Corporal, Company "L" 6th West Virginia Infantry

Researched & Compiled by Linda Fluharty


NOTE: There are well over 125 Family Tree files on Ancestry for this man.... At a glance, I don't see any that have his parents stated correctly. A few show his wife, Elizabeth Davidson, but not the date and place of the marriage. I bought the widow's and mother's pension files, which will, hopefully, set the record straight. -- Linda Fluharty

1850 Marshall County Census
BURGE (333) Elijah...$30...Farmer...63-M...PA
James R. Polk (Burge)..3-M...VA

1860 Marshall County Census
BURGE (887)
Andrew laborer...VA
Jas. K. P...13-wm...VA

At age 9, Andrew Burge lived in the home of his grandparents, Elijah and Elizabeth (Goddard) Burge. His mother, Elizabeth Burge, age stated as 23, was also in the home with a younger child, James R. Polk Burge. - Supposedly, the elder Elizabeth Burge died in 1850.

Andrew, 18, was living with his mother, Elizabeth Burge, at the time of the 1860 census. He then married Elizabeth Davidson in Greene County, Pennsylvania on July 6, 1864; no children. She received a pension, Certificate #205221. Mother, Elizabeth, applied for a pension on Feb. 12, 1894; no certificate. He is buried in the Carmichael Section of New Bethel Cemetery, Marshall County.

Service Record: At age 20 (age varies), joined for duty & enrolled on Oct 1, 1861 at Cameron; mustered in Oct. 14, 1861. Re-enlisted as a Vet. Vol. Dec 25, 1863. “Born in Marshall County.” “Died at home in Marshall Co., W.Va. Sept. 28, 1864 by reason of Feber intruitis.” (Enteric Fever=Typhoid Fever). He was sick at times, and was AWOL at one point. He was court-martialed; sentence was forfeit of 15 days’ pay. He continued to serve, re-enlisted, and then became ill and was home on furlough. Corporal.

The government burial card misstates his death date as 1875 but there was only one Andrew Burge in this company & regiment and he died in 1864, which is confirmed in his widow's & mother's pension file.

The late Joel M. Robinson claimed his Class III Service Medal from the W.Va. State Archives in 2000. (Class III = “Died of Illness or Wounds.”)