Company "D" 126th Ohio Infantry

Researched & Compiled by Linda Fluharty

1860 Marshall County Census
LARGE (123)
George W...28-wm...farmer...OH
Margaretta G...24-wf...OH
Sarah W...19-wf...OH
Catharine S...15-wf...OH
Benjamin F...13-wm...OH
Hannah M...8-wf...OH
Sarah J. White...8-wf...OH
Joseph K. White..3-wm...OH
George White...1-wm...OH

At age 18, Benjamin entered the service on August 20, 1862. “Died of disease July 21, 1863.” “Died of Typhoid Fever July 22, 1863 at General Hospital Frederick, Md.” Army Roster gives day of death as July 21. He is buried at Antietam National Cemetery, Sharpsburg, Md.

Benjamin overstated his age when he enlisted. In the 1860 census of Marshall County, Benjamin, 13, is found with his parents, Joseph and Sarah (Kirkwood) Large, and siblings, George W., 28; Margaretta G., 24; Elizabeth, 20; Sarah W., 19; Catherine S., 15; Robert, 10; Hannah M., 8. Joseph Large, the father, was born in Pennsylvania and all other family members in 1860 were born in Ohio.

The family had resided in Pease Twp., Belmont County, Ohio, in 1850, at which time the Large children were Mary, George, Adaline, Margaret, Elizabeth, Sarah, Catherine, Benjamin (age 3), and Robert.

Sarah E. Kirkwood Large’s father, Joseph Kirkwood, was one of the pioneers and large landowners of Belmont County, Ohio. - How long they lived in Marshall County is not known, but by 1870, they had moved to Jefferson County, Ohio.