From by Scott Powell, 1925; pages 266-267.
History Of Marshall County, W. Va.
ROSTER of members of Company M of the 1st West Virginia Regiment of Volunteer Infantry from MARSHALL COUNTY, enlisted May, 1898, for service in the Spanish-American War under the command of Captain R. N. Humphreys.
| ||
Humphreys, R. N., Capt. | Hooton, A. L., Lt. | Conner, C. W., 2nd Lt. |
Nielson, James, Sgt. | Taylor, William, Sgt. | Parkinson,Samuel, Sgt. |
Conner, P. E., Sgt. | Yoho, R. C., Sgt. | Evans, Charles, Cpl. |
Donley, E. E., Cpl. | Conner, William, Cpl. | Wright, Thadeus, Cpl. |
Keyser, W. E., Cpl. | Lutes, W. G., Cpl. | McGill, Harry, Cpl. |
| ||
Barker, George | Bertrand, Enos | Booth, Elmer |
Brantner, Charles | Charlton, Elias | Conner, William |
Donley, John | Duncan, B. | Edwards, Howard |
Echols, Clarence | Ewing, William | Flanagan, Mort |
Fry, John | Goudy, Harry | Gamble, Charles |
Goodwin, Mart | Hagerman, James | Henretta, Houston |
Jones, Alton | Kull, Charles | Koch, R. |
Lancaster, Samuel | Litton, Arthur | Litton, Edward |
Mangold, John | Mathews, Jesse | Marple, William |
Martin, Arch | Moser, Charles | Pattee, Shirley |
Powell, William | Price, William | Purdy, Harry |
Purtiman, James | Rine, Foster | Rogers, Harry |
Salters, H. | Slipner, John | Stitlz, W. |
Thomas, Harry | Wade, William |
| ||
Bartley, Richard | Hubbs, C. S. | Hubbs, Frank |
Ingram, Albert | Lowe, George | Stilwell, William |
Wilson, C. H. | Wilson, Daniel |
| ||
Conner, George | Doty, S. | Phillips, S. |
| ||
| ||
[Photos & Nielson Christmas Greeting submitted Dec 2011 by Wes Anderson,
Barnes County Historical Society, Valley City, North Dakota.]
*1st Sgt. James W. Nielson & Trumpeter, Will E. Stultz
NOTE: James W. Nielson's mother, Mary, was the sister of ISABELLE STEWART SAMPSON SPURR. Isabelle, with her husband, Archdeacon Benjamin Moore Spurr, founded the REYNOLDS MEMORIAL HOSPITAL, in Glen Dale, West Virginia. When the Spurrs left North Dakota to settle in West Virginia, Mary Nielson and her husband bought the house that the Spurrs owned in Valley City, North Dakota. - That was James W. Nielson's connection to West Virginia.
This Living Room, doubtless without challenge, can claim the distinction of having the longest term of continuous service in this City as a Living Center for the same territorial family. In recognition of Valley City’s celebration of its 75th Anniversary as a city, this Living Room brings to mind bits of its history for the Holiday Greetings of Minni Jean Nielson, its present occupant. Since she is the senior surviving member of the Nielson Clan and of the Stewart Clan in North Dakota, in fact in the U.S.A., this Living Room feels some of its tale may interest relatives and old friends in many states who have frequented this room.
Whylie and Mary Steward Nielson and their children, James Wylie, Minnie Jean and three year old Hazel Belle came to live there in after the Spurr family, Rev. Benj. Moore, former Rector of All Saints Episcopal Church and Belle Steward Spurr, Mary Nielson’s sister and their small son Arthur had gone to accept a church call in West Virginia. Then this room was heated by a big Radiant Home coal stove. Around the big stove the family could draw up their rocking chairs at night and toast their toes. Faithfully, each morning and each evening, Wylie Nielson poured in the stove’s yearning top scuttles of coal and faithfully took from its base heaping pans of ashes vainly trying to avoid dust. Every spring the big stove had be taken out-stove pipes cleaned, usually new ones had to go in and a general rearrangement of furniture took place. And then a Furnace Heating Firm opened an establishment and the Radiant Home gave way to a coal furnace in the basement. A great improvement but father or brother still had to be firemen. They shoveled coal faithfully on those stormy days. Then a stocker came into use but still the ashes had to be carried out. Ash piles adorned the alley in the spring. Years followed and pioneer heating methods gave way to modern oil heating systems.
The Christmas stories that the "Living Room" might tell would fill a volume. The big Christmas tree always stood at the south end of the Living Room- first lighted with candles (much to the anxiety of Wylie Nielson who was extremely cautious of fire), and later the electric bulbs. Strings of popcorn and cranberries gradually gave place to more modern decorations. However, the Nielson Christmas tree of 1975 will have thereon ornaments over fifty years old. The angel at the top of the tree is at least twenty-five years old, and the old Santa riding around the candle in his sleigh with his eight reindeer has whirled around more times than "Sputnik" ever whirled. Jim often used to say he wished it were possible to know the number of times Santa and his sleigh have circled the candles.
Lt. Charles W. Conner - not shown in the group above.
On his Flicker website, Willy Nelson has posted photos of the graves of 2nd Lt. Charles W. Conner, Sgt. Pierce M. Conners, Cpl. William E. Conners, Sgt. Elmer E. Donley, Pvt. John Donley, Cpl. William Ewing, William Lutz, Harry McGill, Harry Purdy, Will E. Stultz, and Cpl. William W. Wade. - The photos are found in his collections for MT. ROSE CEMETERY and GREENLAWN CEMETERY.
Moundsville Echo, June 4, 1909
Submitted by Joseph D. Parriott; typed by Linda Fluharty.
