Marshall County
Spanish-American War Soldiers' Obituaries

Moundsville Echo, Moundsville, WV, Dec 21, 1914


Geoerge barker died at 1:30 o'clock Sunday forenoon at his home on Mulberry avenue, after a long illness of asthma and tuberculosis. Funeral services will be held at the home at 2:30 o'clock Tuesday afternoon, conducted by Rev. J. M. Criswell, pastor of the Baptist church.

Mr. Barker was forty-two years of age. He leaves his wife and seven children, all at home. He is also survived by his father, James K. P. Barker, who lives in Ohio.

Mr. Barker enlisted for service in the Spanish-American war. Recently until ill health forced him to give up work he was employed by the city as a brick layer.

Hard copy submitted by Joseph D. Parriott; typed by Linda Fluharty.

Moundsville Journal - May 23, 1925


Funeral Services For Spanish War Veteran Friday

Funeral services for Charles W. Brantner, 47, of 338 Ruckle-rd, will be held Friday afternoon at 1 o'clock at the home. Members of the Masonic Order will have charge.

Mr. Brantner was a Spanish War Veteran having served during the war with Co. M, West Virginia Infantry.

He leaves his wife, Winona, and three children, Mrs. Elsie Wilson, Asher, and Mecal June.

The above is from the Akron, O. times. Mr. Brantner was a brother of M. L., D. L., and J. H. Brantner, of this city.

Hard copy submitted by Joseph D. Parriott; typed by Linda Fluharty.

Moundsville Journal, Moundsville, WV, December 19, 1940

JOHN DOTY, War Vet, Dies

Fought in Spanish American War; Died in Aspinwall Hospital

John S. Doty, 65, a Spanish American War veteran, died at 3:30 o'clock this morning at the Veterans hospital at Aspinwall, Pa.

Doty had been ill for a number of years. He was a member of the Veterans of Foreign Wars.

He is survived by his wife, Minerva; two sons, John and James, at home; four daughters, Ruth, Mary, Henna and Caroline, of Moundsville; one brother, Henry, of Bellaire; two half brothers, Wilbur Doty, of Dillies Bottom, and Gilbert, of New Brunswick, New Jersey; two sisters, Mrs. Otie Bennington, Moundsville, and Miss Janie Doty, of Moundsville, and a half-sister, Mrs. Marie McVeigh, Dillies Bottom.

The body is at the Grisell funeral home. Arrangements for burial are incomplete.

Hard copy submitted by Joseph D. Parriott; typed by Linda Fluharty.

Moundsville Echo, Moundsville, WV, Apr 6, 1931


Secretary of Elks, Veteran of Spanish War Expires Sunday

William O. Ewing, prominent citizen of Moundsville, died at 11:00 o'clock Sunday night in the family residence, 1016 Morton Avenue. Death culminated a long period of failing health, although Mr. Ewing was bedfast but a few weeks. He was in his 59th year.

The body was removed this morning from the Grisell funeral home to the late residence. Funeral arrangements are incomplete.

Mr. Ewing was secretary of the Moundsville lodge, No. 282, B. P. O. Elks for the past five years, and was well known in the state circles of that fraternal body. He was a conscientious and meticulous worker, and his passing leaves a vacancy in the administration of the Moundsville Elks lodge which will be hard to fill.

Born in Moundsville, where he sepent his entire life, William O. Ewing was the son of the alte Judge John Alexander Ewing and Mary Blake Ewing. He received his education in the public schools of Moundsville.

Anwering the call of his country, Mr. Ewing volunteered for service in the Spanish-American war, and went into service with the company formed at Moundsville.

Mr. Ewing followed various business enerprises in Moundsville, and for four years was clerk at the West Virginia state penitentiary, during the regime of J. E. Terrell as warden.

He was progressive in his ideals, and had numberless friends who found pleasure in his unfailing loyalty and integrity. These friends join the bereaved family in mourning his death.

Besides his wife, Mrs. Malla F. Logan Ewing, Mr. Ewing is survived by one daughter, Mrs. Edith M. Walton, of Moundsville, three sons, William O., Jr., and Joseph G., at home, and David L., of the U. S. S. Texas, San Pedro. Calif., two grand children, Jack Ewing and Jimmy Walton, both of Moundsville, and three sisters, Mrs. J. C. Stockberger, of Hollywood, Cal., and Misses Anna and Alice Ewing, of Moundsville. Mr. Ewing was a consistent member of the First M. E. church.

Hard copy submitted by Joseph D. Parriott; typed by Linda Fluharty.

