Ernest Boggs, RA15409816, enlisted in the United States Army on 3 Jun 1948 at Moundsville WV and was sworn in at Wheeling WV. After basic training in SC, he shipped out to Japan from Seattle WA in Sep 48 and was stationed at Camp Mower in Sasebo, Japan. From there, he went to Korea in May (28th or 29th) 1950. He served all over Korea in the 24th Division, L Company, 34th Regiment. He left Korea in 1951 and returned to Camp Breckenridge KY where he was discharged. He was awarded the Combat Infantry Badge, Purple Heart, Occupation Meday of Japan, and others.
Ernest Boggs was born in Marshall County, McMechen WV, on 25 May 1931. His parents were Okey and Lucy Lula Boggs. His brothers and sisters include: Rosella, Okey Jr., William Lawrence, Francis, Raymond, Worthy, Arletta, Betty, Ann, Cora, & 3 babies that died shortly after birth.
Submitted by Dave Boggs.
Military History of CLAUDE R. BURTON, Lt. Col. (Ret)
Veteran World War II & Korean Conflict
Claude R. Burton was born 31 May 1924 in Edinburg, Ohio. He started school at Harris Elementary school Akron, Ohio. After attending many Elementary schools, due to the family moving so many times, he completed elementary school at Henry School in Akron, Ohio. He then attended Central High School and graduated in 1942. He entered the Army Air Corps in November 1942 during WW2 and completed 99 combat missions over Italy, France and Germany, flying P-40 and P-47 fighter aircraft.
After the war, he returned to Akron, Ohio and worked at the McNeil Machine and Engineering Co. During this time he was married to Carol Lucille Wiland. In 1947 he was recalled to active duty with the United States Air Force in Bangor, Maine. In 1949 he was sent to Okinawa and was there when the Korean War began. He was then sent to Japan and Korea where he flew 100 combat missions flying the F-80 fighter aircraft during the Korean Campaign. After he returned to the States he was stationed at Shaw Air Force Base, Sumter, SC and Langley AFB in Virginia. He was then sent to Wethersfield, England, flying F-84 fighter aircraft for 3 years. After returning from England he was stationed at Del Rio, Texas AFB as the Squadron Commander of the 3645th Combat Crew Training Squadron and at Randolph AFB, Texas as the Squadron Commander of the 3510th Flying Training Squadron. In 1961 he was again sent to Korea where he was Chief of the Air Operations Center. He returned in 1962 and was sent to Byrd Field, Richmond, Virgina where he was the United States Air Force Advisor to the Virginia Air National Guard. He retired from the Air Force as a Lt. Colonel in 1964. After retirement he moved his family to San Antonio, Texas where he worked for Snelling & Snelling Employment Agency before joining the Federal Aviation Administration in 1967. While with the FAA he was assigned to duty in Austin, Houston, El Paso, Texas before being sent to New Orleans, La. After 4 years in New Orleans he was sent to Midland, Texas as the Manager of the Midland Flight Service Station. He retired from the FAA in 1986. In 1983 his wife Carol passed away and he then married Virginia M. Armstrong in 1984. They moved to Dallas, Texas area after his retirement from the FAA where they presently reside.
Supplement #1 Lazarus Rine who fought in the Revolution with the PA Militia.
Supplement #2 Henry Yoho who fought in the Revolution with the PA Militia.
Supplement #3 Peter Yoho who fought with the PA Militia and was a scout for the military.
Supplement #4 Capt John Baker fought in the Dunsmore War and in the Revolution building the Fort at Cresap, WV.
Army Veteran of the Korean Conflict; served as a paratrooper in the 82nd Airborne.
Submitted by Linda Fluharty.