Company "E" 9th West Virginia Infantry

Researched & Compiled by Linda Fluharty

1850 Marshall County Census
ADAMS (45/47 - Moundsville)
Hester A...28-F...OH
Robert H...6-M...VA
Martin L...1-M...OH

1860 Mason County, WV Census
Levi Adams, 43, farmer, b Va.
Hester A Adams, 39, b Ohio
Robert H Adams, 16, b Va.
E H Adams (female), 13, b Va.
Martin L Adams, 11, b Ohio
William M Adams, 3, b Va.
Ida May Adams, 1, b Va.

Service Record: Joined for duty & enrolled Jan. 5, 1862 at Mason City, Mason County, W. Va.; mustered in at Mason City on Feb. 28, 1862. The company was Capt. Phelps’ Co., 9th Regiment Foot Volunteers. Re-enlisted and re-mustered as a Vet. Vol. on Jan. 5, 1864 at Fayetteville, W. Va. Wounded and taken prisoner at Cloyd Mountain on May 9, 1864. His death occurred, date unknown, while a P.O.W. at Camp Lawton, Millen, Georgia. Casualty sheet states year of death as 1864. He was buried there in Grave #294, according to the 1865 W.Va. Adj. General’s Report. However, a dispute with the owner of the cemetery property caused the graves to be moved in 1868 to Beaufort (S.C.) National Cemetery; Robert’s grave is #2034.

Born in Mason County, W.Va. about 1844, Robert was the son of Levi Adams and Hester Ann Rogers, married in Washington County, Ohio in 1843. The family was residing at Moundsville, Marshall County, at the time of the 1850 census, at which time Robert, 6, had two younger siblings, Henrietta, 4, and Martin L., 1. Children born after 1850 were William, Ida May and Lilly S.

The father, Levi, died in 1865, and his widow received a government pension, Certificate #197.607, based on her son Robert’s death.