Andrew J. Malsed, Company "I" 15th W.Va. Infantry
1st Sergeant William H. Malsed, Company "A" 11th W.Va. Infantry

Researched & Compiled by Linda Fluharty.

1850 Marshall County Census

MALSY (974)
William H...10-M...PA

MALSY (975)
Margaret F...1mo.-F...VA

At the time of the 1850 census of Marshall County, Andrew "Malsy," 15, and William H. "Malsy," 10, were residing with their parents, Andrew and Margaret (Allison) "Malsy," and siblings, James, 13, and Matthew, 7. John Malsy, 23, a brother, lived next door with his wife, Sarah, and baby, Margaret.

The father, Andrew Malsed, born in Ireland, died on Dec. 28, 1856 in Wetzel County. - James Malsed, age 26, died of Diptheria in Wetzel County on Dec. 29, 1863. - William H. and Andrew both died in the service of their country. - The mother, Margaret (Allison) Malsed, and surviving sons, John and Matthew, eventually lived in Minnesota. Matthew was a Civil War veteran.

ANDREW J. MALSED (I 15 W.Va. Inf.) - Service Record: Farmer, age 28, born in Brooke Co., W.Va. Joined for duty and enrolled on Aug. 18, 1862 at Grafton; mustered in Oct. 11, 1862 at Wheeling. "Sick in hospital Gallipolis, O., May 28, 1864." "Died in Hospital at Point of Rocks, Va. Feby 24, 1865 (also stated as Feb. 14); cause Chronic Diarrhea. He is buried at Milburn Cemetery, Wetzel County. - Younger brother, Matthew, also served in this company, before being transferred to the 10th W.Va. Infantry. - Andrew J. Malsed had married Martha J. Milburn in Wetzel County in 1858. At the time of Andrew's death, they had a daughter, Ida.

WILLIAM H. MALSED (A 11 W.Va. Inf. - 1st Sergeant) - Service Record: At age 21, enrolled at Wheeling on June 29, 1861; mustered in that day. Taken prisoner in Sept. 1962 and paroled at Spencer, Roane County Sept. 2, 1862. Promoted from 4th to 1st Sergt. Sept. 9, 1863. Re-enlisted Feb 10, 1864 at Parkersburg. "Died July 1, 1864 while on Veteran Furlough at home in Wetzel County." "Hemorrhage of lungs... Consumption." "Born Washington Co., Pa." He is buried at Milburn Cemetery, Wetzel County.

