Company "D" 11th Regiment Penna. Infantry Volunteers
Submitted by Denise Murphy
July 24 1880
State of West Virginia County of Marshall, ss:
In the matter of the claim of Samuel C. Murphy, no. 297550, personally comes the affiant who being first sworn on oath says that I resided in the vicinity of Cameron but I resided on two different places but my post office addrep was during my residence at both places and during the 5 years immediately preceeding my enlistment was at Cameron P. O. Marshall County West Virginia and my occupation during this time was that of a farmer. I was discharged in July 1865 and in November following moved to the vicinity of Bellton P. O. Marshall County West Virginia until some 2 ½ years ago when a post rout was established from Bellton Marshall County West Virginia to Proctor Wetzel County West Virginia and on this rout there is an office called Melvin Marshall County West Virginia; and since the establishing of this route my post office addrep has been, Melvin P. O. Marshall County West Virginia and my present post office addrep is Melvin Marshall County West Virginia. As to the incurrence of my disability while I was in the U.S. service and in line of duty about the last of October or 1st of November 1864 while we was near what was called the Yellow House on the Weldon Rail Road Va I was drilled very hard and had to lay out on the damp ground at nights and was exposed and suffered under these circumstances to such a degree that it resulter in lung disease, derangement of the liver or a liver complaint, a derangement of the stomach. I was treated in the field hospital thence at City Point – Washington City at Harwood Hospital then at White Hall on the Delaware River thence was sent to McClellen’s U.S. General Hospital and here I was discharged by reason of the war being ended. I do not remember the names of any of the physicans that treated me at any of those places but Dr. Butcher who treated me at Washington I know not now if dead or living. I have had several very severe attacks of accutenep in disease but think they all resulted from the original disability incurred in the service. I was treated while this attacked by Dr. Owens for several years immediately after getting home from the service. Afterwards I was treated by Dr. Stiger of Cameron W. Va., also by Dr. Duncan of Cameron W.Va. and also by Dr. Oreger of Milo Wetzel Co, W. Va., and lastly Dr. Owens of Milo Wetzel Co., W Va. I have been under treatment fully half of the time since my discharge. I have not been able to perform manuel labor so as to gain a subsistancely manuel labor but have been at different periods able when forced to perform lite labor but not more than one half of the time.
I cannot give precise dates and exact lengths of time I was treated by the different physicans. Neither can I give from memory the periods of time in the different years that I was prevented from following my usual occupation which was that of farming. Only I know that upon an average from time to time I have been prevented by my disability from manuel labor more than half the time and then was only able to perform lite labor where forced.
[signed] Samuel C. Murphy
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 24th day of July 1880 the affiant is the person he represents himself to be and a creditable witnep. I am not interested in this claim sought to be established witnep my hand and official seal day and year above written. The contents were read over the affiant before signing or swearing to the same.
Clerks certificate of official character on file at the department at Washington D.C.
[signed] John W. Higgins, Notary Public
July 24 1880
In answer to paragraph 4 of the accompanied circular in the Claim No 297550 of Samuel C. Murphy, Mr. Murphy states as follows: that I was treated in the field hospital near the Yellow House on the Weldon Railroad about one week or 10 days immediately after I took sick which was in the last of October or the first November 1864 thence I was removed to City Point Va, and there I was treated about one week or ten days thence was sent to Washington at Harwood Hospital here I was treated about 5 or 6 months by Dr. Bucher thence I was taken to White Hall Pa and was treated here about 30 days thence I was sent to McCellens U.S. Hospital and remained until discharged which was in July 1865. I cannot remember none of the physicians names except Dr. Bucher who treated me at Harwood Hospital.
This 24th day of July A.D. 1880.
[signed] Samuel C. Murphy
May 28 1880
Department of the Interior, Pension Office
May 28th, 1880
Please furnish this Office a report of hospital treatment in the Claim No. 2975--, of Samuel C. Murphy, late a Co. “D” 11th Pa. Vet. Vols, from the data given below.
1. Disability, from Lung disease, liver affection, and derangement of the stomach, contracted at Yellow House, Va., about Nov. 1st, 1864.
2. Treatment, as follows: First in field hospital, next at City Point, Va., then Harwood, Hosp. Washington D.C. then White Hall Hosp., on Delaware River, then McClellan Gen. Hosp. and ……
July 27 1880
State of West Virginia, County of Marshall
I.N. Owen whose Post Office address is Milo County of Wetzel State of West Virginia and whose age is now 52 years, being first duly sworn says that he is a regular practicing Physician of 30 years standing, and that he gave medical advice and treatment to Samuel C. Murphy, late a Prvte in Company D of the Eleventh Regiment of Pa Veteran Vols, as follows: Came under my treatment about the first of September 1865. I found his disease to be chronic hepatitis with considerable hypertrophy subject to several spells of hepatic colic have treated him by times ever since to the present. His condition has been not able to perform manual labor. His disease in my judgement has not been nor is not now curable is liable to absep of the liver at this time. I became acquainted with him in 1863. I believe him to have been a sound many at enlistment. I have every reason to believe he contracted his disease while in the service. At least he went in sound and came out disabled as above he is not nor he has not been an intemperal man nor of bad habits. I have been his family physician for about twenty years more or less for the past twenty years.
I further swear that I am not interested in this claim for pension.
[signed] N. Owens
Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 27th day of July 1880. The affiant is the person he represents himself to be, and a credible witness. I am not interested in this claim. Witness my hand and seal the day and year above written.
[signed] Jon W. Higgins, Notary Public
Clerks certificate of official character on file at the Department at Washington DC.
