Civil War Union Veterans
Buried in Sand Hill Cemetery

Compiled and submitted by Elizabeth D. Swiger

(Letters in parentheses refer to reference list at end.)

NATHAN T. BRUCE - Private in Company 1, 15th (West) Virginia Volunteer Infantry.(A-22, C-p239, D-p420)
Born 30 Aug 1843, died 13 Dec 1913.(E) Son of Benjamin and Julia (Love) Bruce. (F, G, J) He married Nancy E. McCuskey and had children Lorence, William Archie, Jesse E. Myrtle J., Lou, Mary, Joseph, Leena, and Albert (E, G, H, I)

FREDERICK A. DAGUE - Capt. in Co. G., (West) Virginia Regiment, Volunteer Infantry. (B- p.1292, C-p.250)
Born 16 Aug 1844, died 1 Jan 1913. (E) Son of Andrew and Lucinda (Luke) Dague. (K) Married Susan Jones on 25 May 1876. (B-pl 292, K) They had children Charles Willard, William and Frank.(HW, K)

NOTE: There were two Frederick Dagues, both near the same age and both Civil War soldiers. They were double first cousins, since their mothers were sisters and their fathers were brothers. Frederick Dague, son of Daniel and Eliza (Luke) Dague, married Elizabeth Carolyn Supler, and served in Co. 1, Fifteenth (West) Virginia Regiment, (C-p239, D-p224, 419) and was a Sergeant. He lived in Sand Hill District, and was a brother of William and James who married Winters sisters. (A-1 5, F, I) [I do not know where he was buried but it was apparently not at Sand Hill. Quite possibly at Mt. View, Dallas, where his brother William and other kinfolk are buried. EDS]

JOHN HUDSON DAVIS - Private in Company 1, 15th (West) Virginia Volunteer Infantry.(A-1 3, B-pl 256, C-p250, D-421, L)
Born in Sand Hill 24 April 1844, son of Hanson and Mary (Cunningham) Davis. Married Susan Nancy Davis, daughter of John and Eliza (Winters) Davis, on 23 July 1868. Hudson died 18 April 1916 and Susan in Sept 1916. (E, F, G, H, 1, J) They had children Willis B., John W., and Russell. (H, I, J) (0)

JAMES W. DAUGHERTY - Private in Company 1, 15th (West) Virginia Volunteer Infantry. (B-p l293, C-p 239, D-p420) (A-33 says Corporal in Company 1, Tenth Regiment.)
Born April 1844, died 1918, married Sara(h) who was born in Ireland. (E,I) Son of Robert and Mary (Winters) Daugherty. (F) The children of James W. and Sarah were William, Isaac N., Mary, John Edward, Ella and Edith. (G, H, I) (0)

WILLIAM W. GARDNER - Private in Company 1, 15th (West) Virginia Volunteer Infantry. (B-p l357, C-p 240, D-p 224, 421)
Born 5 Sept 1822, died 5 Feb 1898. (E) Married Mary Jane Roseberry on 11 May 1843, lived in Benwood in 1890. (B) Lived in Sand Hill and had children John I., Ida E., Eliza N., Lewis W. (F, G, H)

JASPER N. GIVENS - Company 1, 179th Ohio Volunteer Infantry. (E) Had also served as a private in Company E, Second (West) Virginia Regiment. Born about 1846, married Rhoda Burk on 3 Aug 1886, lived in Viola in 1890. (B-p 1358)

BUSHROD GRAY - Private in Company F, 139th Illinois Infantry. He listed his post office as Viola in 1890. (B-p l387)
Born in April 1848 in Ohio, son of George and Mary Gray who were living in Sand Hill in 1870. Married Nancy (possibly Daugherty) in 1871 and lived in Sand Hill with children John B., William K., Minnie A., Mary Blanche and Calvin in 1880, and by 1900 younger sons Chalmer and Linsey remained at home. (G,H,I) [I have no tombstone listing for him. EDS]

DANIEL HARTLEY - Private in Company 1, 15th (West) Virginia Volunteer Infantry.(C-p 240, D-p 224, 421)
Born about 1834, son of Thomas and Alice Hartley. He married Elizabeth, lived in Sand Hill and had children William C., Mary Anna, Martha B., Lillie O., and Elizabeth A. (F, G, H)

EDWARD D. HEATHERINGTON - Captain, served first in Company H, Fourth Iowa Cavalry and was promoted to Captain and transferred as a band musician to Company K, Eighth Missouri Cavalry. (A-17, L)
Born in Stanhope, Durham, England in Dec 1818, son of John and Rebecca (Dent) Heatherington and came to America in 1830. Edward married Hannah Marsh, daughter of Richard and Mary Marsh. They had children Hannah Rebecca and Richard Dent. Hannah died in 1844 before there was a cemetery at Sand Hill and is buried at Dallas. Edward remarried and moved to Iowa. Son Richard died of illness in the Civil War in Missouri. Edward returned to Sand Hill prior to 1890 and lived until his death on 13 March 1895. (B-p l343, E, J, L)

THOMAS J. HOWELL - Company B, Ohio Infantry. (E) [No further information.]

