Company "H" 11th West Virginia Infantry

Researched & Compiled by Linda Fluharty

1850 Marshall County Census
BLAKE (285)
Reeder, Johanna...16-F...VA

BLAKE (927)
George W...57-wm...farmer...VA
Sarah A...40-wf...VA hand...VA

Service Record: Joined for duty, enrolled & mustered in at Littleton, Wetzel County, on Nov. 14, 1861. “Died Feb. 1, 1863 at home of Dropsy.” Casualty Sheet states home as “Pleasant Ridge, Va.”

W.Va. Adj. Gen. record: “Age 45… Farmer born in Baltimore, Md. Died Feb. 1, 1863 in Marshall Co., W.Va.”

George Blake greatly understated his age in order to serve.

A farmer in Valley Run (between Pleasant and Greenfield Ridges) in Meade District, Marshall County, his first wife was Rachel with whom he had John B., Sarah, Jane, Eliza, Elizabeth, & Lavina. Next, he married Mary Reader (widow of Michael Reader) and had one child, George Washington Blake. No children with third wife, Sarah Patterson.

In widow’s pension application, Sarah stated her husband died in Marshall County of Lung Fever. She named his parents as Issac & Jane Blake. She received Pension Certificate #139883.

His Class III service medal was claimed from the W.Va. State Archives in 1998 by the late Joel Mitchell Robinson, his gr-gr-gr-grandson, who said the soldier was born about 1796. That age is supported by pension papers, will, and census records.