Thomas Vousden

Company "E" 10th Penna. Infantry Reserves

Researched & Compiled by Linda Fluharty

1860 Marshall County Census
Anne E...22-wf...PA
Thomas D...3-wm...PA
Albert A...1-wm...PA

Service Record: Enrolled & mustered in on July 21, 1861 at Harrisburg, Pa. to serve 3 years. “Killed in the Battle of Fredericksburg Dec. 13, 1862.”

Thomas D. Vousden and Anna Elizabeth Vandebelt were married by a Catholic priest on Sept. 9, 1852 at Blairsville, Indiana County, Penna.

At the time of the 1860 census, Thomas Vousden, 27, a clerk born in Ireland, lived with in Elizabethtown, Marshall County, with wife, Anne E., and three sons, John, 7, Thomas D., 3, and Albert, 1. Albert must have died because when Anne applied for a pension for her deceased husband’s children, only John P., born Jan. 14, 1854, and Thomas D., born Aug. 4, 1856, were named.

The widow married James Welch on Feb. 29, 1864 and was named guardian of her children.