Moundsville Echo, Moundsville, WV, Friday, Sept 23, 1898

HENRETTA, W. HOUSTON - A telegram yesterday evening between six and seven o'clock announced the death of W. H. Henretta, Private in Co. H, 1st West Virginia Infantry at Camp Poland, Knoxville, TN. The news came like a great shock to the people of this town as everyone knew "Huse," as he was familiarly known. He was a young man who has grown up without an enemy among the people. It was not known to his friends here that his condition was dangerous until about an hour before the announcement of his death, when his father received a telegram informing him that if he wanted to see his son alive to come at once. He was preparing to leave on the next train when the sad news came announcing his son's death. Mr. Henretta immediately wired an order that the remains be sent home as quickly as possible. It is not known when the family will arrive. Huse joined the company at Charleston, W.Va. with a squad of recruits enlisted by Sergeant J. E. Roberts. Before his enlistment, he had served a number of years as a clerk in Dr. Davis' drug store and expected to follow the profession of pharmacy. He was about 23 years of age and was never known to be sick until his last illness. Cause of death was yellow fever.

Submitted by Naomi Lowe Hupp.

(From Tri-County Researcher; submitted by Irma Horner.)

Probably never in the history of Moundsville were the funeral services of a citizen so largely attended as were those of Private W. H. Henretta of Company M, First Regiment West Virginia Volunteers, last Friday. The sad news of his death at Knoxville, which was so unexpected to all his friends here, aroused the sympathy and sorrow of our people as they had never been aroused before. While the remains lay in state in the opera house they were viewed by hundreds and a constant stream of sorrowing friends kept coming and going up until the casket and its precious contents were removed to the home.

As ten o'clock, the hour set for the services approached, Seventh Street and Lafayette Avenue were black with people. Rector B. M. Spurr of the P. E. church conducted the services.

The funeral procession formed on Seventh Street. A squad of Company B of the old National Guard with arms reversed, acted as body guard and were commanded by Dr. R. W. Hall. A local cornet band and drum corps headed the procession and about one hundred veterans, both of the blue and the grey, with the Sons of Veterans, followed. The funeral car was followed by the family, relatives and friends in carriages and then came the Knights of Pythias, Local Union No. 10, A.F.G.W., fire companies and other organizations, making up a large concourse indeed.

At the cemetery the G.A.R. took charge of the services which were conducted by Department Commander Richard Robertson of Wheeling. The beautifully solemn and impressive services elicited the most profound interest from the vast assemblage. At the conclusion a salute of three volleys was fired by the guard of honor.

Thus was laid to rest the remains of the first of our boys to give up his life.

Note: W. Houston (Huse) Henretta served as a Private in Company M of the 1st West Virginia Regiment of Volunteer Infantry from Marshall County, WV. He enlisted May 1898 for service in the Spanish-American War. Houston Henretta died at Knoxville, Tennessee, September 20, 1898 and was interred in Mt. Rose Cemetery, Moundsville, WV. Cause of death was Yellow Fever.

Moundsville Echo, Moundsville, WV, October 7, 1938

GEORGE JONES, Spanish War Vet, Dies at Cameron

George W. Jones, 69, well known Cameron Spanish war veteran and retired tinner, dropped dead Thursday at his home on High street in Cameron. Acting Coroner Clyde Loper rendered a verdict of death from a heart attack.

Mr. Jones was born not far from Cameron, in Greene county, Pa., a son of George and Elizabeth Jones. He had spent most of his life in Cameron.

He leaves his wife, Mrs. Anna Reigle Jones; a stepson, Charles Reigle, of New York, and four daughters, Mrs. C. M. Beherell of Akron, Ohio, Mrs. Thomas Ryne of Washington, D. C., Mrs. Harry Smith of Brooklyn, N.Y., and Miss Irene Jones at home.

Hard copy submitted by Joseph D. Parriott; typed by Linda Fluharty.

Moundsville Echo, Moundsville, WV, April 12, 1901



Mr. A. Lowe of Glen Easton has received a telegram stating that the body of his son, Irwin S. Lowe left San Francisco last Saturday evening. It will arrive probably Thursday. Interment will occur at Beelers Station about noon Sunday, leaving the home at 10 o'clock. The young man died at San Isidro, Phillipine Islands, August 15, 1900, aged 21 years 3 months and 10 days, and was a member of Co C 22d U. S. Inf. He enlisted at Wheeling in June 1898.

Moundsville Echo, Moundsville, WV, September 7, 1922



John W. Oldfield of Proctor, died at the home of Mr. Elwood Darrah Sunday Evening, August 27, aged 65 years, two months and three days.

He was born in Ohio and came with his father andmother to Marshall county, W. Va., when he was but a small boy and has lived in Marshall county all his life.

When the trouble arose with Spain in 1898 he enlisted with the volunteers and was among the first to go from West Virginia. He received a gun shot wound while in the ervice and was discharged after peace was declared.

He united with the Christian church about fifteen years ago. His wife preceeded him to the grave thirteen years.

He leaves one sister, Mrs. Martha Dorman of Ashland, Ky., and a host of friends to mourn his departure.

Interment was made at Wayne Ridge cemetery, funeral director Everett Mason being in charge.

Hard copy submitted by Joseph D. Parriott; typed by Linda Fluharty.