August 26 1880
War Department
Surgeon General’s Office, Record and Pension Division
Washington D.C., August 26th, 1880
I have the honor to return herewith your request for a report of hospital treatment in Claim, No. 294540, with such information as is furnished by the records filed in this Office, viz: that S. Murphy private Co. D 11 Penn Vols was admitted to Field Hospl 3rd Div. 5 A.C. Oct. 22, 1864 with Rheumatism and returned to duty Oct. 25 1864, that he was admitted to Depot Field Hospl. T.A.C, City Point, Va. With ch: diarrhea Oct. 26, 1864 and returned to duty Oct. 30, 1864 that he was admitted to Harewood G. H. Washington D.C. Oct. 31, 1864 with Phthisis Pulmonalis, and transferred May 29, 1865, that Saml C. Murphy said Co. and Regt. was admitted to White Hall G. H. near Bristol, Pa. May 30, 1865 with Intermittent fever and transferred June 26, 1865. That he was admitted to McClellan G. H. Philadelphia Pa June 26, 1865 with Diarrhea, and Anaemia from Intermittent fever, and discharged the service July 18, 1865. There are no records of the Regt on file prior to 1865.
By order of the Surgeon General:
To the Commissioner of Pensions
[signed] J. J. Woodward, Surgeon, U.S. Army
per J. Freck
June 10 1881
General Affidavit for any Purpose
State of West Virginia, County of Marshall. In the matter of Samuel C. Murphy, Inval Pension, Pension Claimant No. 297550, personally comes the affiant who being first sworn, on oath says: I was treated in the field hospital near the Yellow House on the Weldon Rail Road about one week or ten days. Immediately after took sick which was in the last of October of the 1st of Nov 1964. Thence I was removed to City Point, VA and there I was treated about one week or ten days. Then was sent to Washington at Harwood Hospital. Here I was treated about five or six months by Dr. Butcher. Thence I was removed to White Hall, PA and was treated there about – days. Thence I was removed to McClellen U.S. Hospital, and remained there until I was discharged, which was in July 1865. I cannot remember none of the physicians names except Dr. Butcher, who treated me at Harwood Hospital. I know not his whereabouts or Post Office address nor if he is dead or living. Neither do I know anything of the other physicians who treated me in the service. I never was in any other service of the U.S. only in the organization that I enlisted in and served in, Company D, 11th Regt Pennsylvania Veteran Vol., either military or naval. And his Post Office address is now Howard Co. of Marshall State of West Virginia. My Post Office address was formerly Bonnen Marshall Co. W.Va.
[signed] Samuel C. Murphy
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 10th day of June 1881. The affiant is the person he represents himself to be, and a credible witness. I am not interested in this claim sought to be established. Witness my hand and seal, --------- year above written.
[signed] John W. Higgins, Notary Public
January 9 1882
State of West Va
County of Wetzel ss:
On this the 9th day of January AD 1882, personally appeared before me a Pension Notary within and for the county and State aforesaid Dr. J. N. Owen a resident of Milo, Wetzel County, West Va, who after being duly sworn saith that in addition to his former testimony given in the case of Samuel C. Murphy No 297570, for invalid pension that he was well acquainted with the claimant for five or six years prior to his and at time of his enlistment and saw him frequently during that time and believe him to be free from disease of lungs liver and stomach if such had been the case he certainly would have known it, seeing him frequently and being on intimate terms with him, and that he has no interest in the prosecution of this claim either direct or indirect.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 9th day of January 1882 and I certify that the affiant is well known to me to be a credible witness and is a physician and surgeon in regular practice and that I have no interest whatever in the prosecution of this claim.
[signed] J. A. Connelly, Pension Notary
January 18 1882
Greene Co. P
On this the 18th day of January A.D. 1882 personally appeared befor me James Slites a Justice of the peace in and for the County afore said Joseph Whitlatch who I certify is entitled to cred it as a witness and who after being by me some one according law says he is personally acquainted with Samuel C. Murphy who’s claim for pension is no. 297570. Affiant further says that he was personally present with the soldier above named near the Yellow House on the Weldon RR in Va on or about the first of Nov AD 1864 and that the soldier refered to complained of being unwell for some days and was cono---d to the field hospital which was the last he knew of him til after the close of the war of the rebellion of 1861. Affiant further states that he knows ---- above statement to be true from the following reasons that he was a member of the same company and Regt – Comp D 11 Regt Penna Vols and bunked with the soldier above named all the time he was with the company. Affiant say’s his post office is New Freeport Greene Co Penna and that he has no interest in the prosecution of this claim neither direct nor indirect.
[signed] Josepf Whittatch
At the same time personally appeared Edward Fergerson who after being sworn according to law says he is well acquainted with Samuel C. Murphy whose claims for pension is no. 297570. Affiant further says he has been acquainted with the soldier for about 45 years. Affiant further says that he was present with the soldier referd to at or near the Yellow House on the Weldon Railroad in Va on or about the first of Nov AD 1864 and the soldier above referd to had been complaining of being unwell for several days and was on or about the time above stated sent to the field hospital. Affiant says he knew no more of him til after the war. Affiant says he was well acquainted and on ---------- with the soldier pryor to goin in the service and considered him a ------ sound man never knew anything to the contrary. Affiant says he knew the above statements to be true from the fact he was a member of the same company and Regt and was personally present at the time and place referd to. Affiant further says he has no interest in the prosecution of this claim neither direct nor indirect and that his post office is Deep Vally Greene Co Pa.
Sworn and subscribed to before me the day and date above written and I certify that I have no interest in the prosecution of this claim and that the ---- certificate as to --- officers character is on file in the Office of the Com of Pensions at Washington DC
[signed] James Slites JP
January 19 1882
State of West Va, County of Wetzel, on this the 19th day of January, A.D. 1882 personally appeard before me a Pension Notary within and for the County and State aforesaid Samuel C. Murphy, a resident of Melvin Marshall County West Va, who after being duly sworn deposes, and says that he is the identical Samuel C. Murphy who was late a Privt of Co. D, 11th Regt Penna inft Vols, and that he has made Dil search for Capt. James Moore and written to Lindon Lycoming County Co. Pa. and fails to hear from him, applicant further states, that he never took but two or three doses of medicine from the Regt Doctor unable to give his name and was sent immediately to field hospital close the Yellow House Va, on the Weldon Railroad after he contracted his disabilities from there to City Point, was not acquainted with the regimental doctors whose names are given in the attached circular dated Dec 3 1881 and unable to remember their names if he ever herd them.
