Company "G" 33rd Indiana Infantry
Researched & Compiled by Linda Fluharty
1850 Census, Belmont County, Ohio
Joseph Weight, 42, b Pa
Margrett Weight, 43, b Pa.
Mary (or Nancy) Weight, 17, b Va.
James Weight, 21, b Va.
John Weight, 18, b Va.
Alford Weight, 14, b Va.
Levina Weight, 12, b Va.
Sarah Weight, 10, b Va.
Nepolian Weight, 9, b Va.
Adison Weight, 7, b Ohio
Joseph Weight, 5, b Ohio
William Weight, 3, b Ohio
Martin Weight, 8 months, b Ohio“Mustered in the 33rd Indiana Infantry on Sep 5, 1862; died Oct. 28, 1862 at Covington, Kenton County, Kentucky. Born Marshall County, West Virginia. Buried at Camp Nelson National Cemetery, Boyle County, Kentucky.”
The place of birth is verified by Chris Walker, PhD, Assistant Professor of History at Indiana Wesleyan University. When the question was posed about proof of place of birth, he said, “I got Napoleon’s place of birth from his Indiana Civil War muster card, which showed 'Marshal, Va.' Of course, this part of Virginia became West Virginia during the war. When listing places of birth, the mustering officer would normally list the name of the county, rather than the town or city. This is where I got Marshall County, West Virginia.” Dr. Walker went on to say, “Napoleon had two brothers who served in Company G, 33rd. James Wayt was born in Ohio County, Virginia (West Virginia) according to his muster card. Addison Wayt was born in Belmont County, Ohio...”
Joseph "Wayts" is found in the 1836 Marshall County Tax Records. Joseph "Waitt" is named in the 1840 Tax Records. Based on the birth places of the children, they moved to Ohio after 1840.
The family of Joseph and Margaret (Scales) “Weight” was residing at Richland, Belmont County, Ohio, at the time of the 1850 census. There were 11 children listed, including Napoleon, Addison and James. The parents had married in Belmont County in 1827.