William M. Richmond
Company "L" 4th Regiment W.Va. Cavalry

National Archives Pension File

Transcribed by Linda Fluharty. File provided by Brooks Hill.

Declaration for Original Invalid Pension

State of West Virginia
County of Marshall
     On the 9th day of October, A.D. one thousand eight hundred and seventy-eight personally appeared before me, Clerk of the Circuit Court, a court of record within and for the county and state aforesaid, WILLIAM M. RICHMOND, age 36 years, a resident of the TOWN of HOWARD, county of MARSHALL State of WEST VIRGINIA, who, being duly sworn according to law, declares that he is the identical WILLIAM M. RICHMOND who was enrolled on the 8th day of JULY, 1863, in Company L of the 4th regiment of WEST VA CAVALRY of VOLUNTEERS commanded by CAPT. JOHN S. McDONALD, and was honorably discharged at WHEELING, W.VA. on the TENTH day of MARCH, 1864; that his personal description is as follows; Age, 20 years; height, 5 feet 9 inches; complexion, LIGHT; hair, SANDY; eyes, BLUE. That while a member of the organization aforesaid, in the service and in the line of his duty at OR NEAR MEDLEYS GAP, in the State of WEST VIRGINIA on or about the FIRST day of FEBRUARY, 1864, he CONTRACTED THE KIDNEY DISEASE FROM EXPOSURE, WHILST IN THE LINE OF HIS DUTY. ALSO THE MUMPS JUST PREVIOUS TO THE DATE OF HIS DISCHARGE FROM WHICH DISEASES HE HAS SINCE THAT TIME AND DOES YET SUFFER FROM THESE AILMENTS.

That he has NOT been employed in the military or naval service otherwise that as stated above...
That since leaving the service this applicant has resided in the counties of MARSHALL & WETZEL in the State of WEST VIRGINIA, and his occupation has been that of a FARMER.
That prior to his entry into the service above named he was a man of good, sound, physical health, being when enrolled a FARMER. That he is now PARTIALLY disabled from obtaining his subsistence by manual labor, by reason of his injuries, above described, received in the service of the United States; and he therefore makes this declaration for the purpose of being placed on the invalid pension roll of the United States.
     He hereby appoints with full power of substitution and revocation, Wm. Conard & Co., of Washington, D. C., his true and lawful attorneys to prosecute his claim. Taht he has NEVER received NOR applied for a pension. That his Post Office address is HOWARD, county of MARSHALL State of WEST VIRGINIA.

Claimant's Signature: WILLIAM M. RICHMOND

Department of the Interior
Bureau of Pensions
Washington DC, October 26, 1897

Southern Div.
Cert No 401.737
William M Richmond
Co "L" 4 Regt WVa Vol. Cav.

Will you kindly answer, at your earliest convenience, the questions enumerated below? The information is requested for future use, and it may be if great value to your family.
J. L. Davenport, Acting Commissioner.

No. 1. Are you a married man? If so, please state your wife's full name, and her maiden name?
Answer: Suzan Matilda. Maiden name Cain

No 2. When, where and by whom were you married?
Answer: Marrid in Green Co Pa April the 13 1866 by William J Davis, Minister.

No. 3. What record of marriage exists?
Answer: Certificate.

No. 4. Were you previously married? If so, please state the name of your former wife and the date and place of her death or divorce.
Answer: Nancy May first wife. Died November the 30 1864 in Marshall Co WVa.

No. 5. Have you any children living? If so, please state their names and the dates of their birth.
Answer: 1 by first wife JOSEPH H
5 by last wife
JOSEPH was born February 16 1863
MARGARET J. birth October the 3 1867
SILVY birth May 25 1869
ELIZABETH E. birth February 27 1872
JOHN N. birth November 28 1875
LINZY V. birth April the 10 1878

Date of reply, NOVEMBER 6, 1897

Deposition of William M. Richmond
18 Jan 1899

Case of WILLIAM M. RICHMOND, No. 401,737.
     On this 18th day of January, 1899, at ELSWORTH DIST, County of TYLER, State of W.Va., before me, N. C. SMITH, a Special Examiner of the Pension Office, personally appeared WILLIAM M. RICHMOND Clt., who, being by me first duly sworn to answer truly all interrogatories propounded to him during this Special Examination of aforesaid pension claim, deposes and says:

