3 West Virginia Civil War Soldiers

Andrew Matthews #1
Companies "G" & "D" 7th Regiment, W. Va. Infantry

Submitted by Susie Koehrsen.

Andrew Matthews (Family Bible lists his middle name as Jackson.)
Born: abt 1843 Monroe County, OH
Died: 26 Jul 1919 Moundsville, Marshall County, WV
Married: Martha Tucker 1866 in Tyler County, WV. She died in 1874.
Clemia Icephine Ferrebee* 26 Jan 1882 Doddridge County, WV
Born: 04 Dec 1857 Hampshire County, VA (WV)
Died: 01 Jun 1925 Moundsville, Marshall County, WV
Joseph A. Matthews
Elias N. Matthews
Ida Rozena Matthews Winland
Cora Ann Matthews Pitts
James W. Matthews
Lloyd A. Matthews
John B. Matthews

* Real name unknown. Various spellings include Selena, Selima, Ccelmia, Celema, and Clemia. The LDS Site has her as Celema Licitta Icephine. Also, her last name is spelled Fairabee, Feribee, Ferrebee, and Furbee. But ... the Family Bible states that although she went by the name of Ferrebee, her real father was Dotson.

Declaration For Widow's Pension
State of West Virginia, County of Marshall.

On this 12th day of December 1919, personally appeared before me, a Notary Public, within and for the County and State aforesaid, Ccllemia Isaphine Matthews, who being duly sworn by me according to law, declares that she is 62 years of age and that she was born December 4th, 1857, near Reedsville, Hampshire County, West Virginia.

That she is the widow of Andrew Matthews, who enlisted sometime in 1862 at Sistersville, West Virginia, under the name of Andrew Matthews, as a Private, in Cos. G & D, 7th Regiment, West Virginia Infantry. (Pension Certificate No. 161,788) and was honorably discharged in 1864 sometime, having served ninety days or more during the CIVIL WAR .

That otherwise than as herein stated said soldier was not employed in the United States service.

That she was married to said soldier January 26, 1882, under the name of Ccellemia Isaphine Feribee, at Doddridge County, West Virginia by Rev. George Lancaster; that she had not been previously married; that he has been previously married to Martha Tucker about 1866, who died in Tyler County, West Virginia, about 1874, (Records of marriage and death are not available.) and that neither she nor said soldier was ever married otherwise than as stated above.

That said soldier died July 26, 1919, at Moundsville, West Virginia, that she was not divorced from him, and that she has not remarried since his death.

That the following are the ONLY children of the soldier who are NOW living and under sixteen years of age. NONE.

That she has not heretofore applied for pension; that said soldier was a pensioner, the number of his pension certificate being 161,788 - reissue dated Dec. 24, 1914.

That she makes this declaration for the purpose of being placed on the pension roll of the United States under the provisions of the ACT OF APRIL 19, 1908, as amended by the ACT OF SEPTEMBER 8, 1916.

Signature of first witness: Luther W. Winland, 1109 5th Street, Moundsville, WVA

Signature of second witness: James Tucker, Highland Avenue, Moundsville, WVA

Claimant’s signature: X her mark - Witness to mark: James F. Shipman
Cellemia Isaphine Matthews, 1309 North Street, Moundsville, WVA

SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN before me the 12th day of December, 1919, and I hereby certify that the contents of the above declaration were fully made known, and explained to the applicant before swearing, including the words written there on, and that I have no interest, direct or indirect, in the prosecution of this claim.

James F. Shipman, Notary Public of, in, and for Marshall County, WVA

Bureau Of Pensions
Washington, D.C.
January 2, 1915

Sir: Please answer, at your earliest convenience, the questions enumerated below. The information is requested for future use, and it may be of great value to your widow or children. Use the inclosed (sic) envelope, which requires no stamp.

Very respectfully,
(Signature unreadable)

161,788 ACT MAY

No. 1. Date and place of birth? Answer: born in Monroe County Ohio April 21st 1848
The name of organizations in which you served? Answer: Companys G and D. 7th Regiment West Virginia Volunteer Infantry.

No. 2. What was your post office at enlistment? Answer: Laings P.O. Monroe County Ohio

No. 3. State your wife’s full name and her maiden name. Answer: Salema J. Mathews, Salema J. Faribee

No. 4. When, where, and by whom were you married? Answer: married in Doddridge by the Rev. Lancaster, date unknown

No. 5. Is there any official or church record of your marriage? If so, where? Recorded in the Clerk Office of the County Court of Doddridge County West Virginia

No.6. Were you previously married? If so, state the name of your former wife, the date of the marriage, and the date and place of her death or divorce. Answer: Yes. Martha Mathews. Martha Tucker. died 15th day of January 1875

No. 7. If your present wife was married before her marriage to you, state the name of her former husband, etc. Answer: my 2nd wife had never been previously married

No. 8. Are you now living with your wife, or has there been a separation? Answer: I am not living with my present, we have been separated for near seven years.

No. 9. State the names and dates of birth of all your children, living and dead. Answer: I can not give the dates of the births and deaths of my family for the reason that my family record has been destroyed and I have no learning and can not at this late day recolect (sic) any of them.

Date: June 29th 1915 Signature: Andrew Mathews X his mark
Witness: J.C. Shay

Andrew Matthews #2

Andrew D. Mathews, Company "G", 17th Regiment W.Va. Infantry Volunteers. Resident or enrolled at Wheeling, W.Va.; age 21; mustered in 20 Feb 1865 at Wheeling; mustered out 30 Jun 1865. Farmer, born Washington Co., Ohio, 1845. Married Rachel M. Miller 25 Oct 1865, Marshall County, W.Va. Died 1928 and is buried at Mt. Rose Cemetery, Marshall County, W.Va.

Class I medal owned by Dale Berisford, great-grandson.

Andrew Matthews #3

Andrew J. Mathews - resident or enrolled at Cameron, W.Va.; 18; mustered in 16 Aug 1862 at Wheeling, W.Va. Farmer born Marshall County, W.Va. Promoted to Corporal 05 Feb 1865. In hospital at Fortress Monroe, Va., from wounds received 02 Apr 1865l discharged at Fortress Monroe, Va., 16 Jun 1865, by order from War Dept dated 03 May 1865. More Information.