Andrew Jackson Pride

Company "I" 3rd W.Va. Infantry; subsequently 6th W.Va. Cavalry

Researched & Compiled by Linda Fluharty


1860 Marshall County Census
PRIDE (515)
Andrew J...17-wm...VA
Ethe J...13-wf...VA
Francis A...9-wm...VA
Mary E...7-wf...VA
Sarah C...5-wf...VA
Rebecca E...3-wf...VA
Jane A...1-wf...VA

Service Record: At age 18, Jackson Pride joined for duty & enrolled at Camp Hewes, near Clarksburg, on July 6, 1861; mustered in there on July 10, 1861. “...this man died Oct. 3, 1861 at Moundsville, Va., of Typhoid Fever.” He was buried at First Street Cemetery, Moundsville; G. A. R. reportedly moved remains to Mt. Rose Cemetery circa 1899. The Samuel Pride family lived in Marion County in 1850, and in Marshall County in 1860. Andrew J. Pride in the 1860 census is “Jackson Pride” in service & pension records. Numerous family genealogies state his name as Andrew Jackson Pride, the son of Samuel Pride, born in Monongalia County, (W)Va., and Catherine Conaway from Marion County. By 1870, the family had moved to Kansas. The father, confirmed as Samuel Pride, applied for a government pension in 1893 and received Certificate #412.308.