Age 56 - PO address Middlebourn Tyler Co W.Va. Occupation, Farmer
     I was born in Washington Co Pa, when I was a boy of five or six years my parents moved to the neighborhood of Silver Hill Wetzel Co WVA where I lived until I enlisted in the service. We had no family physician, some of our neighbors were
JACOB SIBERT, Millsborough Marshall Co WVa.
JACOB CANE, Silver Hill, Wetzel Co WVa
ELIAS SIMMONS, Silver Hill, Wetzel Co WVa
ORANGE JACKSON, Silver Hill, Wetzel Co WVa
GEO D SIBERT, Silver Hill, Wetzel Co WVa
I enlisted in Co L 4th WVa Calv July 8, 1863 and served continuously in the same Co and regt. until mustered out March 10, 1864. I never served in the army or #000045 of the United States except as above described. I am now receiving a pension of six dollars for kidney disease under the General law. I claim pension under the general law for kidney disease, disease of left testicle as a result of mumps. In 1890 I applied for pension on the new law for rheu. heart disease, stomach disease and general disability and was allowed twelve dollars under that law. On March 4th 1896 my pension was reduced from $12 under the new law to six dollars under the Genl laws.
I still suffer with rheu. which first attacked me about the year 1870. It first affected my legs and shoulders and suring the last 15 or 20 years it has affected my whole body. I first had heart disease about fourteen or fifteen years ago causing smothering sensation in hot weather in cooler weather I was not so much affected. I have had stomach trouble from about the year 1866 or 1867 causing costiveness for several days at a time and then the reverse too lax for several days with severe and frequent attacks of water brash. Yes sir I suffer with all these at present.
I claim I contracted kidney or back disease in the srvice and under the following circumstances: On or about Jan 28, 1863, a part of our regiment including my Co started on a march with a provision train from New Creek WVa to Little Petersburg WVa distant 42 miles. We were five days on the road, travelling during the day and camping out without tents or blankets, during the night. We were not allowed to kindle fire in order not to expose our position to the enemy. During this trip my back weakened on me and cecame disabled but not so much that I had to quit the march. We failed to reach Little Petersburg but reached Medley's Gap and were intercepted there by the enemy. There we were compelled to change course and return to New Creek. For several days upon arrival at Ne Creek I was put on light duty on account of my back and sore feet.
This back trouble has never ceased to give me trouble since I never got well of the trouble and have always had a weak back and many times I have required assistance in dressing and undressing and for as long as three months at a time have not been able to work on account of my back. I also claim that I contracted mumps in the service which resulted in disease of left testicle. About March 5th 1864 While our regiment lay at Wheeling WVa waiting our discharge I was detailed from the company to do nurse duty in the hospital which was the Athenium buliding. there was at least one case of measles SAMUEL A PARRIOTT, Cameron Marshall Co WVa. Parriott was duty Sgt of our Co. I was detailed to nurse him. I do not recollect that there were any more cases of mumps in the hospital. Dr. Shane (?), whereabouts unknown attended Parriott. I remained on detail in hospital until the 10th day of March when we were discharged from the service - The only nurse I recollect besides myself was a member of our Co JAMES M. BAKER dead.
The following comrades know about my detail in the hospital and the case of mumps
TAYLOR RICHMOND of Pullman Ritchie Co WVa
LEVI MAY Adaline Marshall Co WVa and
SAMUEL PARRIOTT - if living, last heard from at Cameron Marshall Co WVa. I can name no other comrades who would be likely to know about my detail in the hospital and the case of the mumps. I received my discharge on March 10, 1864. At that time I had no signs of the mumps but my back was troubling me. I went at once to my father's (dead) dear Silver Hill Wetzel Co where my wife was staying. I was there some four or five days when I was taken down with the mumps. i did not have a coctor. My mother doctored me and my wife (both dead) nursed me. I was very sick for two weeks part of the time was delerious. I was sick altogether about three weeks. During the latter part of my sickness and when Ihad started to get better I walked out from the house a short distance. This same day the left side of the scrotum and left testicle became affected, badly swolen and painful. The pain was so gret that I became delerious and it was expected that I would not live. After the swelling went down which was not for several days the left testicle dwindled or shrunk to about one fourth its natural size.
Ever since this attack and the shrinking of the testicle at times when lifting anything heavy or overexerting myself the cords of both testicles would swell and give me much pain the left one being the worse and this condition has continued up to the present time.
Six or eight years after I had the mumps an enlargement, which is a little longer than the testicle and has remained there to the present time. I could not say how much I have been disabled by this trouble. My back has disabled me most but whenever my back is bad the testicles become painful also.
Those who know about my sickness with mumps are:
LEVI MAY Adaline, Marshall Co WVa
EMILY RICHMOND Glen Easton Marshall Co WVa
TAYLOR RICHMOND Pullman Ritchie Co WVa
On Continnance:
SILAS RITCHIE Middlebourne Tyler Co WVa
CHARLES RICHMOND of Conaway Tyler Co WVa
My wife whom I married in 1866 knows all about my condition.
From the close of the war or from the time of my discharge in 1864 until the fall of 1884 I lived near Silver Hill Wetzel Co WVa. From 1884 to 1888 I lived near Inka Tyler Co WVa. My neighbors thre were FREDK ASHENHART, MARSHALL TRACY and JOHN HENDERSON all of Inka Tyler Co WVa. I then moved to near Kidwell Tyler Co WVa where I lived until I came here two years ago. THOMAS GORRELL, JOEL TUTTLE abd WILLIAM J HILL all of Kidwell Tyler Co WVa. I have no neighbors here that know about my condition.
     I am a married man, my wife's maiden name was SUSAN M. KANE. We were married by William J Davis minister of the Gospel of Belton Marshall Co WVa in Green Co Pa. The minister went with us from Belton, my wife's parents being opposed to our marriage we could not secure a license in WVa and there fore could not get married in WVa. So we went across the line into Green Co Pa. I do not know the locality or the township. We were married in the woods on April 13, 1866. My brother CHARLES RICHMOND was present and MORDIGA SLOAN of Green Co Pa near Burton Wetzel Co WVa. There were others present but I did not know them - I was previously married to NANCY MAY who died Nov 30 1864, near Silver Hill Wetzel Co WVa and was buried in Richmond Cemetary on my fathers farm. A record of her death can be found at the courthouse at New Martinsville Wetzel Co. My present wife was not married before her marriage to me.
     Names of children and date of birth:
JOSEPH H. RICHMOND born Feb 16, 1863
MARGARET H. RICHMOND born Feb 16, 1863
ALVY RICHMOND born May 25, 1869
ELIZABETH E. RICHMOND born Feb 27, 1872

