Company "F" 2nd Maryland Infantry, C.S.A.
Researched & Compiled by Linda Fluharty
1850 Marshall County Census
HOGE (1653/1663 - Elizabethtown)
Isaac Jr...Lawyer...$5000...46-M...OH
Rachel M...44-F...VA
James M...Law Student...18-M...VA
Isaac E...3-M...VA
Rodgers, Lucinda...30-F...OH1860 Marshall County Census
HOGE (633)
Rachel M...54-wf...VA
William student...VA
Eliza M...23-wf...VA
Francis L...19-wm...midshipman...VA
Isaac E...13-wm...VA
Hannah servant...IrelandService Record: Enlisted Oct. 28, 1862 at Winchester, Va. to serve three years or the war. “Mortally wounded Oct. 1, 1864; died Oct. 3, 1864.”
He is buried at Hollywood Cemetery, Richmond, Va. The death date on his two gravestones is Oct. 2, 1864. One is a military stone. On the other stone is written: “Son of Isaac & Rachel M. Hoge, Private Co F 2nd Md. Infantry C. S. Army. Born May 24, 1835 in Marshall County, Va. Wounded in Battle near Petersburg, Va. Oct 1, & died Oct. 2, 1864.”
The Isaac Hoge family is found in the 1850 & 1860 census records of Marshall County.
According to the research in Isabelle (Hohmann) Parikh’s History of St. Joseph Settlement, presented on the Marshall County WVGenWeb site, “Isaac Hoge lived in Moundsville where he practiced Law and sold Real Estate. He was born in 1804 in St. Clairsville, Ohio and studied law at Ohio University. He moved to Moundsville in 1830 and lived there until 1861 at which time he moved to Wheeling. Some of the land he owned had been granted to him by the State of Virginia. The Mound City Bank later occupied the site of Hoge’s old home in Moundsville.”
Isaac Hoge died May 12, 1867. His wife died in April 1887. - A biography of Francis Hoge, also a Confederate Soldier, is found on the Marshall County WVGenWeb site.