Company "F" 15th Ohio Infantry
Researched & Compiled by Linda Fluharty
1850 Marshall County Census
HARRIS (1326)
John J.C....8-M...VA
Lucy Ann...3-F...VA
Harley, James...Laborer...16-M...VALeonidas Harris is named in the West Virginia First Congressional District Draft Registrations, 1863-1863, which includes Marshall County. The record states he was serving in the 15th Ohio Infantry.
At age 21, Leonidas Harris entered the service in Company "F" on Sept. 6, 1861. Wounded at the Battle of Chickamauga, Ga., Sept. 19, 1863; discharged Feb. 15, 1864, by order of War Department.” This fact is found in the records of the 15th Ohio, as well as in history books, such as "History of Belmont and Jefferson Counties, Ohio, and Incidentally Historical Collections Pertaining to Border Warfare and the Early Settlement of the Adjacent Portion of the Ohio Valley," 1880.
He died May 3, 1864 and is buried at Fairview Cemetery, Burch Ridge Road, Marshall County, presented on the Marshall County WVGenWeb site. He was the son of John and Drusilla Harris, residents of Marshall County at the time of the 1850 census. The Harris children named in 1850 were James, 19; Thomas, 17; Leonidas, 10; John J. C., 8; Franklin, 6; Lucy Ann, 3; Octavia, 1.