Corporal, Company "A" 3rd West Virginia Cavalry

Researched & Compiled by Linda Fluharty

1850 Marshall County Census
SIVERT(S) (631)
William P...17-M...VA
Catherine S...15-F...VA
Joseph B...13-M...VA
Charles W...8-M...VA

1860 Marshall County Census
SIBERT (1853)
Joseph B...23-wm...farmer...VA

JOSEPH SIVERT died Apr. 15, 1863, which was after receiving a medical discharge on October 18, 1862.

Service Record: At age 23, he joined for duty & enrolled on Oct. 13, 1861 at Wheeling; mustered in at Camp Carlile, Wheeling, on Dec. 23, 1861. He was found incapable of duty because of “injuries received in May last (1862) from his horse falling on him inducing disease of chest and spinal cord with its branches sent off from the sacro-lumbar region.” “Born in Marshall County.”

According to Headstones Provided for Deceased Union Civil War Veterans, 1861-1904, a tombstone was ordered for this soldier’s grave at Sand Hill Cemetery on July 8, 1887. Joseph Sivert, sometimes spelled as “Siverts” and “Sibert,” was the son of Jacob Sivert (1789-1851) and Nancy (Groves) found in the 1850 Marshall County census. Siblings in 1850 were William P., Catherine S., and Charles W.

In 1860, only Joseph B. and his mother were in the home. His death is mentioned in a letter in the book, Civil War Letters and Diary of Joshua Winters, by Elizabeth Davis Swiger (now Coleman).

William P. Sivert, likely his brother, also died during the war.