, Army Nurse Corps, WWI)
(Submitted by Linda Fluharty)
"The Charleston Gazette" - 24 Oct 1938
WAR NURSE DIES - Wheeling, Oct. 23. - Annabel Wynters, supervisor of nurses at Camps Upton and Mills, Long Island, N.Y., during the World war died suddenly at her home in Wheeling today. - She was a native of Marshall county but for the past 32 years had lived in Wheeling. Funeral services will be held Tuesday with burial in Greenwood cemetery, Wheeling.
"The Wheeling Intelligencer" - 24 Oct 1938
DEATH CLAIMS MISS WYNTERS - Annabel Wynters, R.N., who served as camp supervisor of nurses during the World war, died suddenly Sunday morning at 6:45 o'clock at her home, 35 Thirteenth street. - Miss Wynters had been in failing health for some time, suffering a heart ailment, but her condition had not been considered critical. - During the World war, Miss Wynters was supervisor of nurses at Camp Upton and Camp Mills, Long Island, N.Y. - She was born at Sand Hill, W.Va., a daughter of Isaac D. and Hannah Heatherington Wynters, and was educated in Marshall county schools. Miss Wynters was a graduate of the Ohio Valley General Hospital School of Nursing with the class of 1910. She practiced her profession here for a number of years. She was a member of Sand Hill M. E. church. - Surviving are three sisters, Miss Mary E. Wynters of Cleveland, O., Mrs. June Watson of Columbus, O., and Mrs. Daisy Anderson of West Alexander, Pa.; and two brothers, Albert D. Wynters of Elm Grove, and Nelson Wynters of Warren, O. - Funeral services will be held Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock in the Kepner funeral home chapel. Dr. Arthur J. Jackson, pastor of Fourth Street M. E. church, will be in charge. Greenwood cemetery is to be the place of burial.
(Submitted by Elizabeth Davis Swiger.)
"Moundsville Weekly Echo" - 4 Oct 1918
Pearl Robert Yates of Sherrard, died Monday night at Camp Lee of pneumonia. His body is expected to arrive at Sherrard today.
(Also see Ellsworth Richmond)
(Submitted by Naomi Lowe Hupp; typed by Linda Fluharty)