[signed] Samuel C. Murphy
Subscribed and sworn to before me the day and date first above written and I certify that I have no interest in the prosecution of this claim either direct or indirect and that the applicant is a crediable witness.
[signed] J. A. Connelly, Pension Notary
January 19 1882
State of West Va, County of Wetzel ss:
On this the 19th day of January AD 1882 personally appeared before me a Pension Notary within and for the County and State aforesaid Dr. J. F. Rigar a resident of Milo, County of Wetzel and State of West Va who after being by me duly sworn saith that he is well acquainted with Samuel C. Murphy who he is informed was late a Privt of D 11th Regt Penna inft Vols, and that on or about the month of June 1873 the soldier refered to came to him for treatment and that he found him Laboring under disease of Lungs Liver and Stomach and gave him treatment, almost constantly from June 1873 untill some time he thnks in the Latter part of the year 1880 and would say that the claimant was incapacitated from performing Labor of any kind, by reason of the disabilities above named while under his care and treatment from June 1873 untill the Latter part of the year 1880 and that he has no interest in the prosecution of this claim either direct or indirect and that his post office address is Milo, Wetzel County West Va.
[signed J. F. Rigar, M.D.
Subscribed and sworn to before me the day and date first above written and is certify that I have no interest in the prosecution of this claim. I further certify that J. F. Rigar the affiant is a credible …..
July 7 1882
Pension Certificate 205508
State of West Virginia County of Wetzel, ss:
On this 7th day of July, A.D. one thousand eight hundred and eight-two personally appeared before me a Pension Notary within and for the county and State aforesaid, Samuel C. Murphy, aged 56 years, a resident of New Martinsville, county of Wetzel, State of West Virginia, who being duly sworn according to law, declares that he is a pensioner of the United states, enrolled at the Knoxville Pension Agency at the rate of four dollars per month, by reason of disability from disease of the liver, lungs and stomach incurred in the military service of the United States while a Private in Co. D 11th Regt Pa Inft Vols. That he believes himself to be entitled to an increase of pension on account of the disease of the liver, lungs and stomach increasing causing general dibility rendering him unable to perform manual labor of any kind and preventing him from performing manual labor or following his usual occupation of farming that he appoints Francis Burger, of Deep Valley county of Greene, State of Pennsylvania, his true and lawful attorney, to prosecute his claim. That his Post Office Address is New Martinsville county of Wetzel, State of West Virginia.
Claimant’s Signature: [signed] Samuel C. Murphy
[signed] S. C. Connelly
[signed] G. W. Murphy
Also personally appeared G. W. Murphy, residing at New Freeport Greene Co Pa and S. C. Connelly, residing at Milo Wetzel Co W Va., persons whom I certify to be respectable and entitled to credit, and who, being by me duly sworn, say they were present and saw Samuel C. Murphy, the claimant, sign his name to the foregoing declaration; that they have every reason to believe, from the appearance of said claimant and their acquaintance with her of 30 years and 17 years respectively, that she is the identical person she represents herself to be; and that they have no interest in the prosecution of this claim.
[signed] G. W. Murphy
[signed] S. C. Connelly
Sworn to and subscribed before me this 7th day of July, A.D. 1882 and I hereby certify that the contents of the above declaration, etc., were fully made known and explained to the applicant and witnesses before swearing, including the words private, erased, and the words enrolled, added; and that I have no interest, direct, or indirect, in the prosecution of this claim.
[signed] J. A. Connelly, Pension Notary
November 1882
EXAMINING SURGEON’S CERTIFICATE in the case of an applicant for increase of pension
No. of certificate 2055087
State: West Virginia
County: Harrison
Post Office: Clarksburg
Nov 1882
It is hereby certified that Samuel C. Murphy formerly a private of Captain James Morris Company, in the 11th Regiment of Penn Vols, in the war of rebellion who is now paid at Knoxville Tenn Agency at the rate of four dollars per month, on account, as he states, of disease of lungs liver and stomach contracted while in the line of duty in the military service of the United States, on or about December 1864, at a place called Weldon Railroad, in the State of Virginia is still suffering in consequence of said diseases.
The disability originates entirely from the injury or disease on account of which he was originally pensioned, as follows:
Height 5 ft 10 1/2 ; weight, 140; complexion Fair, age 57; respiration, 20; pulse, 66. Pensioner complains of a hacking cough without much expectoration, pain across the breast and between the shoulders constantly. Then is [unreadable] on percussion over lower half on more of right lung respiratory murmur in distinct dyspnea on taking cold tender over stomach and right lobe of liver and severe paroxysms of from which he terms cramps of stomach occurring from one to four times a week – is very [unreadable] – discharges dark and often [unreadable] – disability increased therefore I find his disability, as described above, to be equal to, and entitling him to three fourths.
[signed] B. F. McKeehan, Examining Surgeon
December 10 1883
State of West Virginia, County of Doddridge, ss:
On this 10th day of December, A.D. one thousand eight hundred and eight three personally appeared before me, a A. C. Holmes, Clerk of the County Court within and for the county and State aforesaid, Saml C. Murphy, aged 58 years, a resident of Flint, county of Doddridge, State of West Va., who, being duly sworn according to law, declares that he is a pensioner of the United States, enrolled at the Knoxville Pension Agency at the rate of four dollars per month, by reason of disability from Disease of the Lungs Liver & Stomache incurred in the military service of the United States while Private Co., “D” 11 Regt. Pa Vols. That he believes himself to b entitled to an increase of pension on account of increase of disability that he appoints Jas. H. Hunter, of Washington D.C., his true and lawful attorney to prosecute his claim. That his Post Office address is Flint county of Doddridge, State of West Virginia.
Claimant’s Signature: [signed] Samuel C. Murphy
[signed] J. K. Knight
[signed] Jacob Ash
Also personally appeared J. K. Knight, residing at Wash Union and Jacob Ash, residing at Flint., persons whom I certify to be respectable and entitled to credit, and who, being by me duly sworn, say they were present and saw Samuel C. Murphy, the claimant, sign his name to the foregoing declaration; that they have every reason to believe, from the appearance of said claimant that he is the identical person he represents himself to be; and that they have no interest in the prosecution of this claim.
