Company "K" 15th West Virginia Infantry

Researched & Compiled by Linda Fluharty

1850 Marshall County Census
CARVER (374)
Barbara E...2-F...VA
Sarah C...1mo.-F...VA

Service Record: Born at Morgantown, he was 44 when he joined for duty & enrolled at Claysville, Va. on Feb. 18, 1864; mustered in Mar. 7, 1864 at Wheeling. Credited to Parkersburg, Wood County. “Missing in action at Snicker’s Ferry, Va. July 18, 1864; Captured at Battle of Snicker’s Ferry July 18, 1864; Lost in action July 18, 1864; Wounded in leg severely in action, July 18, 1864.”

His death date was not stated in the Service Record, but the widow’s pension, applied for in February 1865, commenced from July 29, 1864 (Certificate #129831), an indication that the Commissioner of Pensions believed that he died around that time.

Stephen “Carver” and Sophia Roberts were married in Marshall County on Sept. 30, 1841, and they are found in the 1850 census of Marshall County as “Carver.” Their children in 1850 were Barbara E., 2; Sarah C., 1 month. - Daughter, Barbara Carfer, born in 1848, died in Wood County in 1855.

According to The History of Wood County West Virginia, 1980, in 1854, Stephen and Sophia bought 500 acres on Tygart Creek, Wood County. They are found in the 1860 census of Wood County. The children of Stephen and Sophia at the time of his death were Sarah C., Sophronia E., William H., John M., Martha A., and Stephen Mc.