Submitted by Doris Crowe Greaves, gr-granddaughter.
(William G. Crow -> William Clinton Crowe -> William Lee Crowe -> Doris)
The following letter was written by William G. Crow, who married Mary Chaney in July 1845 in Donegal Twp., Washington County, Pa. Their children were Eliza Jane, Mary M., Franklin Jacob, Amanda, James H., William Clinton, and Martha W. - William died August 30, 1862 at David's Island, New York. According to his pension file, he was sent by train from Harrison's Landing, Virginia.
in this is enclosed a family keep sake it is your husbands likeness Mary Crow and the fater of them deer Children of mine Never let another put it in pocket teers
February th 3 teens 1862
head quarters fort good hopeMy beloved Wife and loveing Children. it is with pleasure that i take my pen in hand to inform you that i am well and hope that these few lines may find you all in the same health. i have not herd from you My beloved Companion since the 26 of January and it seems like a year since their must bee something wrong someway i hope that you have not forgot mee Mother i dreamed nigh that i was wheir you were and you [bottom of page torn off]
[reverse side of page] Reason why i neve think that you spek to me is so strange i now that you would speek to me if i could come home Mother o Mother how do you think that i felt when i had all this on my mind it tore every nerve in me although it is but a dream all that i can doo is to pray to god to bless you and protect you in my absens Mother my wish is that i may return to My beloved family and their end my days and if it is not gods will that i am to die at home i would like to see you all once more and talk to you a while before i die but i think [bottom of page torn off]
Come to me for i think that a drink of water Mother from you or one of my deer Children would do me more good than one from a Cold Stranger and i would like to se you and bless you before i die and obtain pardon from your own lips and kiss you in my death strugel i apeers to me that it would make my path smooth to a land of spirits Mother at this time i am in as good health as i halve been for a long time tomorrow i will take my plaise in ranks to drill but i halve not to drill when i am sick that Camp story about them 200 sesesh at the 8 ridgment is fals it is not safe to rite Camp storeys but this is true that one of hour ridgement on the 2 got on a scout a secesh Cavelry gard he found it standing by a bush and brought it in Camp it caused some alarm
[reverse side of page] that one thing i wanted to no was about your health that is answered but Mother the golden locket inclosed in this leter will teach you against you get yours likeness on the other side it will when it is closed show you what i meen i meen we heir one here and i want to meet you all Mother in heaven My deer Children strive to enter in at the strait gate that we may halve each other society their where we will never part no more i want you all to rite soon give my best respects to buck hodgens reed McCues Mc abe and to all my brothers and to Josia all tell him i would like to see him now comes the hardest Mother elisa Moley frankey Amanda James Clinton and my little lamb Wilamina fair well to all & that god may protect you all till we meet again fair well & fairwell by Wm. G. Crow to his deer wife Mary Crow
1860 Census, Buffalo Township, Washington County, Pa.
William G. Crow, 39, Farm Laborer, Personal Estate $50, b Va.
Mary Crow, 27, b Pa.
Eliza Jane Crow, 19,Domestic, b Pa.
Mary A. Crow, 16, Domestic, b Pa.
Franklin J. Crow, 7, b Pa.
Amanda Crow, 8, b Pa.
James Crow, 3, b Pa.
Dewit C., 1, b Pa.