[signed] J. K. Knight
[signed] Jacob Ash
Sworn to and subscribed before me this 10th day of December, A.D. 1883 and I hereby certify that the contents of the above declaration, etc., were fully made known and explained to the applicant and witnesses before swearing, including the words private, erased, and the words enrolled, added; and that I have no interest, direct, or indirect, in the prosecution of this claim.
[signed] Ala Holmes, Clerk of Doddridge County
February 27 1884
EXAMINING SURGEON’S CERTIFICATE in the case of an applicant for increase of pension
No. 205508
Name of claimant: Samuel C. Murphy
Rank: Private
Company: D
Regiment: 11
State: WV
Examining Surgeon’s Address:
Post Office, Clarksburg
County, Harrison
State, W. VA
Date of examination, Feb 28 1884
The applicant states that he is now paid at the agency for a ½ rating 4D disability, on account of disease of lungs, liver and stomach and that he applies for increase on the ground that disability increasing.
He states that he is 48 years of age, that he weighs 140 pounds, and that he is 5 feet 10 ½ inches in height.
His pulse rate per minute is 76, his respiration 16, and his temperature 98.5.
The examination reveals the following conditions: Heart sounds normal, lungs slight percussion dullness over lower portion of right lung, slightly increased resistance, diminished respiratory sounds over same area. Left lung moderate general chronic bronchial catomb, also over upperpart of right. Cardiac, hepatic esplenic dullness normal. Nasopharyngeal catomb, and claimant apparently suffered from catarrhal dyspepsia. No physical signs of hepatic disease, development and nourishment poor. Cachestic appearance.
Judging from the condition and history of the claimant, it is out opinion the disability was incurred in the service as claimed, and that it is not aggravated or protracted by vicious habits.
We find the disability as above described to entitle him to a ¾ rating – ½ for disease of lungs, ¼ for disease of stomach.
[signed] B. F. Kecham Paer
[signed] D. Porter Morgan
Examining Surgeon
May 14, 1890
Attention is invited to the outlines of the human skeleton and figure upon the back of this certificate, and they should be used whenever it is possible to indicate precisely the location of a disease or injury, the entrance and exit of a missile, an amputation, etc.
The absence of a member from a session of a board and the reason therefor, if known, and one name of the absentee, must be indorsed upon each certificate.
Increase Pension claim no. 205508, Samuel C. Murphy, Rank private, Comp D, 11 Reg’t PA V I, post office address of the Board - Sistersville, WV, claimant’s poster office address – Bookers Mills, W Va, date of examination – May 14, 1890.
We hereby certify that in compliance with the requirements of the law we have carefully examined this applicant, who states that he is suffering from the following disability, incurred in the service, viz: disease of lungs, liver and stomach, and that he receives a pension of six dollars per month.
Pulse rate per minute, 80; respiration, 20; temperature, 98 ½; height, 5 feet 11 inches; weight, 143 pounds; age, 64 years.
He makes the following statement upon which he bases his claim for increase: I have pain in my left breast, also in my stomach and under the left scapula. I am unable to work to any extent owing to pain in my left side. I sleep with great difficulty often remaining awake much of the night. I cough a good deal with considerable expectorations. I was confined to my bed about four weeks this spring.
Upon examination we find the following objective conditions: He is ------- thin, poorly nourished, the circumference of his chest is 38 in. inspiration - and 36 expiration. At rest 36 1.2 in. His chest is symmetrical and marked depression on the infraclavicular region of both sides. There is no dulnep in the chest on either side. There are some dry ---- on both sides in the infraclavicular regions. The throat is inflamed and -------. The heart appears to be normal. The left lobs of the liver is enlarged and tender. He complains of tend----- in the ------- region. The spleen is normal. His tongue is coated and flabby. With the exception of the above we believe his organs and tipues are in a normal condition.
From the existing condition and the history of this claimant, as stated by himself, it is, in our judgment, probable that the disability was incurred in the service as he claims, and that it has not been prolonged or aggravated by vicious habits. He is, in our opinion, entitled to a rating for the disability cause by dis. Of lungs 6/18, for that caused by dis. Of liver 2/18, and caused by disease of his lungs, stomach and liver 10/18 dis. Of stomach 2/18.
[signed] I. L. Gilespin, Pres. G. B. West
February 3 1892
Attention is invited to the outlines of the human skeleton and figure upon the bak of this certificate, and they should be used whenever it is possible to indicate precisely the location of a disease or injury, the entrance and exit of a missile, an amputation, etc.
The absence of a member from a session of a board and the reason therefor, if known, and one name of the absentee, must be indorsed upon each certificate.
Increase Pension claim no. 205508, Saml C. Murphy, Rank private, Company D, 11 Reg’t Pa Infty, post office address of the Board - Sistersville, WV, claimant’s poster office address – Bookers Mills, Tyler co., W Va, date of examination – Feb. 3, 1892.
We hereby certify that in compliance with the requirements of the law we have carefully examined this applicant, who states that he is suffering from the following disability, incurred in the service, viz: disease of lungs, stomach and liver, and that he receives a pension of ten dollars per month.
He makes the following statement which he bases his claim for Increase. I am unable to work. My lungs pain me. I am short of breath and cough a great deal. I spit up thick corruption of mornings. I do not spit up any blood and have no night sweats. My stomach swells and pains me. My Liver pains me. I have pain under point of right shoulder blade. I believe my liver is badly affected. My heart flutters at times.
