Company "I" 61st Penna. Infantry

Researched & Compiled by Linda Fluharty

1860 Marshall County Census
ANTILL (1331)
Jacob...22-wm...farm laborer...PA
George L...19-wm...day laborer...PA

Jacob Antill was drafted and mustered in on July 16, 1863 at New Brighton, Pa. and U.S., Registers of Deaths of Volunteers, 1861-1865 and the Adj. Gen., USA, state that Jacob Antill, Private, 61 Pennsylvania Inf. was “Killed in Battle on May 5/6, 1864 at Wilderness, Va.”

He was probably born in Greene County, Pa. and is found there with his parents, John and Isabelle (Chenoweth) Antill, at the time of the 1850 census. Jacob, age 12, might have had a twin, David, who was also 12 in 1850. Other siblings in 1850 were Harvy, 20; Ison, 18; Asbury, 15; and George, 9. (There were additional siblings who were no longer in the home.) The father died on Apr. 23, 1855.

At the time of the 1860 census, Jacob Antill, 22, lived in Cameron, Marshall County, with his widowed mother, 57, and his younger brother, George, 19. When Isabelle Antill applied for a Dependent Mother’s pension, she was a resident of Greene County and her Post Office was Cameron, W.Va. An affidavit in her pension file states that when they lived in “Virginia,” it was “on the farm of Zachariah White,” following the death of her husband in 1855. Zachariah White’s farm was in Marshall County.

Before the war, the soldier leased land in Greene County, cleared it, and built a log cabin, near Cameron, and she was still residing there.

Older brother, Ison Antill, died at Andersonville prison, Georgia, while serving in Company “C” of the 61st Pa. Infantry. Ison was married and it is unlikely that he lived in Marshall County on the Zachariah White farm.