JOSEPH LEWIS - [No Civil War Information.]
Born June 1818, married Eliza Thompson about 1844, died 1902. They had children Joseph, Isabell, Catherine, Eliza, Elizabeth, William F., Josephine, and Mary, and lived in Sand Hill. (F, G, H, E, I) --- [Correction: The Civil War soldier was actually the son of this Joseph Lewis. The soldier, age 18, served in the Company H 7 WV Infantry, and died of Pthisis Pulmonalis in July 1862 in Marshall County. His Service Record indicates that he was approved for a medical discharge two months before his death, but he was, perhaps, on furlough at home at that time. As of 1866, his discharge was not on file, but his death is stated, as if he was still on active duty. -- LCF].

ABRAM MARSH - Musician in Company 1, 15th (West) Virginia Volunteer Infantry. (C-p 239, D-p 420)
Born in Canada about 1826/7, son of Matthew and Ruth (Berisford) Marsh who were born in England. (E, F, G). Married Jane Cunningham between 1870 and 1880.(WH) Abram, sometimes spelled Abraham, died 16 Sept 1886. (E) (0)

GEORGE W. MARSH - Private in Company 1, 15th (West) Virginia Volunteer Infantry. Died 4 Jan 1863 at Sir Johns Run, Va. (C-p 240, 241,D-p 224, 422)
Born about 1834, son of Abraham and Eliza Marsh. (M,F) [I have no cemetery record for George. EDS]

ABNER S. PORTER - Private Company 1, 6th (West) Virginia Cavalry (A-24, C-p 260)
Born Dec 1841, son of Alexander G. and Sarah H. Porter. He married Maria in 1865 and had children David A., Harry M., Laura A., and Lucy. (E, F, H, I) (0)

JOHN C. RONEY - Private in Company F, 10th (West) Virginia Infantry. (A-24)
Born 11 March 1844, died 15 Aug 1888. (E) He married Martha and had a son, Willard L. who died as an infant, and a son David. (1) His widow reported living in Elm Grove in 1890 but was in Sand Hill in 1900. (B-pl528) [There was a John Roney in Company K, 15th Regiment (D-p422)

JOHN T. ROSEBERRY - Private in Company 1, 15th (West) Virginia Volunteer Infantry (C-p240,D-p421)
Born about 1845, son of William and Eliza Roseberry. He married Mary Jane and had children Ann E., William, George W., Herman W., Thayer M. and Samuel. (E, F, G, H) (0)

ALEXANDER SHILLING - Private in Company A, 12th (West) Virginia Volunteer Infantry. (C-p 226, E)
Born about 1838, son of Henry (Murry) and Hannah Shilling, married Martha Jane (McCann) and had children Samuel A., Martha and Griffith. (F, G, M, H) (0)

DAVID A. L. SIVERT - First Sergeant in Company A, Third (West) Virginia Cavalry. He suffered a gunshot wound in the right chest (lung) in the Battle of Winchester. (A-20, B-p l567, N-p 4O7)
Born 20 Feb 1830, married Maria Culver, died 31 Jan 1899. (E) He was the son of Jacob Sivert, They had children Nancy E., John H., Mary M., Sally R., and Charles W., William A., Joseph N. and Willard W. Maria was living in Sand Hill in 1900 with two sons. (G, H, I)

JOHN TAYLOR - Corporal in Company 1, 15th (West) Virginia Volunteer Infantry (B-p 1613, D-p 4l9)
Born 11 Feb 1841, died 27 July 1914, married Mary J. (E) He was the son of James and Martha Taylor (F, M) wife also listed as Margaret J. and they had children Millard, Anna B., Flora and John W. (GW, HW) They lived in Pleasant Valley in 1890.(B)

ALFRED TURNER - Adjutant in Company G, Fifth NY. (A-18) He was captured at Cedar Creek and imprisoned in Libby Prison and in Salisbury Prison. (B-pl 612).
Born 20 Feb 1829, died 22 Jan 1923. (E) He was born in England, probably a son of William and Sarah Turner as he was living with William in 1870. (G) His wife was Mary A. and they had one daughter Fairy. (H, I)

SAMUEL TURNER - Private in Company 1, 15th (West) Virginia Volunteer Infantry. (A-19, C-p 241, D-p 421) He was captured near Maryland Heights, taken to Danville and then imprisoned in Libby Prison for eight months. His failed eyesight in his later years was attributed to his prison experience. (J, N-p 4O8)
Born in London, England in Aug 1831 and came to U.S. in 1840 with his parents, William and Sarah Elizabeth Turner, and arrived in Sand Hill before 1860. He married Sarah Jane Davis and had children Ellsworth, Mary, Jessie, Lizzie and Willie. (E, F, G, H, I, J, N) (0)