Upon examination we find the following objective conditions: Pulse rate, 82; respiration, 25; temperature, 98 ½; height, 6 feet ½ inches; weight 135 pounds; age, 66 years. Claimant is thin. Skin is clear and free from eruptions. He has a debilitated appearance and from indications is not able to do but very little labor. Measurement of chest on full inspiration 37 ½ inches and on full expiration 35 inches. Percussion note is clear and nothing abnormal found by palpation. We find no vales, but we find roughened breathing over both lungs. He has hypertrophic nasal catarrh, the mucous membrane being congested, thickened and inflamed. The pharynx also is in a catowhal condition. He has catowhal trouble of the whole respiratory tract. Caused probably by exposure and cold. We rate him on disease of respiratory tract six dollars (6/18). His tongue is flabby and slightly coated and has tenderness over the gastric region as well as some prominence from gaseous disteusion. He has chronic gastritis, as a result of bad diet to. He gives a history of palpitation which we believe is due to gastric trouble, as we find no organic lesions of ----. We rate him on chronic gastritis and results Four dollars (4/18). There is tenderness over the hepatic region and we find. He is, in our opinion, entitled to a rating for the disability cause by dis. Of respiratory tract 6/18 for that caused by Ch. Gastritis 4/18, and Dis of Lung 2/18 for that caused by ……
[signed] J. W. Chesney, President, [signed] J. J. Rich-------, Sec’y, [signed] W. H. Gill------, Treas.
August 2 1892
Claimant: Samuel C. Murphy
P.O. Booker’s Mills
County Tyler
State W. Va.
Rank Priv
Company D
Regiment 11 Pa Vol Inf
Disabled by Disease of lungs, stomach and liver
Submitted for Aug 2 1892
Approved for Disease of lungs, liver and stomach
Aug 12 1892, Blanchard, Legal Reviewer
Matteson, Examiner
Approved for disease of lungs liver and stomach, 10/18 no increase
Hollifield ME
Aug 18 1892
Discharged July 17 1865
Last paid to --, at $10
Pensioned from July 18 1865 at $4, for same
Original declaration filed July 12 1879, alleged dis of liver stomach and lungs
Inc to $6 for Nov 15-82
June 17-84 Inc ref
Inc to $10 for May 14-90
Present claim
Declaration filed Nov 21 1891, claims same
June 4 1898
Department of the Interior, Bureau of Pensions, Washington, D.C., January 15, 1898
Certificate No.: 205508
Name: Saml C. Murphy
SIR: In forwarding to the pension agent the executed voucher for your next quarterly payment please favor me by returning this circular to him with replies to the questions enumerated below.
Very respectfully,
[signed] (unreadable) Evans, Commissioner, Booher, Tyler, W.Va.
First. Are you married? If so, please state your wife’s full name and her maiden name.
Answer. Yes Tabitha A. Murphy. Boner
Second. When, where, and by whom were you married?
Answer. Nov 25th 1867
Third. What record of marriage exists?
Answer. None except at the pension agency or pension office. When I was married in the State of ?? I ???? held a certificate of marriage.
Fourth. Were you previously married? If so, please state the name of your former wife and the date and place of her death or divorce.
Answer. Nancy Daugherty
Fifth. Have you any children living? If so, please state their names and the dates of their birth.
Answer. Yes. Mary born Nov 10th 1851, Martin W. Aug 20th 1854, Margaret E. June 4th 1859, Elmer E. April 9 1862, Nancy June 25 1866.
[signed] Samuel C. Murphy
Date of reply, June 4th 1898
Jan 19 1900 [stamped]
Pensioner Dropped, U.S. Pension Agency, Washington, D.C.
Jan 17 1900
Certificate No.: 205508
Class: Inv.
Pensioner: Saml C. Murphy
Service: D Pa. Vol. “3 years”
Hon. Commissioner of Pensions:
SIR: I have the honor to report that the above-named pensioner who was last paid at $10, to Dec. 4, 1899, has been dropped because of death Dec. 18 1899.
Very respectfully, [signature unreadable], pension agent
February 12 1900
State of West Virginia
County of Tyler
On this 12th day of February, A.D. 1900 personally appeared before me, a Notary Public within and for the county and State aforesaid, Tabitha Murphy, aged 68 years, a resident of Booher, County of Tyler, State of West Virginia, who being duly sworn according to law, makes the following declaration in order to obtain pension under the acts of Congress granting pension to the widows of soldiers and sailors who have died by reason of wound or injury received, or disease contracted, in the service of the United States and in the line of duty:
That she is the widow of Samuel C. Murphy, who was enrolled under the name of Samuel C. Murphy at ______ on the 20th day of September, 1864 as a private in Company D 11th Regt Inf Veteran Vols and was discharged on the 17th day of July, 1865, and who died at Booher on the 18th day of December 1899 or disabled lungs, liver, and stomach due to exposure incurred in the above-named service.
That she was married under the name of Tabitha Clark to said soldier at in Pennsylvania on the 27th day of November 1868, by Rev. A. Wi???; that there was no legal barrier to the marriage; that she had been previously married; that the soldier had been previously married. My first husband James Clark died in Marshall Co. W Va. Near Belton on 28th day of July 1865, his first wife died in Marshall Co W Va Feb 7th 1867.
That she has not remarried since the death of the said soldier.
That she has not heretofore applied for pension. Since the death of her late husband.
[signed her mark] Tabitha Murphy
E. E. Murphy
Rachel L. Murphy
Also personally appeared E. E. Murphy, residing at Booher W Va and Rachel L. Murphy, residing at Booher W Va., persons whom I certify to be respectable and entitled to credit, and who, being by me duly sworn, say they were present and saw Tabitha Murphy, the claimant, make her mark to the foregoing declaration; that they have every reason to believe, from the appearance of said claimant and their acquaintance with her of 30 years and 17 years respectively, that she is the identical person she represents herself to be; and that they have no interest in the prosecution of this claim.
[signed] E. E. Murphy
[signed] Rachel L. Murphy
Sworn to and subscribed before me this 12th day of February, A.D. 1900 and I hereby certify that the contents of the above declaration, etc., were fully made known and explained to the applicant and witnesses before swearing, including the words private, erased, and the words enrolled, added; and that I have no interest, direct, or indirect, in the prosecution of this claim.
[signed] N. Booher, Notary Public
February 14 1900
This blank can be used for affidavit of ONE WITNESS, or for TWO WITNESSES having knowledge of the same facts.
State of West Virginia, County of Doddridge ss:
In the matter of Tabitha, widow of Samuel C. Murphy late a Pvt in Co. D of the 11 Reg’t of Pa Vols, for Widows Act of June 27/90.
