Battery "H" 4th Iowa Infantry

Researched & Compiled by Linda Fluharty

1850 Marshall County Census
SMITH (812)
John P...Farmer...$1500...52-M...VA
George W...22-M...VA
Lydia Anne...16-F...VA
John A...10-M...VA
Winters, Robert...Laborer...25-M...PA
Winters, Jane W...24-F...PA

From Roster and Record of Iowa Soldiers in the War of the Rebellion: 1st-8th regiments, Infantry, 1910: “Age 22. Residence Afton [Union County, Iowa], nativity Pennsylvania. Enlisted July 25, 1861. Killed in Battle Nov. 24, 1863, Lookout Mountain, Tenn.”

In 1850, John P. Smith, 52, and his wife, Harriett, 50, were residing in Marshall County, (W).Va. with the following children: George W., 22; Sarah, 20; Elizabeth, 18; Lydia Anne, 16; Martha, 14; John A., 10. Also in the home were Robert Winters, 25, and Jane W. Winters, 24.

John P. Smith was married to Harriet Wayman on Feb. 10, 1825 by John Parrott, in (then) Ohio County, (W.)Va. Harriett was the daughter of Thomas Wayman and is named in the settlement of his estate, circa 1826.

By 1856, the John P. Smith family had moved to Iowa where they are found in the Iowa State Census. At that time, John A. is “Ashbury,” evidently his middle name.

In the 1860 census, John P. and Harriett Smith still had three children at home: John A., 22, b. Pa., and his sisters, Sarah and Martha, both born in Va.

Harriett Wayman Smith died Apr. 6, 1864 in Afton, Union County, Iowa.