P2C 47 Transportation Army Aviation Maintenance Company, U. S. Army
Died 3 January 1953 - Helicopter Crash, Korea
Compiled by Linda Cunningham Fluharty.
FORREST FINLEY SMITH, born in Frew, Tyler County, 22 May 1930, was the son of David Glen Smith and Velma Rice. The family is found in the *1940 census of Marshall County, W.Va., and the 1950 census of Tyler County.
1940 Census, Limestone, Marshall County, W.Va.
Glen Smith, 35, Laborer Steel Mill, b. W.Va.
Nellie? Smith, 32, Wife, b. W.Va.
Nellie, Daughter, 11, b. W.Va.
Forrest Smith, 9, Son, b. W.Va.
1950 Census, Middlebourne, Tyler County, W.Va.
D. Glen Smith, 46, Shipper, Shipping Dept. Steel Mill, b. W.Va.
Velma Smith, 45, Wife, b. W.Va.
Forrest F. Smith, 19, Son, b. W.Va.
Pfc. Smith is buried at Northview Cemetery, New Martinsville, Wetzel County, W.Va.
*Note: That the family resided in Marshall County, W.Va. for a time, is confirmed by an article in the Wheeling Intelligencer, dated 12 Sept. 1940, about an anniversary & homecoming in Middlebourne for Descendants of Gilbert and Jane (Boreman) Smith, who came from Greene County, Pa. and established their home there (Middlebourne) in 1825. "Mr. and Mrs. Glen Smith and children Nellie and Forrest, Wheeling..."