On this 14th day of February, A.D., 1900, personally appeared before me, a Notary Public in and for the aforesaid County, duly authorized to administer oaths, Mary Baker, aged 77 years, a resident of Flint in the County of Doddridge and State of West Virginia whose Post Office address is Flint W Va and E. E. Murphy aged 38 years a resident of Booher in the County of Tyler and State of West Virginia, whose Post Office address is Booher W Va and well known to me to be reputable and entitled to credit, and who, being duly sworn, declared in relation to aforesaid case as follows: That they have been well and personally acquainted with Tabitha Murphy for 69 years and 30 years, respectively and that her first husband James Clark died about the year of 1865 and that Tabitha Clark and Samuel C. Murphy was married in the year 1868 and that the said Samuel C. Murphy died December 18, 1899 and that the widow herein named is the person she represents herself to be that we have lived near her all the time since his marriage to Samuel C. Murphy.
June 9 1900
Act of June 27, 1890
As amended by act of May 9, 1900
Note – This paper can be sworn to before any officer authorized to administer oaths for general purposes. If such officer uses a seal, certificate of Clerk of Court is not necessary. If no seal is used, then such certificate must be attached. If certificate is on file in Pension Office, THAT WILL ANSWER.
State of W Va, County of Tyler, ss:
On this 9th day of June A.D. 1900, personally appeared before me, a Notary Public within and for the County and State aforesaid, Tabitha Murphy, aged 70 years, a resident of Booher, County of Tyler State of W Va, who, being duly sworn according to law, makes the following declaration for the purpose of being placed on the pension roll of the United States under the provisions of the Act of June 27, 1890, as amended by Act of May 9, 1900.
That she is the widow of Samuel C. Murphy, who was enrolled under the name of Samuel C. Murphy on the 20th day of September, 1864 as a private in Company D, 11th PA Vols and served at least ninety days during the War of the Rebellion, in the service of the United States and was honorably discharged on the 17 day of July 1865, and who died at Booher, W Va on the 18th day of December, 1899.
That she was married under the name of Tabitha Clark to said soldier at near Belton, PA on the 27th day of Nov, 1868 by Rev. Adess Wise; that there was no legal barrier to the marriage; that she had been previously married; that the soldier had been previously married. That she has not remarried since the death of said soldier. That she is without other means of support than her daily labor. Left no children under sixteen years of age.
She hereby appoints J. B. Cralle & C., pension attorneys, Cralle Building, 108 C St., N.W., Washington, D.C., her true and lawful attorneys, to prosecute her claim. That her Post Office address is Booher, County of Tyler, State of W Va.
[signed] J. B. Thompson
[signed] H. E. Booher
Two persons who write, sign here.
[signed] Tabitha Murphy [her mark]
Claimant’s Signature
Also personally appeared J. B. Thompson, residing at Cork W Va, and H. E. Booher residing at Booher, W Va, persons whom I certify to be respectable and entitled to credit, and who, being by me duly sworn, say there were present and saw Tabitha Murphy, claimant, (or make her mark) to the foregoing declaration; that they have every reason to believe from the appearance of said claimant and their acquaintance with her of 10 years, and 12 years, respectively, that she is the identical person she represents herself to be; and that they have no interest in the prosecution of this claim.
[signed] J. B. Thompson
[signed] H. E. Booher
Sworn to and subscribed before me this 9th day of June, A.D., 1900, and I do hereby certify that the contents of the above declaration, etc., were fully made known and explained to the applicant and witnesses before swearing, including the words erased, and the words added; and that I have no interest, direct or indirect, in the prosecution of this claim.
[signed] N. Booher, Notary Public
July 25 1900
State of W Va County of Tyler, ss:
In the matter of Tabitha Murphy, widow of Samuel C. Murphy, was late a private in Co. D of the 11th Reg’t of PA Vols. On this 9th day of July, A.D. 1900, personally appeared before me, a Notary Public in and for the aforesaid County, duly authorized to administer oaths, Tabitha Murphy, aged 70 years, a resident of Booher in the County of Tyler and State of W Va, whose Post Office address is Booher W Va and well known to me to be reputable and entitled to credit, and who, being duly sworn, declares as follows:
That she is the claimant in the above-mentioned cause, and that she owns in the year 1900 personal property 1 cow and house hold a kitchen furnature at the assessment in the year 1900 amounting to Twenty dollars and the amount cash in hand is three hundred and twenty dollars all told three hundred and forty dollars and have no income from any source at present and possessed no real estate nor personal property from which she derives any income in the year above named and there is no person or legally bound for her support and she further states she has no income to her own labor from the fact that she is not able to do any labor that would derive her any income.
[signed] Jas W. Booher
[signed] E. E. Murphy
If affiant signs by mark, two persons who can write sign here.
[signed] Tabitha Murphy [her mark]
Signature of affiant
State of W Va, County of Tyler, ss:
Sworn to and subscribed before me this 9th day of July, A.D. 1900 by the above-named affiant, and I certify that I read said affidavit to said affiant, including all the words erased, and all the words added, and acquainted with its contents before she executed the same. I further certify that I am in nowise interested in said case, nor am I concerned in its prosecution; and that said affiant is personally known to me, and that she is a credible person.
[signed] N. Booher, Notary Public
August 15 1900
State of W Va, County of Tyler, ss:
In the matter of Tabitha widow of Samuel C. Murphy. On this 16 day of Aug, A.D., 1900, personally appeared before me, a Notary Public in and for the aforesaid County, duly authorized to administer oaths, Tabitha Murphy, aged 70 years, a resident of Booher in the County of Tyler and State of W Va, whose Post Office address is Booher W Va. And well known to me to be reputable and titled to credit, and who, being duly sworn, declares as follows: That I am Tabitha Murphy who is the claimant in the above-mentioned cause, and says that I was married to Samuel C. Murphy in the State of PA in the year of 1869 and at that time there was no records kept and at present there is only one person living who was present at my marriage and who’s affidavit I have already sent in and cannot get any more and I further state that I was previously married to James Clark in the month of Aug on or about the 13th day 1846 and he died on or about July 28th 1865, from which I drew a widows pension until my remarriage to Samuel C. Murphy late deceased and I further state that as for the means of my support at present I have at my command cash three hundred and twelve dollars and one milk cow and have no income from any other source and I am not able to do any labor that will bring in any support what ever.
