Company "I" 15th West Virginia Infantry

Researched & Compiled by Linda Fluharty

1860 Marshall County Census
GUNN (1766)
James Lowery...36-wm...miller...VA
Elisabeth Lowery...36-wf...VA
George H. Lowery [GUNN] laborer...PA
Alexander H. laborer...PA
Samuel M. Lowery..11-wm...PA
Eliza A. Lowery..9-wf...PA
Mary M. Lowery..6-wf...PA
Nancy J. Lowery..2-wf...PA

Service Record: At age 22, enlisted Aug. 13, 1862 at Sand Hill, Marshall County; mustered in at Wheeling on Oct. 11, 1862. “Died at Sir John’s Run (Morgan County), W.Va. June 16, 1863. Cause: Typhoid Fever.” “Mar. 3, 1888: Died in regimental hospital August 15, 1863 of typhoid fever.” Farmer “born in Washington County, Pa.”

His mother, name stated as Elizabeth Gunn Lowry, applied for a pension in 1888 and received Certificate #246716. Elizabeth Gunn was married to James Lowery/Lowry, evidently after the birth of George, and is found in the 1850 census in Washington, Pa. with sons, Alexander, 5, & Samuel, 1, and living next door to Marcus & Eliza Gunn, probably her parents. The whereabouts of George Gunn in 1850 is unknown.

In 1860, James and Elizabeth Lowery, and children, were living with Marcus and Eliza Gunn in Marshall County; George H. Gunn was with them, listed as George H. Lowery, age 20.

In her pension application, Elizabeth described about thirteen places she lived between 1863 and 1888, all in the vicinity of Marshall County, W.Va. and Washington and Greene Counties in Pa.