Submitted by Janet Risinger Currie.


Smith Risinger, Washington, DC - During War


Smith Risinger's Civil War Gun
Revolver made 1861-1863, Moore's Patent Firearms Company, Brooklyn, N.Y.
Made for a short time due to patent infringement suit by Smith & Wesson
Not an issued weapon but purchased by both Union officers and enlisted men.

Moundsville Echo December 3, 1926


A Former Department Commander of the State of West Virginia and Past Commander of Local Post

Had Lived In This City Forty Two Years and Was Prominent In Business Circles


Smith Risinger - Wearing GAR Badge.

Address at 1926 G.A.R. Encampment

Smith Risinger, one the few surviving members of the G. A. R. in this county, and one of the beloved men of the community, passed away at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Dale R. Chaddock, corner of Lafayette Avenue and Twelfth Street, last evening at 7:15.

Mr. Risinger had been declining for some weeks, but his condition was not regarded as serious. Many of his old comrades were not aware of his illness until a few days ago. The end came suddenly. He had been walking about the house, when he complained of feeling badly and a physician was summoned. In a few minutes the end had come peacefully.

Mr. Risinger was born in Beaver County, PA, March 2d. 1841. He was married to Miss Margaret W. Dobbs in 1877 who died in 1901. To this union two children were born, Mrs. Bertha D. Chaddock and Mr. George Risinger, the latter passing away a few months ago.

Mr. Risinger came to Moundsville in 1884 and engaged in the lumber business, remainingly actively in the business until 1923, when he retired.

The deceased was corporal of the Ninth PA reserves, serving during the entire period of the Civil War. He was Department Commander of the G. A. R. for the state of West Virginia in 1925 and served two terms as Adjutant General of the Department: and was a Past Commander of the J. C. Caldwell Post of this city.

For ten years, Mr. Risinger was a member of the Board of Education of the Independent School District and for years a member of the Board of Directors of the First National Bank.

The deceased was a member of the First M. E. church of this city. The funeral will be held from the residence of his daughter, Mrs. Dale R. Chaddock, Saturday afternoon at 2:30. The Rev P. Y. DeBolt, pastor the First M. E. church to charge. Some days before his death Mr. Risinger expressed the wish that he be given a military funeral. His Comrades of the Civil War will attend in a body and Legionaires of the World War will fire a salute and sound taps.

The death of Mr. Risinger brings home forcibly how few are left who served their country during the Civil War, and remind us, when we take account of their character and lives, of a priceless heritage.


Final rites for Smith Risinger, 85, one of Moundsville’s most highly respected and beloved citizens and a veteran of the Civil War, were held this afternoon at two thirty o’clock. Rev. P.Y. DeBolt of the First M. E. church was in charge of the services and interment was in Mount Rose cemetery.

Mr. Risinger was one of the few surviving members of the G. A. R. as well as a past Adjutant General of the state post.

Before his death Mr. Risinger requested a military funeral and for this reason the members of the G. A. R. and American Legion turned out en masse. The funeral was one of the most largely attended in the history of the city.

Smith Risinger's Tombstone