Battery "H" 1st West Virginia Light Artillery
Researched & Compiled by Linda Fluharty
1860 Marshall County Census
JOHNSON (2270)
John...14-wm...VAService Record: Joined for duty & enrolled in Holmes’ Battery on Aug. 16, 1863 at Wheeling to serve 6 months; mustered in Sept. 24, 1863. Re-enlisted in re-organized company on Jan. 4, 1864 at Stone Fort; mustered in Jan. 4, 1864 at Maryland Heights to serve three years or the war. Age 23; clerk; “born Marshall West Va. Residence Marshall Co., W.Va.” 1st District. Enrolled 1st District, West Va. Captured at New Creek, Va. Nov. 28, 1864; brought from Staunton & confined at Richmond; paroled Jan. 20, 1865 (or Feb. 5); reported at Hosp. Div. 2, Annapolis, Md. Feb 7, 1865; died Feb. 10, 1865 of Chronic Diarrhea. Buried at Ash Grove Cemetery, Annapolis, Md., Grave #4764.
According to the records of the W.Va. Adjutant General, he was a Corporal until May 24, 1864.
In 1868, Anna Johnson, mother of George, then a resident of Belmont County, Ohio, applied for a Dependent Mother’s pension. She said her husband, John Johnson, was not able to work and she had depended on her son, George, for support. Affidavits were given by acquaintances, George Orum, then of Ohio County, & John Criswell, of Marshall County, who claimed they were close neighbors for 25 & 26 years, respectively, and had known the deceased soldier from the time he was born. Dr. Frissell stated that “John Johnson of Marshall County” had a testicular disease that prevented him from working. Anna received Pension Certificate #124000, which was transferred to the Columbus, Ohio Agency Dec. 4, 1875. She died in Columbus in 1898.
A brother, John D. Johnson, born in 1846, a resident of Columbus, served with his brother, George, in the same company. The family is found in Sherrard in the 1860 census, although Anna is listed as “Nancy.”