By C. B. Allman
Moundsville Journal - Thursday, May 30, 1935
Submitted by Naomi Lowe Hupp.
Bursting shot and shell of America's Civil conflict ceased 70 years ago, and 13 Civil war veterans still survive in Marshall county. The oldest of this fateful number is Hon. S. R. Hanen, 95, who as a lieutenant was commander of the military court before whom Mrs. Surratt and other principals in the assassination of President Lincoln were tried.
U. T. Alley
A. B. Barnett
B. F. Kriss
George Howard
Alexander McCracken
J. T. McCombs
Eli Huggins
U. S. Harris
Abraham Dennis
Note: Error. Abraham Dennis served in Company A, 4th W. Va. Cavalry. His father was John Dennis of Wheeling. A soldier of that name served in Company A of the 1st W. Va. Infantry and died June 9, 1862 at the Battle of Port Republic.
Sigfried Fritz
Timothy Stiwell (Stilwell)
Samuel Morris
Note: Samuel Morris served in Company "P" 6th W. Va. Infantry.