Co."B" 7th W.Va. Infantry; Co. "C" U.S. Artillery; Co. "K" 6th W.Va. Infantry

Researched & Compiled by Linda Fluharty

1860 Marshall County Census
BRUHN (993)
Dorothea...25-wf...Prussia laborer...Prussia
Mary...63-wf...Prussia laborer...Prussia

Service Record: He enlisted as Fredrick John Bruhn on Aug. 7, 1861 at Cameron to serve in B 7 W.Va. Inf. He was honorably discharged on Oct. 21, 1862 so he could enlist in Battery C 4th U.S. Artillery.

He enlisted on Oct. 22, 1862 in Battery C 4th U.S. Artillery, and was discharged Aug. 7, 1864.

At the very end of the war, at age 20, he volunteered to serve as a substitute for William Eugene List in Co. K 6 W.Va. Inf. (Credited to Wood County.) He joined for duty, enrolled & mustered in at Wheeling on Feb. 11, 1865. His name was inadvertently spelled as BROHAN in his record.

“Accidentally killed at Glen Easton, W.Va. while trying to get on train of cars May 24, 1865. He having left said cars in disobedience of orders.” “Run over by railroad cars.” “Born in Germany.” Captain Hathaway wrote: “Said Brohan’s proper name is BRUHN. He was through some mistake on the part of the enrolling officer, called BROHAN, which is the name by which he has been born on the rolls and returns of the company.”

After his death, the correct spelling was provided by his father, John Bruhn, who received his personal effects. – Frederick Bruhn, 16, is found in the 1860 census of Marshall County with John Bruhn, 33; Dorothea Bruhn, 25; John Bruhn, 66; Mary Bruhn, 63.

The soldier is buried at Bruhn Cemetery, Marshall County. A stone was ordered for his grave in 1927, and reflects his service in C 4th U. S. Artillery, where he served for nearly two years.