[signed] Eassie (or Carrie) Nichols
[signed] Betty J. Booher
If affiant signs by mark, two persons who can write sign here.
[signed] Tabitha Murphy [her mark]
State of W Va, County of Tyler, ss:
Sworn to and subscribed before me this 16th day of Aug, A.D. 1900 by the above-named affiant, and I certify that I read said affidavit to said affiant, including all the words erased, and all the words added, and acquainted with its contents before she executed the same. I further certify that I am in nowise interested in said case, nor am I concerned in its prosecution; and that said affiant is personally known to me, and that she is a credible person.
[signed] N. Booher, Notary Public
August 20 1900
Medical Evidence – Claim of Tabitha Murphy, wid of Samuel C. Murphy
Medical Affidavit
This affidavit can be used by Regimental or Assistant Surgeon, or any physician who can testify in any way in behalf of claimant. The affidavit should, if possible, be in the handwriting of the Surgeon or physician testifying, and should embody all the facts in affiant’s possession as to the origin and continuance of claimant’s disability. The dates of treatment should be especially set forth, and also affiant’s means of knowing the facts to which he testifies.
State of W. Va., County of Tyler, ss:
In the Pension Claim No. _______ of Tabitha, widow of Samuel C. Murphy.
Personally came before me a Notary Public in and for the aforesaid County and State, M. L. Fittro, a citizen of W. Va., whose Post Office is Alma, County of Tyler, State of W. Va., well known to me to be reputable and entitled to credit, and who being duly sworn, declared in relation to aforesaid case as follows:
That he is a practicing physician, and that he has been acquainted with said soldier for about 4 years, and that Samuel C. Murphy died Dec. 18, 1899 of a sclerotic liver accompanied by a chronic bronchitis which set up a difficult bronchoshea.
He further declares that he has practiced medicine 4 years, and that he has no interest, either direct or indirect, in the prosecution of this claim.
[signed] M. L. Fittro
Sworn to and subscribed before me this 20 day of August, A.D. 1900 and I hereby certify that the affiant is a practicing physician in good professional standing; that the contents of the above declaration, etc., were fully made known to him before swearing, including all the words erased, and all the words added, and that I have no interest, either direct or indirect, in the prosecution of this claim.
[signed] N. Booher, Notary Public
September 4 1900
County of Tyler, to-wit:
I, David Hickman Clerk of the County Court of Tyler County in the State of West Virginia, do hereby certify that the Estate of Samuel C. Murphy, deceased, is charged for taxation on the Land Books of said County of Tyler for the year 1900, with the following real estate, viz:
11.3/4 Acres of land on Indian Creek, valued for taxation at $74.00 (True value not know).
58.1/2 Acres of land on Indian Creek, valued for taxation at $366.00 (True value not know).
Neither the Estate of Samuel C. Murphy, deceased nor Mrs. Tabitha Murphy are charged with any personal property on the Personal Property Books of said County of Tyler, for taxation, for the year 1900.
Given under my hand and the seal of the said County Court at the Court-House of said County of Tyler, this 4th day of September, A.D. 1900.
[signed] D. Hickman, Clerk
January 9 1901
State of W Va, County of Tyler, ss:
In the matter of Tabitha Murphy, widow of Samuel C. Murphy. On this 9th day of January, A.D., 1901, personally appeared before me, a Notary Public in and for the aforesaid County, duly authorized to administer oaths, Tabitha Murphy, aged 70 years, a resident of Booher in the County of Tyler and State of W Va, whose Post Office address is Booher W Va. And well known to me to be reputable and titled to credit, and who, being duly sworn, declares as follows: That she Tabitha Murphy is the claimant in the above-mentioned cause, and says that I was formerly married to James Clark on the 13th day of Aug 1846 ad my husband James Clark died on or about July 28th 1865 and as his widow I drew a pension but at present I cannot give the number of my certificate on which I drew a pension. My husband was a member of Company (K) (17) Regiment of W. Va. Vols Infantry was enrolled on 22nd day of Feb 1865 and discharged the 30th day June 1865 by reason of instructions from War Dept.
[signed] A. Booher
[signed] E. E. Murphy
If affiant signs by mark, two persons who can write sign here.
[signed] Tabitha Murphy [her mark]
March 25 1901
This blank can be used for affidavit of ONE WITNESS, or for TWO WITNESSES having knowledge of the same facts.
State of W Va, County of Tyler ss:
In the matter of Tabitha, widow of Samuel C. Murphy late a Pvt in Co. D of the 11 Reg’t of Pa Vols, for Wids Pens New Law.
On this 25th day of March, A.D., 1901, personally appeared before me, a Notary Public in and for the aforesaid County, duly authorized to administer oaths, Thomas Woodburn, aged 52 years, a resident of Booher in the County of Tyler and State of W Va whose Post Office address is Booher W Va and James L. Blake aged 28 years a resident of Booher in the County of Tyler and State of W Va, whose Post Office address is Booher W Va and well known to me to be reputable and entitled to credit, and who, being duly sworn, declared in relation to aforesaid case as follows: That we have been well and personally acquainted with Tabitha Murphy for 10 years and 20 years, respectively and that we are personally acquainted with Tabitha Murphys financial condition since June the 20th 1900 and say from personal knowledge that the said Tabitha Murphy has no income from any source what ever only one third interest in a gas well of which said proceeds amounts to six six dollars and sixty seven cents annually. The reason why we know where of the above mention facts is because we have lived near her and know live near her and therefore we speak and testify from our own personal knowledge and we further declare that we have no interest in said case and are not concerned in its prosecution.
