Company "I", 77th Ohio Infantry

Researched & Compiled by Linda Fluharty

At age 40, mustered in as a Private Nov. 6, 1861 and died Dec. 14, 1863 at Little Rock, Arkansas. “Capt. of Company certifies that the disability of the soldier originated while in the discharge of his duty. About two years after his muster he was taken with diarrhea that became chronic and caused his death Dec. 14, 1863.”

Perry Biddle was buried at Little Rock National Cemetery. A monument is also found at New Matamoras Cemetery, Washington County, Ohio.

Perry was the son of Lloyd Biddle (1791-1876) and Frances Wykert (1795-1881), residents of (now) Marshall County at the time of the 1820, 1830, and 1840 censuses, and before. Lloyd was a son of Spencer and Sarah (Pearce) Biddle early settlers in the area that became Marshall County. Spencer bought 800 acres on Big Grave Creek on Dec. 29, 1799 and moved his family there from Maryland.

It is likely that the soldier, Perry Biddle, born in 1820, was born in Marshall County, but, in any case, he certainly lived there. In addition to the census records, his father is also in the Marshall County Tax Records in 1836 and 1840.

Perry married Mariah Wellis (Willis in her pension file) on Aug. 14, 1840 in Marshall County. By 1850, Lloyd Biddle had moved to Wood County, and Perry and his family lived across the river in Washington County, Ohio. In 1850, Perry and “Maria” Biddle were the parents of Amanda L., Lloyd D., John Q., and Margaret F. By 1860, they had three more daughters, Josephine, Ellazene and Grace.

Following her husband’s death, Maria Biddle received a government pension, Certificate #28943, until her death on April 28, 1904. Two sons, John Quincy Biddle and Lloyd Adelbert Biddle, also served in the 77th Ohio Infantry during the war.