The roster of Company M, which went from Marshall county to take part in the Spanish-American war, saw no service.
And although they were not called to fight they were ready and anxious. Many of them were sons of the veterans of the sixties.
Company M was recruited here and went to Kanawha, where on May 7th, 1898, they took the oath and became Company M, First West Virginia Volunteer Infantry. They remained there for a week or ten days and then went to Chicamauga, where they remained in camp for three months; then to Knoxville, Tennessee, where another three months were spent and thence to Columbus, Georgia, where they were mustered out on the 4th of February in 1899.
The officers of the company were as follows:Captain, Robert N. Humphreys.
First Lieut, Albert L. Hooten.
Second Lieut, C. W. Conner.
First Sergeant, Robert Yoho.
Sergeant Major, James Nielson
Lieut. Hooten was afterwards chosen captain of company.Henry Goudy, James Hagerman, John Fry, George Booker, Edward Litten (dead), Chas. Gamble, B. F. Duncan, John Mangold, Chas. Brantner, Wm. Conner, Houston Henrietta (dead), Harry Purdy, Elias Charlton, R. B. Koch, Mart Flanigan, Foster Rine, Jesse Mathews, W. W. Wade, Wm. Pierce, Chas. Mosier, Chas. Kull, Arch T. Martin, Howard Edwards, Shirley Patten, Wm. O. Ewing, Joe Shirtzlinger, Alton Jones, John Donley (dead), Sam Lancaster, Enos Bertrand, W. E. Shultz (dead), H. E. McGill, W. E. Lutes, W. E. Keyser, W. F. Taylor, Peter Auten, A. Litten (dead), S. H. Parkinson, Robert Yoho, Chas Evans, E. E. Donley, Pierce Conner, W. E. Conner, Thaddeous Wright, Elmer Booth, James Nielson, R. N. Humphreys, A. L. Hooten, C. W. Conner (dead).
Moundsville Echo, circa 1923
Today is the twenty-fifth anniversary of the departure of a company of one hundred men from Moundsville to fight in the Spanish-American war. The war ended before they got in action, however, but they were not mustered out of the service until February 4, following:
"The day was very much like today, fair and warm," Captain A. L. Hooten said in recalling the departure of the men. Captain Hooten was in command of the company which went to Charleston to be mustered in. Captain Hooten was not with the company long, however, he being assigned to Company K. He left here as a first lieutenant and was promoted to the captaincy while in service.
"It was the biggest occasion Moundsville had experienced up to that time," Captain Hooten said. A telegram was received in the morning from Charleston. It had been expected for several days. The court house bell rang and the men hastily donned their uniforms. With thousands gathered around the railway station, it was an inspiring occasion. "We all thought we were going straight to the fighting."
After being mustered in at Charleston, Company M was sent to Fort Thomas, Chicamauga Park, Georgia. From there it went to Knoxville. Company K did not lose a man: Company M was regarded as one of the best companies in the country from the standpoint of high personnel. The volunteers were educated and experienced men.
The company narrowly missed going to the Phillipines. The Colonel of the regiment was opposed to going to the islands, as it was thought only routine guard duty would be done. Instead, Pennsylvania soldiers were sent and they participated in quelling the rebellion, seeing two years of duty.
Seventy-five members of the company which left Moundsville lived here. Now, it would be hard to get squads still here.
Robert Yoho, first sergeant of the company, is able to call its roster from memory.
Submitted by Joseph D. Parriott; typed by Linda Fluharty.
Moundsville Echo, January 17, 1902
Will F. Hunt, a soldier in the Philippines, notifies the Echo to discontinue his subscription as he will soon leave for home to be mustered out. He is a son of Calvin Hunt of Glen Easton. He enlisted at the same time Irwin S. Lowe, son of A. Lowe, also of Easton, did, the latter falling a victim to the Philippine climate.
Submitted by Joseph D. Parriott; typed by Linda Fluharty.
Moundsville Echo, Nov 20, 1930
Submitted by Joseph D. Parriott; typed by Linda Fluharty.
A group of Moundsville veterans of the Spanish American war were at Wheeling last night, where they became members of Ohio Valley Camp, No. 1, United Spanish War veterans. The local chapter of Spanish war veterans was dissolved several months ago.
Among the Moundsville men affiliating with Ohio Valley Camp were Captain A. L. Hooten, Circuit Clerk J. E. Humes, Charles Kull, Frank Clegg, Frank Hubbs, William Price, and William Israel.
Moundsville Echo, March 15, 1932
To Honor Company M, Which Was Largely A Moundsville Company
Wheeling, W. Va.
March 12, '32The following call has been issued:
Dear Comrade:
On March 16, 1932, at I. O. O. F. hall, 12th and Chapline, Ohio Valley Camp No. 1 United Spanish War Veterans will honor Company M, and comrades of 1st W. Va. Regiment with a buffet lunch and good speaking. All comrades of '98 are invited to be present to help welcome the comrades of the 1st W. Va. regiment.We have invited the Honorable Senator M. M. Neely and Col. Walter Sweeney who served n 1st W. Va. to be present.
Submitted by Joseph D. Parriott; typed by Linda Fluharty.
STANLEY M. SIBERT, according to his original discharge, served in Battery "F" First Regiment of Artillery during the Spanish-American War. He enlisted the 7th day of November 1898 and served as a private until honorably discharged March 17th 1899. His discharge was signed by John L. Hayden on 25th March 1899 at Camp Graham, in Georgia. He was born in Sand Hill, West Virginia and was 24 years old, single, and a farmer. (Submitted by Marjorie Richey.)