[signed] Thomas Woodburn
[signed] James L. Blake
State of W Va, County of Tyler, ss:
Sworn to and subscribed before me this 26th day of March, A.D. 1901 by the above-named affiant, and I certify that I read said affidavit to said affiant, including all the words erased, and all the words added, and acquainted them with its contents before they executed the same. I further certify that I am in nowise interested in said case, nor am I concerned in its prosecution; and that said affiants is personally known to me, and that they are credible persons.
[signed] N. Booher, Notary Public
September 16 1901
Additional evidence claim of –
Character of Claims – Widows – Act of June 27, 1890
No. 713 776
Filed by J.B. Cralle & Co., Pension Attorneys, Cralle Building, 108 C. St., NW, Washington DC
This blank can be used for affidavit of ONE WITNESS, or for TWO WITNESSES having knowledge of the same facts.
State of West Virginia, County of Doddridge ss:
In the matter of Tabitha, widow of Samuel C. Murphy late a Pvt in Co. D of the 11 Reg’t of Pa Vols, for Widows Pension.
On this 16th day of September, A.D., 1901, personally appeared before me, a Notary Public in and for the aforesaid County, duly authorized to administer oaths, Simon Baker, aged 70 years, a resident of Flint in the County of Doddridge and State of West Virginia whose Post Office address is Flint W Va and Mary Baker aged 77 years a resident of Flint in the County of Doddridge and State of West Virginia, whose Post Office address is Flint W Va and well known to me to be reputable and entitled to credit, and who, being duly sworn, declared in relation to aforesaid case as follows: That they have been well and personally acquainted with Tabitha Murphy for 10 years and 20 years, respectively and that we are personally acquainted with Tabitha Murphy for 54 years, and 69 years, respectively and that she was married to James Clark August 13th 1846 and that the said James Clark died about July 1865 and that the said Tabitha Clark married Samuel C. Murphy about the 28th of November 1868 and that the said Tabitha was only married twice. They further declare that they no interest in said case not concerned in its prosecution.
If either affiant signs by mark, two persons who write sign here:
[signed] unreadable
[signed] T. G. Baker
[signed] Simon Baker
[signed] Mary Baker (her mark)
State of W Va, County of Doddridge, ss:
Sworn to and subscribed before me this 16th day of September, A.D. 1901 by the above-named affiant, and I certify that I read said affidavit to said affiant, including all the words erased, and all the words added, and acquainted them with its contents before they executed the same. I further certify that I am in nowise interested in said case, nor am I concerned in its prosecution; and that said affiants are personally known to me, and that they are credible persons.
[signed] A. J. Gaskins, Notary Public
September 16 1901
This blank can be used for affidavit of ONE WITNESS, or for TWO WITNESSES having knowledge of the same facts.
State of West Virginia, County of Doddridge ss:
In the matter of Tabitha, widow of Saml C. Murphy late a Pvt in Co. D of the 11 Reg’t of Pa Vols, for Widows Pension.
On this 16th day of September, A.D., 1901, personally appeared before me, a Notary Public in and for the aforesaid County, duly authorized to administer oaths, Samuel Baker, aged 70 years, a resident of Flint in the County of Doddridge and State of West Virginia whose Post Office address is Flint W Va and E. E. Murphy aged 39 years a resident of Shirley in the County of Tyler and State of West Virginia, whose Post Office address is Shirley W Va and well known to me to be reputable and entitled to credit, and who, being duly sworn, declared in relation to aforesaid case as follows: That they have been well and personally acquainted with Samuel C. Murphy for 34 years and 37 years, respectively and that the said E. E. Murphy was present at the death of Nancy Murphy and saw her buried about the 7th of February 1867. The above witnesses both further declare that the said Samuel C. Murphy was married to Tabitha Clark about November 1868 and that they were both a the infare when the same Samuel C. Murphy brought Tabitha his wife home.
October 12, 1901
Additional Evidence – Character of Claim No. 713-776
This blank can be used for affidavit of ONE WITNESS, or for TWO WITNESSES having knowledge of the same facts.
State of W Va, County of Marshall ss:
In the matter of Tabitha Murphy, widow of Samuel C. Murphy late a Private in Co. D of the 11 Reg’t of Pa Vols, for Widows Act of June 27, 1890.
On this 12 day of Oct., A.D., 1901, personally appeared before me, a Notary Public in and for the aforesaid County, duly authorized to administer oaths, G. W. Evans, aged 33 years, a resident of Barness in the County of Marshall and State of West Virginia whose Post Office address is Barness and well known to me to be reputable and entitled to credit, and who, being duly sworn, declared in relation to aforesaid case as follows: That I have been well and personally acquainted with Samuel C. Murphy for 40 years, and that I was well acquainted with his first wife Nancy Murphy deceased and I am well acquainted with his widow Tabitha Murphy, and I know from personal knowledge Nancy was his first wife and Tabitha Murphy was his last wife. And I was present at the death of Nancy Murphy -----. Samuel C. Murphy first wife as I was living in the same neighborhood for forty years or more. I further declare that I have no interest in said case and are not concerned in its prosecution.
[signed] G. W. Evans
State of West Virginia, County of Marshall, ss:
Sworn to and subscribed before me this 12 day of Oct., A.D. 1901 by the above-named affiant, and I certify that I read said affidavit to said affiant, including all the words erased, and all the words added, and acquainted them with its contents before he executed the same. I further certify that I am in nowise interested in said case, nor am I concerned in its prosecution; and that said affiant is personally known to me, and that he is credible person.
[signed] W. E. Parriott, Notary Public
Jun 17 1921 [stamped]
To the Chief, Finance Division: You are hereby notified that check # 8940983, for $90, dated Jun 4 1921
In fact of: Tabitha Murphy
Post office: Blue W VA
Certificate #: 522005
Class: May Widows BOOHER
Section 8 has been returned to me by POSTMASTER with the information that the pensioner died May 15, 1921 and said check has this day been canceled.
Very respectfully, Elmer E. Miller, Disbursing Clerk
June 20 1921
DROPPED because of death, which occurred on –
Last paid at $30, to Mar 4 1921
[signed] O. J. Randall, Chief, Finance Division