Philip Caldabaugh
Submitted by Russ & John Osmianski.
In 1865, when he was about 17 years old, Philip Caldabaugh enlisted in the 189th Ohio Regiment. Following the war, he worked as a "teamster" and lived in Glen Dale, Marshall County, at the corner of Washington Ave. & 6th Street. He was quite active in the GAR and attended many reunions. His GAR medals and ribbons, as well as his discharge and pension records are in the possession of Russ Osmianski. Philip lived to be about 90, expiring in about 1930 [5 May]. He is buried in Mozart [Mt. Zion Cemetery, at the bottom of Mozart Hill.]
His older brother John Caldabaugh, joined the 2nd West Virginia Cavalry out of Parkersburg in 1861 and is listed in the roster as John Coldbaugh. He was in Union army the entire 4 years of the war and participated in the battles of Sayler's Creek, Cedar Creek and was at Appomattox Courthouse for the surrender. He participated in the "Woodstock Races" and helped burn down VMI and many other public buildings while attached to General Sheridan in the Shenandoah Valley campaign. He was in Custer's brigade after 1864, as were most of the members of the 2nd WV cavalry. The red tie that he is wearing was an affectation of one worn in honor of General Custer, who wore a similar one at times. John survived the full 4 years of the war, changed his name back to the original German spelling of Kaltenbach, and moved to Pittsburgh where he married, had a family and lived out the remainder of his life. He was from Antioch, Ohio and he and his younger brother (also in the war) were German immigrants.
A biography of Philip's son, Harry E., provides additional information about the family: HARRY CALDABAUGH
John Caldabaugh, Company "C" 2nd West Virginia Cavalry
[Image of John Caldabaugh was sold on eBay c 2000.]
Submitted by Joseph D. Parriott; typed by Linda Fluharty.
Moundsville Daily Echo, May 5, 1930
Prominent Glendale Man Saw Service With General Sherman
Philip Caldabaugh, one of the eldest and best known residents of this district, died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Wm. K. Thornburg in Glendale at two o'clock this morning.
His passing away removes another of the few remaining veterans of the Civil war.
Mr. Caldabaugh was born March 13, 1845, and was therefore in his 86th year. His early years were spent on a farm near Brownsville, Monroe county, Ohio. At the beginning of the Civil war he offered his services in defence of his country but was rejected on account of his youth. He was later accepted, however, and served in Company F, 189th Ohio Volunteer Infantry and was mustered in at Marietta, O. His Regiment was attached to General Sherman's Army and did duty in Tennessee, Georgia and Alabama. At the close of the Civil war he came to Wheeling and resided there until ten years ago when he moved to Glendale where he resided until the time of his death.
He has been retired for the past twenty years. He at one time conducted a drayage business of South Wheeling and disposed of this and was employed at the Riverside Tube Works.
He was a member of the Glendale M. E. Church but when residing in Wheeling was a member of the Wesley M. E. church for thirty years.
His parents as well as three brothers and four sisters have preceded him. He is survived by the following daughters and sons; Miss Laura M. Caldabaugh, Mrs. Wm. K. Thornburg, Charles P. Caldabaugh, John C. Caldabaugh and Chester W. Caldabaugh all of Glendale, Harry E. Caldabaugh of Wheeling and Geo. W. Caldabaugh of Los Angeles, Cal. There also survive him twelve grandchildren. Funeral arrangements are incomplete.