• Born in Akron, Ohio
  • Graduated from Moundsville High School, 1961
  • Enlisted in the Army 1962; served as engineer missile equipment specialist.
  • One year of army duty spent in Thule, Greenland.
  • Honorably discharged February 5, 1968.
  • (Feb 2001) - Gary has been a member of Blake Brothers Post #46 for 17 years and a member of the Legion Honor Guard for 10 years. He has served in the capacity of Americanism Officer, Education and Scholarship Chairman, Second Vice Commander (two years) and Commander (three years). He has also served the district as Chairman for Energy Conservation, Citizens Flag Alliance, District Vice Commander and District Commander. He is currently First District Adjutant and serves on the Board of Directors of Mountaineer Boys State. At the July, 2001 convention, he will become the Vice Commander of the Department of West Virginia. Additionally, he is a PUFL (Paid Up For Life) member.

    Gary has been employed at Consolidated Coal for 35 years. He is a member of the UMWA, Knights of Pythias, PTA and is an Honorary member of the McMechen Women's Club. He and his wife, Beth (Polsinelli), live in McMechen and attend the First Church of God. They have five children and nine grandchildren.

    Web page by Linda Cunningham Fluharty.
