Researched & Compiled by Linda Fluharty
1850 Marshall County Census
BAIRD (714)
John M....$1000...Farmer...45-M...VA
Elizabeth...48-F...VA (1860 says PA)
Margaret J...20-F...VA
John T...15-M...VA
Mary Anne...11-F...VA
Salena A...9-F...VA
Emmeline E...6-F...VA1860 Marshall County Census
BAIRD (2264)
John M...55-wm...farmer...VA
Salena A...18-wf...VA
Emiline E...15-wf...VA
Margaret Byerly...31-wf...VAService Record: At age 27, joined for duty & enrolled at Moundsville, Sept. 2, 1861; mustered in at Parkersburg Nov. 5, 1861. “Killed at the Battle of Antietam, Sept. 17, 1862.” “Farmer. Born Marshall, Va.” He was the son of John M. Baird and Elizabeth Daugherty, found in both the 1850 & 1860 census records of Marshall County. In 1850, his siblings were Margaret, Elizabeth, Joseph, Mary Anne, Salena and Emmeline. John and his parents are buried at Allen Grove Cemetery, Sherrard.