(signed) WILLIAM M. RICHMOND, Deponent

     Aworn to and subscribed before me this 18th day of Jan 1899, and I testify that the contents were fully made known to deponent before signing.
(signed) N. C. SOUTH, Special Examiner.

(Note : then the deposition continues)

JOHN N. RICHMOND born Nov 28, 1875
LINZY V. RICHMOND born April 10, 1878
The bible containing the above data was published in 1870, the births prior to that time were noted on a slip of paper and transferred to the bible some years ago. The births since 1871 were copied directly into the bible. (Note on fly leaf shows bible to have been purchased in 1871 Exr) The child ELIZABETH E. RICHMOND is an idiot, not capable of caring for herself in any way - has been so since birth.
     I have never been treated by a doctor for kidney or back trouble or for the injury to the testicle. I have used home remedies from time to time, what ever remedies I would hear or read about. I have used Hoods Sarsoparilla, Paynes Compound, United States Medicl Co remedies. I procured these remedies usually from my drug stores or from agents.
     I was a sound man when I enlisted in the service. I had never had back or kidney trouble or trouble with my testicles before enlistment. I had never had any sickness of a serious nature before I enlisted in the army. None tht required the assistance of a doctor.


Sworn to and subscribed before me this 18th day of January 1899 and I certify that the contents were fully made known to the deponent before signing.

N C SMITH, Special Examiner

Duty Sgt PARRIOTT whom I nursed in the hospital at Wheeling was sick with measles, not mumps. There was one or more cases of mumps in the hospital at that time. I do not know the name of the man who was sick with mumps, he did not belong to my company. I remember one nurse JAMES M BAKER and he is dead. I cannot name any body who would be likely to know anything about there being mumps in the hospital. I have heard read lists of comrades. I do not think any of them would know anything about the matter. I have no knowledge of the whereabouts of any of the officers of my Co. The officers were not quartered with the co at that time; they were stopping at the hotel, waiting to be mustered out and paid little or no attention to the men.

William M Richmond.

NOTE: Supporting affidavits were given by: Susan M. Richmond, wife; Levi May; Emily Richmond, sister; Charles Richmond, brother; Mariah J. Richmond, w/o Charles; Taylor Richmond, brother; Thos. B. McFarland, comrade; William J. Hill, neighbor; Sarah E. May, w/o Levi May; Jeremiah M. Tracy, neighbor; Silas Richmond, brother; Thomas Gorrell, neighbor; S. A. Parriott; Silas Carmichael, comrade; David B. Johnson, comrade; James P. Stuart, comrade; John F. Harris, comrade; Joseph Logsdon, comrade.

Declaration for Increase of Pension

State of West Va.
County of Tyler
     On this 16 of July, AD one thousand nine hundred and FOUR personally appeared before me, a Notary Public within and for the county and State aforesaid, WILLIAM M. RICHMOND, who, being duly sworn according to law, declares that he is 61 years 9 mos & 16 days of age and a resident of LONETREE County of TYLER, Stte of WEST VA; that he served as a PRIVATE in Co L 4th WVa Volinter Cavalry and that he is a pensioner of the United States under the act of June 27, 1890, enrolled at the WASHINGTON Pension Agency at the rate of $8.00 per month, by reason of partial inability to earn a support by manual labor, his pension certificate being numbered 401737.
That he believes himself to be entitled to an increase of pension on account of the following-named disabilities, to wit: Kidney disease, result of mumps, stomach trouble hydrocele rheumatism heart affection and age.
That he was born on the 26 day of SEPTEMBER in the year 1842, in WASHINGTON Co PENNA. and that his personal description is as follows: Height, 5 feet, 7 1/2 inches; complexion, FAIR; hair, GREY; eyes, BLUE.
That he was not employed in the military or naval service prior to WAR of 1861-65
That he has not been employed in the military or naval service since the 10 day of Mar 1864
That hsi post office address is LONETREE
County of TYLER, State of West Va.

(Claimant's signature) WILLIAM M. RICHMOND

(Note: Applied for increases periodically.)