Selections From


Being Historical Collections of the Counties of
Ohio, Brooke, Marshall and Hancock, West Virginia,
by J. H. Newton, with G. G. Nichols and A. G. Sprankle, 1879


Captain A. O. Baker, a son of John Baker, was born June 11, 1828, in the Round Bottom, on a farm then occupied by his grandfather, Jonathan Roberts. His father died in 1831, when he was three years of age. In the spring of 1833, he removed with his mother to Elizabethtown. At the age of six years he went to live with his uncle at Cincinnati, where he remained for the most part of fourteen years. In 1848, he migrated to Bonharber, Ky., where he was employed by Triplet & Barret, who were engaged in the lumber business, and remained there one year. In 1849, he returned to Elizabethtown, and followed merchandizing with his brother Henry. Thus he was engaged until 1854, when he received the appointment as Deputy Sheriff for Enos Howard, who was then sheriff of Marshall county. He was married to Miss Elizabeth Kountz, an affable young lady, in 1851. As the result of their union, they had a family of four children, viz: Flora V., Frank, Clara and Ella. Flora V., the eldest, was united in marriage in 1872 to Orlando Stevenson, a son of Ex-Gov. Stevenson. In 1857, our subject received the appointment of deputy clerk of the court, for Judge E. H. Caldwell, and in 1858 he was again appointed deputy sheriff for Jackson Reed, in which capacity he served for four years, and at the termination of that time, was elected sheriff of the county. He served as sheriff until the division of the state of Virginia, which occurred in July, 1863. When the rebellion broke out he then received the appointment of provost marshal, for this county, held that office for about a year, and upon the reception of a commission as Captain in the volunteer service of the United States, from Gov. A. I. Boreman -- he resigned his marshalship. He recruited Company A, of the the 17th West Virginia Infantry, in this county, and served in that position till the close of the war, and was honorably discharged with his regiment in August, 1865. In 1867, he received the appointment of warden in the West Virginia Penitentiary serving four years. In August, 1872, after the adoption of the new constitution of West Virginia, he was elected to the legislature in his native county, by an overwhelming majority. He served in the house of delegates two years. In 1876, he was elected clerk of the circuit court, to fill an unexpired term of two years, and was re-elected in 1878, for the term of six years, which office expires in 1885. He has been elected to a number of minor offices at different times in his life; was mayor of Elizabethtown in 1858-9, and of Moundsville in 1876-7. He was also school commissioner for the independent school district of Moundsville, and drew up the article, and received the proposals for the first public school building built in Moundsville in 1866. He is an obliging and accomodating officer, with hosts of friends.


J. E. Hooten, prosecuting attorney of Marshall county, was born in Kingwood, Preston county, W.Va., in the year 1838, and is the son of Colonel Charles and Ann Hooten. He was educated in a common school and studied law with his father at that place. He served for three years as deputy clerk of Preston county. In 1861, he emigrated to Wheeling, where he received a clerkship in the auditor's office, remaining about a year. At the breaking out of the rebellion, he listed as regimental quartermaster of the Fourteenth West Virginia Infantry. He was through the entire valley campaign with Sheridan, and was there when he made his famous twenty-mile ride. He was mustered out of service in July, 1865. After the close of the war he located at Littleton, Wetzel county, W.Va., and for three years engaged in the mercantile business there. In 1866, he was married to Miss Ella E., daughter of George Sawtell, of Short creek, Ohio county. They have a family of three children, one boy and two girls, all of whom are still living. He was admitted to the bar in 1868, whilst residing in Littleton. He was assistant clerk of state senate in the sessions of 1868 to 1871. He was assistant clerk of the state senate in the sessions of 1868 to 1871. He removed to Cameron in 1868 and remained until April 1, 1877, then settled in Moundsville. In the year 1870, he took the census of Marshall county, and in 1876 was elected prosecuting attorney by a handsome majority. He is an estimable gentleman and a good lawyer.


H. W. Hunter, sheriff of Marshall county, was born in the city of Wheeling, June 7th, 1837. His parents were Robert and Artimasa Hunter. His father removed to Marshall county in 1844, and settled on a farm. He received his education in the Marshall county Academy, under Prof. Shattuck. In 1859 he commenced clerking for George Edwards, where he remained until January 1861, when he removed to Pittsburgh and hired on a steamboat, and made two trips down the river, as far as Madison, Indiana, and back. He returned home in May, 1861, and engaged with Capt. W. J. Purdy, as a salesman in his store, remaining until July of the same year. When the war broke out he assisted in recruiting company I, Third West Virginia Volunteer Infantry, and received the commission of Lieutenant. In 1862 Capt. W. J. Purdy resigned, and he was then promoted to the position of Captain. The first engagement was at McDowell, May 8th, 1862, under Gen. Milroy, and was defeated. Joined Gen. Fremont and marched to Strasburg, in the valley, to cut off Jackson, who was advancing, but he got ahead of them. On the 9th of June another engagement took place at Cross Keys, which continued for three days, and neither party were successful, Gen. Jackson retired to Richmond and Gen. Fremont withdrew to the valley, when Gen. Pope took command. In August 1862 he was detailed on Gen. Milroy's staff. He was in Gen. Pope's retreat, and at the second battle of Bull Run. In the latter part of that year he acted as Provost-Marshal of the second division of the eighth army corps, remaining in that position until 1863, at that time he joined his regiment at Phillippi, W. Va. In December they started on what was known as the Salem raid with Gen. Averill, and finally fell back and went to Grafton, and thence to Martinsburg, where they remained until April. The regiment to which he was attached was converted to the Sixth West Virginia Cavalry. He was then commissioned as Major of that regiment. He was sent to Beverly, in command of a body of troops, remaining there until mustered out of service, August 1864. On the 22nd of February, 1865, he was married to Miss Jane Edwards. Their union has resulted in a family of two children -- a boy and a girl. In that year he went into partnership with George Edwards in the mercantile business, which firm continued for nearly four years. He received the appointment as deputy sheriff the following year. His term of office does not expire until December 1880. Has always proved faithful to his trust.