Dedication of the Soldiers Monument, May 29, 1909


Photos and article submitted by John Icard.

Preparing For The Dedication of the Soldiers Monument

Moundsville Echo - May 1909

A Great Crowd Will Be Present On That Day and Every Veteran Will Be Assured of a Warm Welcome.
The Citizens Will Decorate Homes And Places of Business For the Occasion.
Want to Make Day A Notable One.


Saturday, May 29th will pass into history in this city and county as a memorable one, especially for the old soldiers and their friends.

This will be not only the annual memorial day but will be the occasion of the dedication of the beautiful memorial in the shape of a monument which will then be unveiled and which has been errected by the people of the county.

The program for the exercises has not nearly been completed but it will be an elaborate one and will interest all who are present.

About all that has been given out so far is that Miss mary McCombs, a daughter of J. T. McCombs, a veteran of Carlins Battery and well known old soldier, will unveil the monument.

Congressman Hubbard through whose efforts two brass field pieces were donated by the government, will deliver the principal address but there will be other speakers.

There will be music by brass bands and by the Methodist choir and the entire day will be one of great activity here. There will be a free dinner for all the old soldiers and others will be served at a reasonable price.

There will also be large delegations present from Parkersburg, Fairmont, Morgantown and all other towns and sections of this end of the state. In short there will be a great outpouring of people here on that day but there is room for all, and all will be welcome.

Let everyone write their friends to come for a visit at that time and let all the old soldiers from all over this section of the three states be on hads.

It's going to be a big day in Moundsville so make all your plans so that you can be one of the happy crowd which will be there.

Moundsville Echo - June 4, 1909

Inception of the Monument Idea

Submitted by Joseph D. Parriott.

The monument had its inception in a dinner given by Hon. S. R. Hanen at Glen Easton, to a number of his soldier friends and came to Mr. Hanen who sprung the idea in a flash on that very day.

There were present at that time from this city Major H. W. Hunter, C. C. Mathews and J. T. McCombs. Others present mostly from Glen Easton were J. M. Armstrong, W. O. Grimes, W. A. Stewart, G. W. Hubbs, I. N. Hubbs, J. M. Harris, J. W. Crow, Harrison Crow, Wm. Criswell, Skelton Standiford now dead, J. B. Wayt, Jacob Standiford and Silas Carmichael.

It was learned that the idea was advanced at this meeting and on Thursday, Mr. Hanen who was in this city, was asked regarding it. After trying to pass it up in a general way, he admitted that the idea came to him just at that time and after an organization of veterans had been effected. It was then the present monument was firt thought of and the proposition made public. Mr. Hanen is therefore the father of the monument although he modestly refuses to accept the honor as his own. Mr. Smith Risinger's admirable story of the securing of the memorial tells the whole subsequent story.

Linda Cunningham Fluharty - Marshall County WVGenWeb Project.