Civil War
Ancestors of T. Vernon Anderson

Submitted by T. Vernon Anderson


Mustered in with Company A, 11th WV Vol, at Wheeling, VA, on June 29, 1861. Taken prisoner 29 MAR 1862. Paroled at Spence, Roan Co, VA, 2 SEP 1862. Deserted 1 NOV 1863 at Parkersburg, WV, arrested at Pomeroy, OH, returned to his Company 12 NOV 1863. 5 FEB 1883, this man was tried by General Court Martial for 1st Conduct to the prejudice of good order and military discipline. 2nd Desertion, found not guilty of either charge, but guilty of absence without leave from Nov 5 to 10, 1863, and sentenced to confinement during balance of term of enlistment and forfeit all pay due or to become due. Proceedings approved 2 AUG 1864, by Major General D. Hunter, Commanding Department of West Virginia. This man while awaiting sentence of General Court Martial deserted from Guard House, Clarksburg, WV and subsequently enlisted in Co K, 82nd Ohio Vols in violation of the 22nd Article of War.

Enlisted in Co K, 82nd Ohio Vol, 27 SEP 1864, for one year, at Urichsville, OH, as a substitute for Soloman Workman. Discharged 24 JUL 1865 at Louisville, KY. 5 FEB 1883, this mans enlistment was in violation of the 22nd Article of war, being a deserter from Co A, 11th WV Vol. 18 MAY 1887, this case is not covered by the provisions of the act of 17 MAY 1886, as the man appears to have enlisted for the purpose of securing a bounty to which he would not have been entitled under his original enlistment.


Isaac E. Dowler was born 25 Aug 1846, Union Dist, Marshall Co, VA, a s/o Thomas Dowler & Jane McHenry. His death is recorded in Marshall County Death Book 1, page 23. He is buried at Allen Grove Cem, Sherrard, Marshall Co, WV. He does not have a tombstone or none has been found.

Civil War Veteran. He was 5' 10" black hair, grey eyes, fair complextion. Pvt Bat H 1st Reg WV Light Artillery. Enlisted 9 Aug 1864 Wheeling, WV mustered in 18 Aug 1864, Wheeling, WV. Father gave consent for minor, as Isaac was 17 yr 11 mo, paid $100 bounty. Captured at New Creek, 28 Nov 1864. Admitted to hospital 9 Feb 1865 Richmond, VA. Paroled at Aikens Landing, VA 17 Feb 1865. Reported at 19 Feb 1865. Sent to Camp Chase, OH 20 Feb 1865. 1 Mar 1865 at home under care of Doctor, unable to report for duty. 23 Mar 1865 at home under care of Dr. J McCoy, unable to report for duty. Died 25 Apr 1865 at home, cause of death, starvation by Rebels.

Civil War Medal was claimed by T. Vernon Anderson in 1995 and is in his possession.


David Alexander Fletcher was born 21 Feb 1820, Adams Co, PA, the s/o William Fletcher & Katherine Deardorff (Family Bible & Military File). He married Elizabeth Coe on 30 Jan 1847, Marshall Co, VA, married by Edward Dowler (Family Bible says 28 Jan 1847, Marshall Co bk 1 pg 50).

In the Civil War pension file, there are sworn affadavits from two witnesses who were present at the birth of each child. Most of these witnesses were the sisters of Elizabeth Coe Fletcher. This line has been proven back to David's grandfather, Lt Abraham Fletcher, Revolutionary Veteran, whose service is accepted by the D.A.R.


#788 Marshall Co 1850 Fletcher, David A 28 PA, Elizabeth 20 VA, Esther L 3 VA, William Walker 1 VA

#1247 Marshall Co 1860 Fletcher, David A 38 PA, Elisabeth 30 VA, Ethalinda 12 VA, William W 10 VA, James 6 VA, Daniel A 4 VA, Thomas E 1 VA, William 73 PA

#307 Cameron Dist Marshall Co 1870 Fletcher, Elisabeth 40 PA, William 27 VA, James 15 VA, Daniel 13 VA, Thomas 10 VA, Nancy 7 WV, Isaac Coe 50 VA

#55 Cameron Dist Marshall Co 1870 2nd enumeration Fletcher, Elisabeth 40 VA, William W 21 VA, James I C F 16 VA, Daniel A 13 VA, Thomas E 11, Nancy J 8 VA


Sergeant Company B 12th Regiment WV Volunteer Infantry, recruited at Cameron, Marshall County, VA, 15 Aug 1862, mustered 20 Aug 1862 at Wheeling, VA to his death 5 Feb 1865 at Chapins Farm, Petersburg, VA. Cause of death, paralysis of the heart caused by the dibilitating effects of having diarrhea for weeks.