ALONZO WINTERS - Sergeant in Company 1, 15th (West) Virginia Volunteer Infantry. (A-27, B-p l613, C-p 239, D-p 4l9, E)
Born 28 May 1841, son of John and Eliza (Davis) Winters, died 24 Jan 1923. He married Margaret McCracken and had five children; two died as infants, John William, Alice I., and Rosa Verda. (F, G, H, I, J, L, M) (0)

ISAAC WINTERS - Second Lieutenant in Company 1, 15th (West) Virginia Volunteer Infantry. (A-16, B-p l6l3, C-p 239, 241, D-p 6l, 224, 419, E)
Born 8 Oct 1835, son of John and Eliza (Davis) Winters, died 6 April 1917. (J) He married Hannah Rebecca Heatherington. They had children Richard Isaac, Mary Eliza, John Edward, Annabel, Elizabeth Jane, Albert Davis, George Nelson, Daisy May, and June Heatherington. (F, G, H, I, J, L, M) (0)

JOSHUA WINTERS - Private in Company G, lst (West) Virginia Volunteer Infantry.(A-30, B-p l613, C-p 239) Suffered a gunshot wound in the hand. (A, B) He wrote diaries and letters that have been published*. (0)
Born 8 Jan 1843, died 31 May 1900.(E, J) He was the son of John and Eliza (Davis) Winters. He married Beulah Jane Blake and had children Mitchell Blake and Laura Effie. (F, G, H, I, J, L, M)

*See For Sale... for ordering information.

WILLIAM HARVEY WINTERS - Corporal in Company 1, 15th (West) Virginia Volunteer Infantry. (A-38, B-p l6l3, C-p 239, D-p 420)
Born Oct 1843, son of James and Rebecca (Cunningham) Winters, married Maria Minor, died after 1900. They had children Jennie, James, Clara Mae, Leonard, Lizzie and C. Russell. (F, G, H, I, J, M) (0) [I have no cemetery record for Harvey. EDS]

Additional residents of the area come to mind who were known to serve in the Civil War. They are not known to be buried at Sand Hill: James Rogers, William Dague, at least three Kellers, (John, George, and David who enlisted under his father's name, Henry) John W. Marsh, other Daughertys (John H. and Robert M.), Robert Blake, Jonathan Minnix and many others. Nearly the entire male population of Sand Hill District seems to have enlisted in Union forces, and my list isn't complete.

Notes from Linda Fluharty:

  • A young man named Francis Moore, age 12, lived in the home of the Abram and Eliza Marsh at the time of the 1860 census. This young man served as the drummer in company "I" 15th W.Va. Infantry and he died of pneumonia in 1863. As previously stated, George W. Marsh, a son of Abram and Eliza, also died while in service in this same company.

  • Records of Company "I" 15 W.Va. Infantry indicate there were two men in the company with the name, William Thompson. The service records are blended and difficult to sort out, but one man, William S. Thompson, a corporal, was born in Ireland. He died during the war. The other man of that name was a Private and had deserted. The record of this man states that the deserter could probably be found in Sand Hill. He was arrested, and following his court martial, he was sentenced to hard labor and then discharged.

  • According to Headstones Provided for Deceased Union Civil War Veterans, 1861-1904, a tombstone was ordered for the grave of Joseph B. Sivert at Sand Hill Cemetery on July 8, 1887. Joseph served in Co. "A" 3rd WV Cavalry and died April 15 1863. He had received a medical discharge after his horse fell on him and caused a spinal cord injury. Joseph was the son of Jacob Sivert(s)(1789-1851) and Nancy [Groves] found in the 1850 Marshall County census.


    A. 1890 Census of Surviving Soldiers, Sailors and Marines, and Widows. E.D 204 - Sand Hill.

    B. Tri-County Researcher, Linda Goddard Stout, Editor. New Martinsville, WV. April 1986 - July 1989.

    C. History of Marshall County, West Virginia. Scott Powell. Moundsville WV, 1925.

    D. Annual Report of the Adjutant General of West Virginia for the year ending Dec 31, 1865. Wheeling WV, 1866.

    E. Tombstone Readings of Sand Hill Cemetery. Read by Ethel Briggs and Ada Finnicum, 1980.

    F. 1860 Federal Census of Marshall County WV.

    G. 1870 Federal Census of Marshall County WV, Sand Hill District. GW. Webster District.

    H. 1880 Federpl Census of Marshall County WV, Sand Hill District. HW. Webster District.

    I. 1900 Federal Census of Marshall County WV. Sand Hill District.

    J. Family Records including birth, death, marriage records in Ohio and Marshall Counties.

    K. The History and Genealogy of the Dague Family. Carrie Dague. Welch WV 1938.

    L. EDS has official Civil War records from the National Archives for these veterans.

    M. 1850 Federal Census of Marshall County WV.

    N. History of the Pan Handle. J. H Newton et al. Wheeling WV, 1879.

    0. Civil War Letters and Diary of Joshua Winters. Elizabeth D. Swiger, Editor. McClain Printing, Parsons WV. 1991.

