Battery "H" 1st West Virginia Light Artillery
Researched & Compiled by Linda Fluharty
1850 Marshall County Census
Sarah E...5-F...VA
Gosney, Susan...10-F...VA
Riggle, James...Laborer...22-M...VA
Conaway, James...Laborer...28-M...DE1860 Marshall County Census
John hand...VA
Sarah E...17-wf...VA
Mary J...9-wf...VA
Sarah Gosney...23-wf...VAService Record: Cards are filed under “Davison.” Farmer; age 20; born Marshall County, W.Va. Enlisted Aug. 9, 1864 at Wellsburg to serve one year; mustered in Aug 18, 1864; credited to Benwood, Marshall County. Captured at New Creek, W.Va. Nov. 28, 1864. “Died in C. S. Gen. Hosp., Feb. 15, 1865.” “Died at Richmond while a Prisoner of War on Feby 13, 1865.” Casualty Report & POW Record state death from Chronic Diarrhea on Feb 10, 1865.
Martin was the son John Davidson and Margaret McCreary, married in Marshall County in 1839. This family was the subject of extensive research for this writer’s book, Up The Run, A History of Boggs Run, Marshall County, West Virginia. The Davidson farm and vast property on Benwood Hill extended to Boggs Run. Mr. John Davidson died in 1853, leaving wife, Margaret, and children, John Thomas, Martin, Sarah Elizabeth, and Mary Jane. The property was partitioned by the heirs May 16, 1874, and because Martin had died, the siblings were to share his part of the estate.