Widow received pension #91888 of $16. per month. $8.00 a month for his widow and $2.00 a month for each child under the age of 16.

Enlisted as Private 15 Aug 1862 at Cameron, paid premium & bounty. Mustered at Wheeling, 20 Aug 1862, 187371 R. & P. Div 1890 F. A. Wright. Born Adams Co, PA, age 40, 5' 11", green eyes, dark hair, a farmer. Oct 1862 present. Nov & Dec 1862 detached in Pioneer Corps Nov 27, 1862. Jan & Feb 1863 detached in Pioneer Corps. Mar & Apr 1863 detached in Pioneer Corps. May & Jun 1863 Missing in action at Winchester June 15, 1863. Jul & Aug 1863 Missing in action. Sep & Oct 1863 Missing in action. Nov & Dec 1863 Present. Jan & Feb 1864 Present. Mar & Apr 1864 On detached duty at Cumberland, MD since Apr 5, 1864 by order of Maj. Gen. Sigler. May & Jun 1864 detached duty, promoted to Corporal Jun 1, 1864. Jul & Aug 1864 reduced to ranks, promoted to Seargent, Aug 20, 1864. Sep & Oct 1864 Present, due $2.90 for transportation paid second time from Wheeling, VA to Columbus, OH. Nov & Dec 1864 Present, due $2.90 for transportation paid second time from Wheeling, VA to Columbus, OH. Jan & Feb 1865 Died of disease at Chapins Farm, Va, Feb 6, 1865.

He was captured at Winchester, VA June 15, 1863, paroled at City Point, VA July 2, 1863, and reported deserted between July 10, and August 1, 1863. This charge of desertion is removed. He was absent without leave from on or about July 20, 1863, to September 10, 1863, when he reported at Camp Chase, Ohio, and was sent from there to regiment between October 20th and 31st, 1863.

NOTE: When he was paroled by the Rebels, I believe he was told to go home and not to fight again. He probably thought the war was over for him. Obviously, the Union Army felt differently about this. He was probably buried on Chapin's farm at the time of death and later reinterred in one of the National Cemeteries.

Shot Case, Medal & Powder Horn

Civil War Medal now in the possession of Thomas Vernon Anderson.

Powder Horn & Shot Case in possession of Thomas A. Anderson.


Winchester, Va
April 23, 1863
Dear Elizabeth
     I received a letter from you of the 18th on the 21st, the first and only letter I have had since the first of April. I was truly happy to learn you was all well. Only father I am sorry to hear of his illness though his age we can look for no other. I am well as usual and I hope this may find you the same and the family also. I had fairly giving up hearing any more from you for I had looked time and again the mail is brought to our camp every night though no letters came for me I certainly thought I must be forgotten though on the 21st there came one to me which rather surprises me I had wrote you one a few days ago which you have it by this time you may depend upon it. I was uneasy and I began to think something must certainly be wrong at home. I wrote rather sharper than I should have done though I was under the impresion you had forgotten me or other ways there must be something very bad the matter. I have no answer from the letter I sent my picture in until the one of the 18th I received no stamps though you need not send any for I think I will soon try and get home as soon as we are paid off for if I leave before I am paid I cannot draw my money until next pay day. I am now almost out of money. I only have eight dollars now they say the money will soon be here for us and I will then try to come if I can though it will cost me $15.00 to come and it is that much from your living though if I can I will come. We had a little battle at Strawsburg today there was some of our men went up and attacked the Rebs there and killed 11 wounded 27 took 30 prisoners our boys 1 killed 1 wounded. I am happy you have moved into Joanes (?) house you can now have a home until I can get to come and fix you more comfortable. Have them to clear off a piece of ground for potatoes and turnips that you may have something to live on without buying all. I shall now stop we are still staying here I am of the opinion we will stay here likely all summer. There was none of our brigade at the fight only 1st brigade ours is the 2nd.
From your ever loving husband.
To Elisabeth Fletcher           D. A. Fletcher

To the Children
I am happy to say that I feel in hopes you may do your duty and strive to do your duty be kind and affectionate one to another and obey your mother in all she bids you do, endeavor to get along among yourselves and remember your dear father I will try to come and see you as soon as I can and stay with you a few days though my stay cannot be long with you make yourself useful and try to raise as much as you can to keep yourselves as much as possible on what you raise that you will not be under the necepity of buying so much for the maintenance of the family.
From your loving father
D. A. Fletcher
To Ethalinda Fletcher
     Wm. W. Fletcher
     J. D. C. Fletcher
     Dan A. Fletcher

Letter now in the possession Thomas A. Anderson, father of T. Vernon Anderson.


