Unknown Regiment
Researched & Compiled by Linda Fluharty
1860 Marshall County Census
TYPES (2120)
Catharine C...43-wf...VA
Mary J...22-wf...VA
George E...10-wm...VA
Jonathan D...4-wm...VAJARAMIAH STIPES, Unknown Regiment: Per Marshall County, W.Va. Death Record, this “Soldier,” age 18, died in “W. Hospital” on Dec. 3, 1863 following a leg amputation. However, his enlistment information has not been located. (The W.Va. State Archives has this surname incorrectly indexed as “Stepes” in the death database; it really does say “Stipes”.) His parents are identified as Francis & Catherine in the death record.
Francis A. Stipe and Catharine Iden were married in Frederick, Virginia in 1836. - The family is listed in the 1850 census of Hampshire County, (W.)Va., at which time the children of Francis and Catherine Stipe were Mary J., 13; Townsend P., 10; Edward J. 5; Caroline, 3.
By the 1860 census, they were in Marshall County (Boggs Run) as “Types.” Francis, a Carpenter, and Catherine (Iden) had the following children in the home in 1860: Mary J., 22; Robert, 19; Jeremiah, 14; Kate, 12; George E., 10; Jonathan D., 4. It appears that Jeremiah is Edward J. in 1850.
The parents (Stipes), were still in Marshall County (Union District) in 1870 with children, Catherine, Sarah and Jonathan. The father was a Wire Agent. The Stipes family lived on Boggs Run, in close proximity to Catherine’s brother, Jonathan Iden.