From the Moundsville Echo, June 4, 1909

Submitted by Joseph D. Parriott.

     JONATHAN ELMER EVANS for whom the G. A. R. post at Glen Easton is named was the first Marshall county soldier to fall in the Civil War. He was a member of Co. "D" First West Virginia infantry and was killed at Kernstown, four miles from Winchester on March 23rd 1862. General Shields commanded the Union Army while the confederates were led by Stonewall Jackson.
     On this fateful day four others met death, but Evans was the first of the five to fall. The others were:
     Edward White, killed
     Thos. Burley of Cameron, killed
     T. J. Crow, killed
     One other was also killed and *Sergeant Wm. Gray had his foot shot off. All of these were Marshall county men and theirs was the first patriot blood of Marshall's boys to stain a southern battlefield.
     While in camp at Wheeling the young soldier wrote a letter which we have had the privilege of copying and printing. It was accompanied by a photo of Evans in full uniform.
     The letter paper has printed on the top a sheet the figure of a woman roed in the U. S. flag and standing on a globe marked "North America" while beneath are the words "Onward to Victory." It is typical war time paper.

Camp Carlisle,
May 25, 1861.

Mr. Walter Evans,
     Dear Father:
     I embrace the present opportunity of writing you a few lines. We arrived in Wheeling about 5:00, and was quartered in the town.
     First day we marched over to camp and some of the young men were too old and some too young, and one backed out, and then we lacked 4 men, but against 500 we had the full and was sworn into the regulr service.
     We now have a full regiment and our colonel and lieutenant colonel, and our boys captured a cannon from the secessionists of Wheeling.
     On Wednesday night they had it in the 4th story of a house. We have it now in camp and well loaded. We have the praise of being the nicest company in camp.
     I have not time to write more at this time from your son,
               J. E. Evans.

P. S. -- We went to Moundsville on Thursday and we were every day receiving presents from the citizens of the town. Write soon as you get this for can't say how long we will stay here.

*Note: William Gray/Grey named in this story didn't die that day but his injury was worse than described. A letter he wrote, contained in his Service Record, says his leg was amputated "8 inches below the body." He was discharged on a Surgeon's Certificate of Disability "by reason of amputation of left thigh resulting from wounds received at Battle of Winchester March 23, 1862. Disability Total." - Even after losing his leg, the letter he wrote pertained to his desire to join the Invalid Army Corps so he could continue to serve. - He died Jan. 20, 1912.