Eli Benson Huggins was born 8 OCT 1846 at Sand Hill, Marshall Co, VA. He married Melvina Magers on 20 FEB 1868, Marshall Co, WV, book A1 pg 119, d/o Daniel Magers & Martha Moore. Eli died 20 DEC 1940, Moundsville, WV and is buried at the McCreary Cemetery, Marshall Co, WV.

Civil War Veteran, Pvt Co H 17th Reg of WV Inf, enlisted at Wheeling, WV 16 FEB 1865, paid $33.33 bounty due $66.66. 5' 4 1/2" tall, brown eyes, dark hair, fair complexion. Mustered in 17 FEB 1865 at Wheeling, WV. Mustered out 30 JUN 1865 at Wheeling, WV.

Moundsville Journal, 20 DEC 1940


Last But One of County Survivors of Union Soldiery Is Stricken

Eli Benson Huggins, 94, one of two surviving veterans of the Civil War from this county which sent so many youths into the war on the Union side, died early today.

Death occured at the home of his son, J. K. Huggins, Poplar avenue, at 3:45 a.m.

The death of the late Mr. Huggins, who was a legendary figure in Moundsville, leaves one survivor of the War of the Rebellion in Marshall county. He is Uriah T. "Uncle Duck" Alley of Cameron.

Mr. Huggins had been in failing health as a result of his advanced age for a number of years. He became seriously ill two weeks ago, Pneumonia developing. Complications arose and his case had been hopeless for several days.

Mr. Huggins was a life resident of Marshall county. He was born on Bruce Run, Sand Hill district, October 8, 1846.

He spent his early life on the farm, living with his uncle, the late H. Gosner, until he was 17 years old. His experiences from that time on are typical of many youths, some of them mere boys as he was, who joined the Union army to fight in the Civil War.

Mr. Huggins saw active service with Company H 17th Regiment of West Virginia Infantry, engaging in a number of battles. After the war he returned to Marshall county to take up farming and become one of the sterling, industrious citizens of the community, typical of the type of men who made the reconstruction of the United States possible after the civil conflict.

He was united in marriage to Miss Melvina Magers on February 20, 1868.

Mr. Huggins retired from farming in 1906, coming to Moundsville to live. He had made his home with his son, J. K., for the past 16 years.

He was a member of the Christian church in this city, attending regularly until his recent illness.

Mr. Huggins was a familiar figure at Memorial Day celebrations and patriotic events of a like nature, for many years.

Surviving are his son, J. K., a daughter, Mrs. H. E. Shook, of McCleary's Ridge, 24 grandchildren and 31 great grandchildren. Preceding him in death were his wife, and two sons, Harry and Hayes.

The body was removed to the Lutes funeral home. Funeral arrangements are imcomplete.


Nathaniel Bruce Shepherd was born in 1842, Marshall Co, VA, the s/o John O. Shepherd & Amanda Melvina Sockman.

Corp Co I 6th WV Cav 10 Jul 1861 to 17 Aug 1864, has an unclaimed West Virginia Civil War Medal

Enlisted 6 JUL 1861 at Camp Hewes, Clarksburg, VA, in Captain Purdy's Co., Western Virginia Vols, as a Private for 3 years. Mustered 10 JUL 1861.

Pay Record
Aug 31, 1861 Not stated Co I, 3rd Reg Western VA Vol Inf. Sep & Oct 1861 Not stated. Nov & Dec 1861 Not stated. Jan & Feb 1862 Present. Mar & Apr 1862 Not stated. May & Jun 1862 Present. Jul & Aug 1862 Present. Sep & Oct 1862 Absent - at Home Sick. Nov & Dec 1862 Present. Jan & Feb 1863 Present. Apr 10, 1863 Present Special Muster Roll. Mar & Apr 1863 Present. May & Jun 1863 Present. Jul & Aug 1863 Present. Sep & Oct 1863 Present. Nov & Dec 1863 Present. Jan & Feb 1864 Present 6th Reg, WV Cavalry. Mar & Apr 1864 Absent promoted to Corporal May 1, 1864, detached. May & Jun 1864 Absent. Jul & Aug 1864 Muster Out by reason of expiration of term of enlistment. Appointed Corporal May 1, 1864. In Hospital at Wheeling. Reported for duty Aug 17, 1864. Stoppages $2.39, Picket Pin Water Bath Bayonet Weapons???

I am not sure what happened to this man after the war. Many of the Shepherds migrated to Indiana.