OBITUARY of JAMES A. CRISWELL "Moundsville Echo" - May 25, 1932 J. A. Criswell, Veteran Of Indian War, Expires Well Known Moundsville Man Dies Here Today At Age of 74. J. A. Criswell, well known resident of Moundsville and a veteran of the Sioux Indian War in South Dakota, died this morning at 10:30 o'clock at his home, 905 Jefferson Avenue, after an illness of a year. He was in his 74th year. The decedent was born September 11, 1858, at Glen Easton, the son of the late Enoch and Nancy Evans Criswell. He had been a resident of Moundsville for 30 years. He served in the Sious Indian war in South Dakota in Co. D, 12 Regiment U. S. Inf. for 2 years and 7 months from 1889 to 1891. He is survived by his widow and four children, Mrs. L. K. Hissom, Canton, Ohio; Mrs. J. W. Guthrie, city; Kenneth D. Criswell, at home, and Mrs. G. W. Dunn, St. Clairsville, Ohio. Four grandchildren also survive. Arrangements for the funeral are incomplete. NOTES: James A. Criswell was found in the 1910 census of Marshall County, Meade District, with Nancy, stated as his second wife, married 19 years. At that time, she had given birth to 4 children, 3 living: Della P., 17; Edith May, 15; Mable A., 8 months. At the time of the 1920 census of Marshall County, James and Nancy were residing in Moundsville, where James worked as a church janitor. In addition to the 3 daughters, they had a son, Kenneth, age 5. James A. and Nancy are buried at Greenlawn Cemtery, Moundsville.