Marshall County Honors Veterans - Nov 2001

By Joshua M. Gibson, Staff Writer
The Intelligencer - Wheeling, W.Va. - Nov 13, 2001

(Typed by Linda Fluharty from hard copy provided by Phyllis Slater.)

(Photo by Joshua M. Gibson)

Shown here at a Veteran's Day memorial service held Monday morning
at the Marshall County Courthouse is 100-year-old WWI veteran
Addie Gable of Cameron. During the ceremony, Gable laid a flower
at the All-Wars Memorial to honor the men and women who valiantly
served their country, risking and giving their lives for the sake
of freedom.

     To show their respect and appreciation for the sacrifices made by American war veterans, a large crowd of civilians and retired armed service personnel gathered near the Marshall County Courthouse in Moundsville on Monday for a Veteran's Day ceremony.
     To start the ceremony, those in attendance bowed their heads for a brief moment of prayer before reciting the pledge of allegiance and a performance of the national anthem by Burl Jernigan, musical director of the Moundsville Baptist Church.
     Following the opening ceremonies, guests from various Marshall County American Legion and Veterans of Foreign Wars Posts came forward one by one to place flowers at the Marshall County Memorial for veterans of World War II, Korea and Vietnam.
     The first man called was Addie Gable of American Legion Post 18 in Cameron.
     Gable is a veteran of World War I and the county's oldest living war veteran. He will be 101-years-old next month.
     Speaking at the ceremony was John Looney, of the Wheeling Veteran's Outreach Center.
     In his speech, Looney spoke of all the veterans he has been fortunate to meet and speak with and of their admirable traits of discipline, commitment and resolve to prevail.
     "I've been blessed to know a lot of veterans from Marshall County," he told the crowd. "Veterans like John Tyler, a POW from Korea who survived the deprivation of food, shelter and the constant threat of death from his captors."
     Looney referred to the current war against terrorism and drew parallels between past enemies and the faceless, scattered enemies currently attempting to shake American society at its foundation.
     "The United States is engaged in a much different war than ever fought before," he said. "The enemy is few and spread throughout the world. They have brought destruction and death to our shores. But more importantly, they wish to enlist us in our own destruction. I refuse to be frozen in fear. I have controlled my life, and I will not forgo my enjoyment of life to terrorists."
     At the conclusion of his speech, Looney advised that all Marshall County residents and Americans everywhere can learn a lesson from the sacrifices made by war veterans and by following their examples.
     He expressed his support for the nation's military personnel and thanked all veterans for their enduring courage.
     "I want to thank all veterans for protecting me and for showing me where my roots are," he said.
     The ceremony was concluded with a brief prayer, preceded by a volley of shots fired by the Moundsville American Legion Honor Guard, as the Moundsville Junior High School marching band played Taps.