Company "I" 6th West Virginia Infantry

Researched & Compiled by Linda Fluharty

1850 Marshall County Census
EVANS (323)
Sarah A...14-F...OH

Service Record: At age 20, joined for duty & enrolled at Mannington, Marion County, on Dec. 18, 1861; mustered in Dec. 31, 1862 at Mannington. “Died Jan. 21, 1865 at Gen’l Hosp. #21, Richmond, Va.; Chronic Diarrhea.” He was captured at New Creek on Nov. 28, 1864; brought from Staunton to Richmond. While he was a POW, he was transferred to Co. O of this regiment. The death record was not received at the G.A.O. until May 24, 1867.

This soldier, age 8, is found with his family in the 1850 census of Marshall County. The head of household in 1850 was Samuel Evans, age 60, the soldier’s father. Samuel’s mother was Nancy, age 35, and siblings were Sarah A., 14; Jackson, 7; Margaret, 5; and Marion, 1.

The mother was a widow when she married John McDonnel, 25, on Oct. 24, 1855 in Marshall County; her maiden name was Fulkerson. The elder Samuel Evans, 66, had been “found dead” at Pleasant Hill on June 20, 1855. Nancy McDonald applied for a Dependent Mother’s Pension, based on the soldier’s death, and received Certificate #185081. She is named in the 1883 Pensioners list, presented on the Marshall County WVGenWeb site. On one of two pension index cards, the soldier is “Samuel Evans, Jr.”